This chapter was written to make you guys understand the life of the male lead.

Wu Biao Qing is a hotelier who owns one of the most prominent hotel chains in Asia,America, Africa and recently Europe. He is not your usual business man, he is not frosty and is not as handsome as a god but he is devilishly handsome,always smiles(obviously fake) and bears some scars on his body from knives,guns,etc.The most noticeable scar is the knife scar on his left eye.

He has two brothers and one sister.his biological brother's name is Zhang Wei and his step brother's name is Gao Jing Feng.His sister's name is Zhang Li.Wu biao Wing changed his surname from Zhang to Wu when he was 18 years because he hated his father and couldn't bear to share the same name with him.He was disowned when he turned 18 also because he disliked and disrespected his so called father.

When he was 6years and Zhang Wei was 4years,his mum died while giving birth to his sister Zhang li.The next day his dad married his nanny Gao wan who was his dad's mistress. She already had Gao Jing Feng who was 5years old at that time.His step mum wasn't bad to him and he accepted his step brother like his own brother.but he hated his father because he treated women like toys and always blackmailed them to get what he wanted.

Gap Jing Feng was also known as tho puppet master.He was icy cold,never smiledand he was an engineer who owned the biggest engineering corporation in Asia and one of the biggest in the world.Zhang Wei was also known as doctor death.He was a certified Doctor( studied cardiology). He new 1000 ways to make a heart stop beating.Zhang li was a hard core assassin.she was a lethal beauty with the nickname black angel.She was very skillful with the knife and gun .Together they formed the biggest and most ruthless underground gang in Asia 'the king cobra'.