Chapter 35 : Drunk speech ft. Luke !

Third person point of view

" What ? " Ken nodded. " It is true. More than saying I know him, we basically grew up together. I know him better than anyone else. I know what he is like. He might be a jerk sometimes, but not a bad one for sure ". Ken and Leo chuckled at it. Leo felt bad for acting that way. He shouldn't have believed them. He in fact promised to help Luke, but he still believed them and fought with Luke. But he knew all too well, that it was not just about that promise anymore, but about his heart. So he reacted that way.

He ran a hand through his hair. Only if he heard to what Luke had to say, it wouldn't have come to this. " I shouldn't have done it ". Ken chuckled. " Now you realize it. I need to tell you something though. Since I said I know him, I will also tell you how he was before. He was not like this from the start. You should have seen him during school. He was full of energy, jumping around all the time ".

Ken smiled looking at Luke. " He always had this nice smile on his face. It only added to his handsome features. Don't tell him I called him handsome ". Leo nodded chuckling. " But then, he changed as he grew up though. He knew he has to take over after his father. So the smile was gradually lost. He was not into any serious relationships during high school too. He used to have a tight schedule. He had to do well at school and then learn the things his parents wanted him to. I don't think I saw that smile again..... until recently ". Ken looked at Leo.

" You know when I saw that smile on his face again ? " Leo looked up with a puzzled expression. " After he met you ". Leo was surprised. " Really ? " Ken nodded. " You were the one who made him smile again. Now you are the one who made him feel sorrow as well. Looks like you are very important to him ". Leo was looking at Ken. " I have always been by his side and saw that real smile again. The kind of smile that comes from the heart and reaches your eyes. I was so happy for him that he found someone who can bring back that smile. But now looking at this, it looks like you are not just someone. You are the one for him ".

Leo lowered his eyes feeling bad. " If you still don't want to believe me. Look at this ". Ken found evidences that Kayla was the one behind all this. He showed all of them to Leo. " I am sorry ". Leo said after seeing all these. He couldn't help but feel guilty. Ken laughed. " I don't need it. Keep it for him. Also I just don't want you guys to break up. I have been shipping you guys for a long time. I am a senior in that club. Just forgive him. I don't want to keep carrying him every day. Damn, he is heavy ".

Leo laughed at Ken's words. Ken laughed too. He took a deep breath and his tone turned a bit serious again. " You know what the glitch is in this whole thing ? " Leo looked at Ken. " The fact the you didn't trust him enough. He would've never agreed to marry you if he really had someone else. He never ever lies to nor betrays someone he values. Especially not you. So, try trusting him wholly. I can guarantee, you will definitely not be disappointed ".

Ken winked and Leo nodded understanding and gave a smile. " I will make sure to never fight again. And I guess I will never lose my trust in him again ". " That's super good to hear. My purpose of this visit is over. So I will take my leave ". Ken clapped his hands and got up to leave the house.

Leo walked him to the door. When Ken left, he closed the door and walked back. Leo observed the guy who was asleep on the couch for a while. He got up and went to wake him up. " Luke, wake up ". He tried pulling him up and Luke sat up. His eyes were half closed and he pulled Leo down to sit beside him. He stood up and got on the coffee table. " Luke, what are you doing ? " " SHHHH! Silence ". He cleared his throat.

" Ladies and gentlemen, I am Luke. Nice to meet you all. I have something to share with all of you. I got married to someone, not too long ago. His name is Leo. Our first meet was not so good, but then as I got to know him, it felt good. I was against it at first but then, he made me realize I made the right decision. His cooking is the most delicious I've ever had. He is a cute lil' meow meow. He really is cute, my little wifey. He is quite good looking too. I wanted to take veeeerrrrry good care of him. But I failed. Something happened that made him lose his trust in me. I felt bad that I fought with him. I feel sorry. I didn't want to hurt him, but I did it in the end. I want to reconcile with him and solve it as soon as possible. It feels so cold in there without him ".

Luke pouted and put a hand to where his heart is. " I will try to be my best when I am with him and give my alllllll to him. I am willing to do aNyThInG for him. So that is my story. Thank you for your valuable time ". Leo's heart clenched hearing all that. He could see how much Luke was blaming himself. Seeing him hurt was hurting him too. Luke got down from the table, stumbling and sat back on the couch again. He noticed Leo who was sitting beside him. He narrowed his half closed eyes and was looking at him. " Leo, is it you ? " Luke was surprised and Leo chuckled at how cute Luke was when he was drunk.

" Yes. Why ? " " I am sorry that I fought with you. The photos are not true. They are all fake. I don't have anyone in my life except you. Please believe me. I am really sorry ". Leo felt bad and he held Luke's face in his hands. " No. I am the one who should apologize. I didn't even listen to you and got mad at you. I am sorry ". Luke smiled at Leo. Leo removed his hands and smiled as well. Luke put his hand on Leo's cheek and rubbed circles. " It was Kayla who did those ".

" I know. Don't worry anymore. I forgive you ". Luke hugged Leo. He put his face on his shoulder. " I know you will. My sweet little meow meow ". Leo wondered what was this fetish Luke had for giving him these nicknames ? He hugged him back anyway. Luke looked up and pulled away. He cupped Leo's face and moved closer, while Leo just stared. Luke slowly closed his eyes and let go of Leo's face. He fell on Leo's shoulder once again.

Leo chuckled and then took Luke to the bedroom. Luke was drowsy as he was drunk and also it was late. Leo put Luke carefully on the bed. But Luke pulled Leo along with him on to the bed. Luke put his hand around Leo and fell asleep. Leo was a little startled at the pull, but then he saw Luke's peaceful expression and smiled. He put his hand around Luke as well and moved a little closer. He closed his eyes and fell asleep happily.