Wang fang alighted from her car and walked solemnly towards her mum's tombstone.She held a bouquet of roses in her hands.On reaching her mum's tombstone, she sighed sadly and dropped the bouquet of roses on the tombstone.She then removed her shoes and sat on the ground.She started talking to the tombstone as if it were her mum.She told her mum about how she is now a successful model.When she was done,she brought out a shiny locket from her pocket and held it dearly to her chest,she said softly;i miss you.


After that day,Wang Fang had come back everyday to see the mysterious boy but she never saw him again.She even started calling him her hero.


She put the locket back into her pocket,left the graveyard and got into her car.

*‡she was driving towards the Wang villa.*‡

A man dressed in all black who was standing among the bushes smiled to himself and picked up his phone to call his boss AKA Lucifer.

Wu Biao Qing was having a meeting with his higher ups when his phone rang loudly,interrupting the meeting.Seeing that the person who was calling was Agent Zhong,he gave a sign to hold the meeting.

Agent Zhong:hello boss I've found the girl.

Lucifer: (smirking) hmmmmm get me everything you know about her.

Agent Zhong:yes boss I'm on it already.

Lucifer hangs up any gave a sign to continue the meeting.

All the higher ups were pitying the supposed poor girl that Agent Zhong was sent to investigate. HA!!