Reunion 2

(Hachiman POV)

Oh yeah. Turns out, Ichigo wasn't done with explaining his adventures. What had happened was that Ichigo finished his studies to take over Apple in two years instead of ten so that he could come back to Japan faster. However, he then met this mother's side of the family when he did so. That slowed him down for another year.

From his father's side, he had power and riches behind his name from the top of society. From his mother's side, Ichigo had the support of the lowest in society. Yep. I did not stutter, me. Ichigo's angelic mother was the second child of the Head of the Yakuza. No wonder she could be scary sometimes.

As to why Ichigo willingly went to the Yakuza was due to the fact that his grandfather was dying and in his last moments, he wanted to see his grandchildren. Still a filial person as always. Ichigo's uncle, Kurosaki Ryūken, took over the Yakuza after he passed away and gave Ichigo an absolute promise to help him in any area he desired. The name Ryūken was all too familiar with me because that was the same doctor that treated my leg in the accident. My thoughts were confirmed when Ichigo casually mentioned that he asked his uncle to help heal me. Did I forget to say that Ichigo is the third in line for the Head position if his uncle and his cousin died?

Three years was all it took for Ichigo to go through all this and at that same time, I only changed mentally. Truly, comparing oneself to another is just a really good way to be depressed. His heritage might explain why Ichigo was so Ichigo when he was a kid. The overwhelming will and determination to do something and his ability to fight back against anyone who opposed him made sense all of a sudden.

Anything else that I'm forgetting? Hm...oh right! I remember now. Ichigo also has a connection to the authorities and the military in America. His dad was ex-military, ex-Cia, and ex-FBI. Apparently, Ichigo's dad was one of the best people on the job. He was extremely hard-working and he had a large number of people who owed him favors in a show of gratitude for what he has done for them. The same favors that have now been given to Ichigo for his personal use. So unfair.

Thank God that Ichigo's mom was normal. Well...normal might be a bit of a stretch. Mrs. Kurosaki was actually a famous author that wrote a couple of my favorite books and was a web developer. Ichigo got this information from his Yakuza uncle and bought all the books that she ever wrote.

Frankly, I both envy and pity him. He has everything he could ever want at his beck and call, but he doesn't have the one thing that matters to him the most. I think that's where Komachi and I come in. He might have never said anything, however, I think we are just as important to him as his deceased family. Why else would he trust us with his background this easily? I can only hope Komachi can keep her mouth shut.

"Oh yeah. I forgot to say it before but do not share my information with others or both you and the person you told it to might disappear the next day." Scary. He's joking, right? "And no I'm not joking. I am the one person that is connected to many different parties and they would like to keep my existence as a secret for now." Oh crap. If Komachi's pale face was anything to go by, I think I now understand how dangerous our lives have become.

"Alright. We promise. Thanks for trusting us Ichigo." I sighed. "How about a heads up before you drop a bomb on us like that? I think I peed a little."

"Same here Onii-Chan."

Ichigo looked a little embarrassed. "My bad. I'll try to be more humble next time." Next time?!? There is gonna be a next time!?!?

"Please don't. I might die." Ichigo laughed and I joined him. Dinner was undoubtedly better than usual since Ichigo was cooking tonight. I swear, he has magical hands. How can he turn a simple soy fried rice into something this magical? The perfectly salty rice with the fluffy eggs and the sweet onions enhanced each other with the flavor of soy and the mixed vegetables complimented it quite well. Unfortunately, we didn't have bacon or we would've experienced a few minutes of Heaven.

I wish I was exaggerating on this, but Ichigo's food could make a lot of restaurants close down in the area if he ever wanted to. Chef Ichigo? Now I have to know his future career. As his best friend, it is only right that I taste test his food daily to make sure his food is up to standards. Yep. I am such a benevolent person.

Komachi headed in early because she had something to do tomorrow while Ichigo and I headed to my room. Once I sat down on the bed and Ichigo took my chair, he stared at me. I hate this. Ichigo is the only person that I simply can't read. It's almost fighting the final boss at the tutorial level.

"What?" "Tell me what happened." His voice was firm, but there was an agitated edge to it. I was right initially. He is angry.

"You have to be a little more specific." Of course, I knew what he wanted me to say. It was just hard to talk about it.

"The three years that I have been gone. What happened to you? Who hurt you?" I gulped, knowing I won't be able to avoid this conversation. So with a deep breath and a lot of hesitance, I told him everything. It was difficult to get the words out and as time passed, I found myself becoming weaker and weaker. I was fragile and I knew it. It would only take a little bit more to completely break me.

What I expected was a verbal lashing. Usually, Ichigo would tell me to stand up for myself and not to show weakness, but here I am getting hugged by the man that I thought I understood.

"I was disappointed when I assumed that you let yourself go. but the truth was different. Society forced you to become like this." He paused for a second. "I am so sorry. I am so sorry for leaving you alone. I promise Hachiman. I will never leave you against the world like that. Never again. I swear." There is nothing I can say to that and I indeed said nothing. Perhaps it was due to the fact that I was crying like a baby as he comforted me. It was so embarrassing and yet I found myself just a little bit more positive the next day.