Where’s my cash?

I'm not very great at hiding my emotion, so I cover up my face with a sleeve as if I'm going to sneeze.

And, now that I think of it, isn't that a great way to delay her?

*inhaling air*

I'm pretending to sneeze, or rather, be on the verge of sneezing.

Everyone slowly but surely started to talk to each other, and the princess was getting more and more desperate to leave the room.

With all the noice around, nobody can hear what I or the princess say, hence why she showed her true nature.

"What do you want?!" She almost shouted, but put her tone down so that the others don't hear her.

I think she saw through my attempt to hold her back, which was, let's be honest, predictable. But that doesn't change my plan, just because she knows what I'm doing doesn't mean she can leave, otherwise the 20 people could go and complain to the king, and tell him that his dear daughter tried to run away from us.

"How are we supposed to survive in this unknown world without money?! Just because you called us heroes doesn't mean that we can just miraculously earn money and get strong!" I scream the whole thing, so as to get some attention to what she's actually done.

"Yeah!" Somebody kicked in.

"That's right!" Even the way those guys talk sounds so generic, but if gets the job done.

Now that everyone is fired up, my line is coming.

"Are we just disposable material to you?! Do you not care about what happens to us?" I say, with an overly dramatic tone.

She wanted to give me a death stare type thing, but what she didn't expect to see is me, snickering at her.

Her face went all shades of red and she started quivering in an attempt to suppress her anger - now is the perfect time.


Slowly, without getting attention from my «fellow students» I walk over to the raging princess. Hand in pockets, to give the impression of complete relaxation.

"So how about this," I start talking to her, ignore the hatred directed at me.

"Let's make a deal." She seems more annoyed than mad, I wonder why that is? Could she have expected me to do this? If so, I seem to have underestimated her brains.

"You bastard, what do you want?" Straight to the point, huh?

"I'm gonna be real with you, you don't really expect all of to survive, do you?" And after I said that, she didn't even try to deny it. I suppose her top priority is to leave here as soon as possible.

Also, by the looks of things, she isn't allowed to hurt us, because if she wanted to, she could easily turn the whole place into rubble using a sing spell. How do I know? Because that's always the case in isekai.

"I don't want much, just give me slave, who will be at least at level 20." I said, and before she calls it a deal, I need one more thing.

"Oh, and also, some cash." I hope that's a term they understand here.

"Why would I give you a slave and money, I don't get anything out of this deal." She was really irritated, just as I expected.

"I think you will be really happy with this deal." I start saying random nonsense to distract her, as I pull out a screwdriver out of my pocket.

I had a wall mounted TV in my house, and it was held on by screws, it was pure luck that after I tied the loose screws up, I was too lazy to put it away. If I didn't have one, I'd have to put up a cheap play in front of the class to agitate them and have them attack the princess instead of me.


As I kept bombarding her with more nonsense, I finally managed to get my hand behind her neck. I tapped the sharp metal tip of the screwdriver on her skin, so she would realize what I'm doing.

"W-what?" She says, a lot quieter and the anger in her tone is now replaced with fear.

"So, your highness, could I please make a request?" She doesn't respond at first, so I slightly push the cold surface of the screwdriver into the skin.

The point is to make her think that I have a knife.

"Would you like me to repeat again?" I say as I make an innocent face, after seeing which she only got more creeped.

Do I really look that bad? I'm gonna be honest, I'm a bit disappointed.

"Y.. yes." She says.

"Excuse me, could you repeat that again? I didn't seem to hear what you said." I say with a sly smile.

"O-of cource! I will get your order to you this very minute!" she said in enthusiastic tone. I guess she really is great at pretending to be nice.

With her, I left the hall of 19 people sitting there flustered.