Wang Fang drove towards the Wang villa to check on her grandfather's health.When she got there,the Wang security did not want to let her in because they had no idea that Wang Wei had a daughter.All they were told about was a son.Wang Wei kept calm and called her father,he was not around but he alerted the security to let her in.

Wang Xiu Ying was watching everything from the window,she quickly told the kitchen staff to make several dishes for Wang Fang.Immediately Wang Fang entered the house,She quickly went to her grandfather's room

Grandpa how is your health?I heard that you missed your Fangfang.asked Wang Fang

There is nothing wrong with my health I just wanted you to come back to China so you could find a suitable husband here.said Wang Mingyu

Wang Fang wanted to faint.Grandpa i was already planning on coming to China.Wang Fang said.

Wang Mingyu chuckled innocently and said I thought you were waiting for me to die first.

ahhhhh don't say that you will live for a thousand years grandpa.Wang Fang said.

Enough of the flattering let's go eat.Wang Mingyu said.

Wang Fang was feeling reluctant to eat in the Wang Villa but she agreed.

Wang Xiu Ying has already set the table and kept on trying to get Wang Fang to eat but the later refused feeling suspicious.

oppa Wang Fang doesn't want to eat and these are all her favorite dishes Wang Xiu Ying said to grandpa.

Fangfang why don't you eat even if it is a bowl of soup.Grandpa said

ok granpa said Wang Fang.

Wang Xiu Ying quickly went to the kitchen to get some dumpling soup she then put some aphrodisiac in it and stirred it.

she served it to Wang Fang who drank every drop of it.Wang Xiu Ying then started matchmaking Wang Fang and some old geezer named mr GU.Wang Fang was feeling queasy so she smiled,said goodbye and left.