Playing with power.

"One more question before you kill me, please." There is one more key thing I need to know if I want to fight back.

"Fine, fine. What do you want to know?" The demon allowed me to ask once more. He's a nice guy, that's for sure.

If not for that Albert guy, we could have even been teammates. By the looks of things, Albert was the one who gave the demon boss [White Spawn] and forced him to use it to create the floor's walls.

Some floors were fully made of this material, like the one from floor four and this one. That's why I couldn't break it.

This boss also wasn't allowed to use the spell however he wanted to, probably because Albert didn't want him abusing the power to destroy the person who made it this far through such a difficult dungeon.

Once I get out, I'll figure out who Albert is in my free time, but for now, I've got an ability to test out.

"How do you use the ability? Like, do you have to do something for it to activate, or what?" I need to do this first try since this is my only chance.

"Do you hope to remember this in your next life or something? Oh well, I'll tell you. Next to my mana bar, it also shows my supply of white spawn. Albert gave me 100,000 points of white spawn, so I can do a whole lot with it. As far as using it, you'll just know how it works as soon as you try, just like any other skill." he laid out everything clear and straight. It didn't seem like any of what he sad was a lie either.

"You should feel honored to be my first test subject." I smirked.

"Huh? What do you mea-"

[White Spawn]

Just like the demon said, I was able to control it right away. It was a pure white liquid with a faint glow to it, and as soon as I thought of a barrier around me, it formed a sphere that easily overpowered the demon's shattering the cage he trapped me in.

"So I wasn't the only one Albert gave the ability to. Haha, I shouldn't have answered you." I head a sour smile on his face, but also a bit of excitement, probably in expectation of a good fight.

He motioned his arms and waved them in the air, each swing followed by a wave of the red hot liquid to crash against me.

Without moving, I blocked every attack with a barrier of my own. I was able to change the consistency of the liquid to make it solid, and I could also change the color, texture, and freely manipulate its shape.

The demon gathered some [White Spawn] into hundreds of spheres and shot them at me with immense speed. For each one of his "bullets", I created a drill-like shape, and, adding some spin to it, sent them through his spheres, shattering them.

"Such a level of control. You're good, but don't think that just because Albert put hundreds of restrictions on me I'll lose to a newbie like yourself." He gathered up all of the shattered bullets once more, also taking half of the environment, which was also made of white spawn, with them.

He spread his hands wide, and, with lightning-fast speed, started twitching his fingers and palms. The red-hot mass above changed to a neon blue color and formed a net.

"Let's see what you'll do against that. Haaah!!" The net was sent flying at me.

I created a barrier to stop the net, but it pierced right through it. I see, so he made each individual string spin incredibly fast to break through my barrier. Not bad, not bad.

"I'll do just fine." With a bit of focus, I created an identical net.

The two forces clashed, and nothing seemed to be happening, and, just as the two nets were about to break each other, the four corners of my one expanded and the net balled up. I covered the gaps with a new barrier around it.

"How are you controlling it so well? Fine then, watch this!" A voice filled with anger, he went down to his knees and pressed his hands against the ground.

The entire room turned into white liquid and compressed into a giant cube above us. I created a platform beneath each of my feet so that I could stand in the air. Then, he jumped out and swung his hands down, and the mass of [White Spawn] collapsed down on me.

"If I can't beat you in control, I'll simply beat you with mass." His veins were bulging and he was breathing heavily, each breath making him shake with exhaustion.

"Hmm. You've made a pretty wide platform, not gonna lie. And even a thin wall around so I can't teleport away? Not bad, but you've miscalculated something." If there is one thing in the world I have most of, it's definitely my stats.

"And what might that be?"

"The mass. You have a puny hundred thousand, yes? Well, I'll let you fell the force of eight million!" I tensed up an gathered all of my [White Spawn] at once.