The Silent Knight - Finale


Official Supporters:

Fanatical Fucking Reader, ScrubLord Yoda

Obsessive Reader, the Lizard

Compulsive Reader, The Impossible Muffin

Adeptus Militaris, Wilger

Commissioner, Gib, Espa Cole, Death Daddy

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Beta(s) :


"Once the By My Will and Divine Absolution of Atlas fell to it, I knew what I had to do." Ironwood explained, laid on a cot in the Ardent Justice's Wisdom while a medic tended his shattered leg and a technician worked on his cybernetic implantation spot - where the flesh of his shoulder, or what was left of it, connected to the cybernetics of his arm. "I would say my plan was a mark of brilliance that stands out even from my own storied career."

"You rammed it." Qrow sighed, sitting on the end of his bed with his arms crossed. "You rammed the giant dragon, James."

"It has been designated Kevin-"

"By who!?"

"Valean Strategic Command." He answered with a dopey grin, "Greater Grimm are given names purely for historical record. My daring plan killed it so quickly, though, that the name came after. An after-thought! Hah!"

"Oh, you're daring now, too?"

"I rammed a dragon with my ship."

"Yes, that was my point you insufferable- Gah!" Qrow sighed and turned to the doctor and asked, "How many drugs are he on right now?"

"I'm…" The doctor at his leg hesitated, grimaced, and then shook their head, "I'm not legally allowed to say that."

"Atlas gag order?"

"More like wanting to keep my license to practice." They murmured, "But sure, go with that."

"Gods damn it all…" Leave it to Ironwood to crash his own ship into a dragon - Kevin, apparently - and wreck himself so badly he needed to be drugged into a loopy stupor. Or, more likely, he'd refused to stop working until someone got a needle in him and funneled in enough Morphine to put a bull Ironwood in bed. Finally, he sighed and said, "We have to deal with Torchwick."

"Torchwick…" Ironwood's eyes narrowed, hazy but angry, "Vale has prisons."

"That wasn't the deal."

"I didn't make the deal!"

"And you can't change it either." Qrow snapped and sighed. He'd expected this from him, and even drugged, Ironwood had delivered. At least he was predictable... "Torchwick kept the Breach from being a massacre. And his, I don't know, his fuckin' daughter I guess? Whatever she is, she helped drive off Cinder. Protected the you know who down in the you know what."

"To save his own-"

"He made the deal to save his own ass, and I joined up at first to save mine." Qrow cut the man off with the reminder and went on before his drugged up brain could process it and argue back, "And even if you lock him away, when Boss gets back, he'll be pissed for it. Just let him out an' come to give you an earful."

"That's true…" Ironwood hissed as his arm was reconnected and flexed the fingers, rolling them into a fist and lifting the arm a few times to make sure all was well. By the time he was satisfied, the doctor was done with his leg and he dismissed them both with a wave. As they left, Ironwood growled, "Criminals should go to prison."

"No second chances?"

"Maybe after prison."

"I was a bandit, James."

"You were a child."

"I literally came to Beacon as a blooded bandit." Qrow countered sharply, crossing his arms and leaning back against the tall end-frame of the bed. "Try again, James. Or just admit you don't like it and do it anyway like an adult."

"It reeks of corruption…"

"S'cuz it's corrupt as hell." Qrow laughed and stood, watching the door like the habit it was, "But fuck me if the kid hasn't earned a little corruption on his side. You heard, yeah?"

"I have specialists on it."

"And?" He turned but Ironwood just shook his head and Qrow sighed for it, turning back to the door with a sour expression. "Kid's a damn hero, you know. Saved who knows how many lives by leaking the Breach to us. Then kept the bitch away from the Fall Maiden, at least for now, too. Saw the kid in surgery, James. Reminded me of you a bit."

"You're trying to guilt me."

"A bit."

"Damn it, fine." Ironwood finally relented, "I'll let it go. As long as that bastard stays in Beacon, where he belongs!"

"I'll pass the message along." Qrow nodded and pushed off the bed to leave. As he went, he waved a hand over his shoulder, "Get some rest, you stubborn ass. And try not to ram your next battleship into a mountain!"

"It was a dragon!" Ironwood yelled back, hurling a pillow that Qrow sidestepped as the door opened. It smacked into a nurse who squeaked cutely as Qrow slipped around her, paid her a wink, and left.


"You failed."

"I-I-" Cinder wheezed and nhacked as the Watcher pulled her head back, tendrils wrapped around her wrists, shoulders, knees and ankles to keep her bound and helpless. She writhed and twisted, desperate for freedom - and air - and another pair twined around her chest to still her. "P-P-Please!"

"I do not tolerate failure, Cinder, and you should remember that before all else. Before you remember to have your heart beat, or to blink." Salem warned before she unceremoniously threw Cinder onto her hotel's bed where she lay, clawing at her throat and gasping for air. "And before you remember to breathe. All this is granted to you by me- Not a right, but a reward for your success. And rewards can be withdrawn."

"I-I understand…"

"Do you?" The Watcher moved closer, hovering over her as Cinder scrambled back on the bed, wary of its razor sharp tendrils - and the punishment of using her Aura to defend against them if Salem directed them to strike her.

Even death would be preferable to some of what Cinder had seen Salem and these creatures do…

"I-I do." She swore as the orb descended, its body resting on her chest while it pressed its glowing orb into her face. "Without you I am- Ah!"

She rolled onto her side, clutching the stump that had once been a finger, and hissed as the Watcher withdrew and Salem sighed. "I need a young woman to steal the Maiden powers, Cinder. You will fulfill this goal in one way or another - by bearing me the powers, or vessels for them."

Cinder stilled and turned, wide eyes meeting the red orb, and Salem laughed, "I'm sure I know which Watts and Tyrian would prefer. So, perhaps instead of sobbing over that little paper cut, perhaps you should turn your attention to one of the Maidens?"

"I-I will." It hurt so much to do, but she summoned her fire and used it to sear the wound closed. Her eyes watered as she stood and knelt by the bed, head bowed, "I-I will move on to Mistral, perhaps. Or-"

"I do not care." The eldritch empress cut her off as the Watcher crawled back into the bag Cinder carried to hide it, "You will notify me of an ongoing development within the year. Either to taking the power, or preparing another generation for me to put to the same task."

"Y-Yes, Ma'am." Unconsciously, a hand rested on Cinder's stomach and she felt ill. "I'll have the Spring Maiden's powers at the least within a year. I-I swear!"

Salem didn't answer - the Watcher only closed the bag behind itself as it settled in - and Cinder staggered to her feet.

First thing was first, though, "Mercury, you traitorous bastard…"

When she found him, she'd skin him alive.


Mercury laughed and pressed his lips to the woman's naval, lapping up the vodka and licking the salt up around it while she giggled and writhed. His hand snaked up to her chest and he found bare flesh and warmth and squeezed, drawing a loud groan from his partner as he pulled away and climbed on top of her. The woman was jnade-haired, blind-folded and bound just like he'd ordered and that let him pretend as he wrapped a hand around her throat and felt her racing heart.

Grinning, he leaned in to press a kiss to her neck and purred, "Ah, Em… Always worth the money."

Life was good, he decided as the door opened and another woman stepped in to deliver his next round of drinks. Life was very good in Vacuo today. He'd have to keep moving tomorrow, lest Cinder find him too easily, but for now?

For now he had a few hundred thousand of her Lien to get through.


Weiss sighed tiredly and watched the cloud drift away from her view with a forlorn little smile. It was a lucky cloud - bright white, fluffy and drifting on a kind breeze out to its happy life over the ocean. That was where it would die, to be true and fair, but that was such a free fate, was it not? To go where it pleased, where the winds carried it, and find a purposeful, natural end.

The depressiveness of the errant thought struck Weiss a moment after it passed.

She blamed the pain medicine...

She heard the door open and turned, smiling when Pyrrha slipped in with her lunch, "Ah, Pyrrha."

"Weiss." Pyrrha practically purred the name as she sat by her medical bed, eyes lidded and smile playful enough Weiss felt the heat creep up her face before she could control herself. Pyrrha chuckled as she handed the hospital food over and waved her off, "Please, Weiss, relax just the smallest bit."

"I-It isn't my fault!"

"Oh, I know, it's mine." Pyrrha demured, "But who's fault is it that you are so cute and reactive to teasing, hmm?"

"N-Noone's, I suppose!"

"It's certainly not you being a useless bisexual, then?"

"...You have been spending time with the oaf."

"Yang has needed help tending to her sister ahead of her surgery today, so yes, I have." She chuckled, and then grew more sober and serious. "Sun's funeral is this afternoon. Yang… Said you weren't going to go."

"I-I don't intend to, no."

"Why not?"

"I… Well, I-I still can't stand, for the first reason."

"And the second?" Weiss grimaced and Pyrrha frowned, eyes hard and sharp, but lacking the cruelty her father had always used to drag her words out. A blessing, that - she wouldn't have been able to stomach Pyrrha's presence otherwise, it would have hurt too much. When Weiss didn't speak, the Mistralian guessed, "It's because he's a Faunus, isn't it?"

"Y-Yes." Weiss nodded, "I… I don't think a Schnee would be welcome at a Faunus' funeral."

"You know anyone that said as much would soon be planning a funeral for themselves, Weiss."

"I know that, of course!" She scoffed. Yang and Blake alone would bury anyone that so much as implied a Schnee should be barred! Much less any of their friends. But, "I-I don't want it to be needed, however. Such a ceremony should not be befouled by fights and shouting, which is what I fear would happen if I attended."


"I-I'll send flowers."

"You will bring flowers." Pyrrha countered, "Because no one would dare to speak ill of my date in front of me."

"Your d-date?!"

"But of course." Pyrrha smiled and stood, leaning over the bed and forcing Weiss down by shee proximity. Pressed into the mattress and with her fingers fisted in the sheets, Weiss was helpless as Pyrrha descended to whisper in her ear, "Supposing, of course, you would have me, my dear Weiss."

She lingered, waiting for an answer, and mouth full of cotton, Weiss nodded dumbly and murmured, "I-I would like t-that."

"So I expected, so I expected~." Pyrrha purred in her ear, nipping at Weiss' ear-lobe and retreating as her small heart tried its very damndest to beat its way out from between her ribs. She didn't pull all the way away, though, looming over Weiss still.


"You're beautiful." She complimented earnestly, earning an embarrassed, red-faced whine from Weiss as she leaned down and stole a kiss. Weiss pressed into it and closed her eyes to the sea of red that cascaded around her like something out of a romance novel, and Pyrrha smiled into it, sliding a hand over to clasp one of Weiss'.

As she withdrew and retook her seat, Pyrrha said, "Ruby's surgery went well, by the by. She will be recovered by morning, as good as new."

All Weiss could do was whine, like a kettle left on the stove for too long. Pyrrha laughed and stood again, unlidding her food and trying to calm her down. But how could hospital potatoes and mac 'n cheese compared to the taste of a Nikos' lips?



"Be careful now." Penny coached her as Ruby stood, leaning on her android companion and letting her take the weight while Ruby adjusted to standing again. "How do you feel?"

Kind of dizzy, probably from the medicine wearing off, and her stomach hurt, and the lights made her eyes sting, but…

"I feel just fine, Penny." She smiled as brightly as she could and leaned against her for the warmth of it instead of the need. Penny's arm around her waist squeezed affectionately and Ruby pulled away to ask, "Penny, I need to know-"

"Right now?" The android murmured, "You only just got up and moving… And it's only been a couple days since your injury."

"I need to know."

"...Twenty nine casualties total, over two dozen victims dead." Penny finally reported with a sigh, helping Ruby into her wheel-chair and then turning her towards the door. "Without their Auras, they were helpless. And the droids aimed for lethality, not suppression. It only lasted moments, but that was enough."

"A-And…" Gods, it was a disgusting question to ask. As if the people she knew were more valuable, somehow, but still, "A-And anyone I know?"

"...Sun Wukong and Ciel Soleil both died in the initial attack." Penny murmured as she pushed her out into the hallway, wheeling her through Vale General like a woman with the map to the place in her hand. Or, more likely, installed in her head. "The latter only because I begged her to come to meet you."


"It is alright." Penny assured her gently, squeezing her shoulder affectionately. Ruby reached up to clasp her hand and tugged it around to press a kiss to it the way she'd seen Qrow do to her dad once upon a time and Penny smiled as she withdrew. "I have grieved and processed my regret. I am sad she is gone, but… I am happy she met you. And I understand that I could not have known."

"That's…" Not good, but Ruby didn't know what to call it. Eventually, she sighed and said, "I'm just glad you're okay."

"I am armored with layers of thin titanium-composite, which the droids' munitions could not pierce." Penny assured her gently, "I was never in any danger - not unless anti-armor units had been deployed for whatever reason. But they had not. These were only light defense units. You, though… You could have died."

"Yeah…" And that was terrifying, but, "I didn't, though. So we just need to make sure this never happens again, and keep moving forward."

"Well said, Friend Ruby."

Penny lead her outside where Yang was waiting, dressed in a black dress like Ruby's black suit. The blonde had even tied her hair back in a ponytail, which was something she so rarely did. She stooped to hug Ruby before helping her into the car Weiss had hired and collapsing the wheelchair to put it in the back. Blake was waiting in the back and put an arm around Ruby to hug her, even pressing a sisterly kiss to the crown of her head when Ruby leaned into it, and Ruby smiled.

It was nice, to have everyone together and alright…

"The funeral is in an hour." Blake murmured into Ruby 's hair, tickling her scalp while Yang drove them. "Weiss is being brought by Pyrrha, everyone else has responded in the group chat."

"Just relax, babe." Yang called back from the driver's seat, "It's all sorted. Just… Focus on processing, 'kay?"


"General Ironwood wished you to know that he has established a military service in his name as part of his apology for what happened." Penny murmured quietly, "Several Faunus were killed so General Ironwood is using it to leverage the opening of a Mantle-based military school for disenfranchised youth."

"Using it…?"

"A-A poor choice of words, I suppose."

"No, I think it's apt." Blake snapped and then sighed tiredly, "And good… I'm sorry, I'm just-"

"I understand." Penny nodded, "You needn't say it."

"Thank you." Blake sighed, "Thank you."

Ruby let her eyes close as Penny shuffled coser and leaned her head on Ruby's shoulder, desperate as always for the touch. It really was nice for everyone to be together…


"Come on, Nora." Ren sighed, pulling the blanket off his bed to expose the naken woman to the cold air of the hotel room. She shivered and groaned, rolling over and sitting up with a hint of modesty, and Ren handed her the silver dress he'd picked out for her - mourning black mixed with the white of Mistralian mourning traditions, as Nora had asked.

"Mhm." She grumbled and stood to pull it on until Ren's hand landed on her bare hips and turned her towards the bathroom.

A quick shower later, he pulled on his silver shirt and sighed, "I told you staying up past midnight was a terrible plan…"

"It was fun though!" Nora, far more chipper after a cool shower and a scrub-down, said as she pulled her dress on and rolled her shoulders. She paid him as much of a sultry wink as she was capable of and asked quietly, "Or do you wish you'd done more sleeping~?"


"Aw, you're no fun…"

"I don't think that's what you said before." Ren murmured in her ear, hands on her hips and lips pressing to the side of her neck. "What if I take that to heart? Or would you rather I disprove your assertions, hm?"

"R-Ren, we're gonna be late…"

He only chuckled and turned away, pulling his jacket on and heading for the door, "True enough. Come on, then."

"Y-You teasing son-of-a-whore!" Nora shouted as she chased after him.



"Also accurate!"


"So..." The most insufferable ass in Beacon at the moment started, feet on Ozpin's- On her desk, she reminded herself as the oh-so-lucky scoundrel sipped at his wine. "Cindy got run off, and Beacon's still standing. How's Jimmy feelin'?"

"Like he was involved in a crash."

"Didn't he crash on purpose…?"

"He rammed Kevin."

"Come again, sweetheart?"

"Hmph." Not on Roman Torchwick's life - and not the first time, either. Goodwitch rolled her eyes and explained, "Historical records name Grimm for ease of study. The dragon's name is Kevin."

"Hah." Roman snorted, "And people call me crazy."

"People call you many things…"

"Right?!" The thief smiled and shook his head, "So many people that think they know something. I swear, I wish half this city were like you, Glyn-"

"Headmistress Goodwitch, please."

"-maybe then I wouldn't find it so damn satisfying to rob the chucklefucks!" Roman ignored her, grinning cheekily as he watched the wine in his glass spin lazily. Mouth quirking a bit more he added, coyly, "Speaking of, Glyn, did you get my lesson plan?"

"Yes, and you are not allowed to rob banks as part of 'practical teaching'."

"Ah, c'mon!" He whined pitifully, "They have insurance! And besides, it's fun."

"Do I look like a farmer to you?"

"Uh, no?"

"Then it will take some time for me to grow enough of a care about what you consider fun, Torchwick." She sighed and stood, tapping a finger on Ozpin's - her desk, damn it all, that was taking time, and demanding quietly, "You have a week to settle in, you and your… Daughter both. I expect you to have a proper lesson plan on my desk by the end of that time. If you do not, I will dock your pay."

"Speaking of pay-"

"Standard salary." She cut him off, "Eighty thousand Lien per year, plus bonuses as they come. You will also receive room and a stipend monthly which can only be spent on food and teaching needs - It is tracked, so do not attempt to play your games, Roman."

"Professor Torchwick, please." She met his jest with a glower and Roman balked, waving her off and sighing. "Fine, fine. I'm thinking of doing basic lock-picking courses first, maybe pick-pocket instructions."

"To what end?"

"If you know how a pick takes your money you notice it." He explained simply, "Plus, they'd be able to tell if a lock was unlocked by a key or a pick - you scuff the outside just a bit. Hard to see - impossible if you don't know what you're after."

"That's…" She blinked, "Actually useful, Torchwick. What would you need?"

"Volunteers for the pick-pocketing." He grunted, drawing an envelope out of his pocket and laying it on her desk with a smirk. "Some chests, trunks and doors for the lock-picking instructions. Details are in here, Glyn. Along with a handful of other ideas you won't like but, on my word, are just as well thought out as the first two."

"Very well." She sighed, taking a seat and nodding, "I will look them over carefully and see what can be provided."

"Thanks." He nodded and stood, tipped his hat, and turned to leave, "You have my number if you need me or wanna check in."

She did…

And also, the tracking bracelet on his arm.


Joane groaned as he woke up and felt the kisses trailing along his shoulder and neck, careful as always to avoid the deep scars that marred his throat. Silent, he raised his good hand and signed, "Neo."

"Yes?" She signed with a raised hand, using the other to shuck his blanket further down so she could climb on top of him, all the while nibbling at his neck. He dared to look down and was met with a vast expanse of flawless, dangerously bare skin and two shining pink eyes staring up at him with that glint of mischief he loved so much. "Am I bothering you?"

"No." Because who the hell would be bothered by waking up to a nnaked Neo gnawing on their neck? "But aren't you satisfied yet?"

"Why would I be?" She punctuated her question by sitting up and sliding back to rest her full - bare - weight on his pelvis and he groaned. She smirked and cocked her head, "Are you?"

"Never." He sighed, reaching up and cupping the back of Neo's head with his off hand - the most he could do with the ruined fingers - to pull her back down. She pressed flush against his bare chest and he smiled into the kiss. Then he tapped her forehead and signed, "But we have a funeral to get to. As much as I would love to-"

"Put a baby in me?" She cut him off by batting his hand aside to sign the words and then giggled silently at the red that covered his face and crept up his neck. "My plans are more fun. And besides, you're crippled. They'd understand."

"I can walk just fine." He rolled his eyes but let his bad hand slide down to grip the softness of her thigh regardless. "My hand is ruined, sure, but I can walk. I don't have an excuse and spending another day in bed with you won't fly with Yang and Blake."

She rolled her eyes but slid off him with a nod and a frown. He sat up and watched her get dressed in the black suit Roman had sent over and she smiled when she turned to him and saw his lingering attention. Then her gaze flickered to his throat and that smile died as she turned away.

He snapped his fingers as he stood and came up behind her, gripping the half-dressed woman by the hips and signing, "It's not your fault."

"I left you to fight her alone."

"I chose it." He reminded her, "And they said the damage might not be permanent anyway."

"I know."

"And besides, why would I be upset at being more like the most beautiful woman in the world?" He pressed, turning her head with his bad hand so he could kiss at the base of her jawline right where he knew she loved. She melted into the affection and reached up to pull his hand down to her chest and he let her, signing with his good hand, "I love you. This is no price at all for keeping you safe."

"You're ridiculous." She pulled away with a regretful sigh and reached for her blouse with one hand while she signed with the other, "I'm always going to feel bad, Jaune. I can't just get past it."

"You shouldn't."

"You can barely hold your shield." She argued gently, refusing to meet his eyes. "And your voice… You gave up so much because of me and Roman. Too much for me to just ignore."

"Well…" He signed, dragging her around with a hand and smiling, "If you feel that bad, make it up to me."

"What could I do that I haven't already?" She winked, "Or what could I let you do that I haven't?"

"You haven't let me change your last name yet." Neo went shock still and turned fully to face him with wide, serious eyes and Jaune smiled warmly. Slowly, he knelt and reached under the bed to tug out the little box his mom had sent him after he called home and explained everything - it was amazing how fast mail went when Atlas' General owed you a favor - he held it up and shrugged, "I figure we've done enough to deserve a reward. Plus, you know, I love you. So- I don't know the sign."

"I know the sign for yes." Neo beamed, "That's the one that matters here."

He smiled and Neo turned, hurling her blouse away and tackling him onto the bed again. She pressed him down onto the bed and kissed him, and all Jaune could do was smile and wrap his arms around her. She pressed her chest against his with a muted groan for the heat he put off and reached down with her hands to peel her pants back off and he resigned himself to being late to the ceremony's pre-gathering.

Somehow, he figured Sun would have approved.

Plus, at least she seemed to feel a bit better about the whole 'Cinder melted most of my throat' thing which-

Her hands sliding down between both their legs dragged all his thoughts to a dead stop and put his mind in a solid 'mush' state almost instantly.


So, originally, Jaune's secen was fat sadder. His hand is mangled so his fingers don't work so good on his shield side anymore, and Cinder quite literally melted most of his throat. So he's lost the ability to speak, making him…

The Silent Knight.

Yes, I wrote an entire story for a pun based on the ship name, and some romance and sweetness revolving around Neo. Sue me! XD

And so the story ends. A lot of people died, including named characters that weren't important such as two off of team NDGO. Weiss is bedridden for her injury, Ruby went through surgery. And Neo, now she's ready for it, is VERY frisky when it comes to being affectionate. And Roman is settling in with genuinely good ideas for what to teach!

A bit of a bitter, bloody end, but..

A Happy one, I believe.

Hope you all enjoyed~!

P.S. To all those who will inevitably point out how many snu-snu'd in this, implicitly or otherwise - If RWBY has taught me anything it's not to be subtle, because people will miss it and bitch later. So I elected to hit the nail on the head.


Takadonta :

Why should it be weird, even if it were true that most of Remnant is bi? I won't engage overly much with the question of if a lot of LGBT+ people existing is realistic - it is, in my opinion - but all I will say is for all the many people I have met, I have met few I think would be straight in a world without entrenched heteronormativity. I think MOST people are at least a LITTLE bi leaning. Society just isn't super friendly to it.

Also, nothing says these characters represent the population proportionally anyway. Like, aside from Jaune and Ren, every main cast character is a woman which is an eighty-twenty split. See the point? Lol.

Tombs 456 :

This was always meant to be a shorter story. Relatively small scope, short plot thread.

I have many stories for your perusal, hope you enjoy 'em~!

Joe Cola :

Yeah, it's just too early for her to easily break that mold and understand Cinder is a toxic influence. I should make a story center on her, I think….