Chapter 22

The general public pov

We heard from the King that we should stay inside our house, clean and lock everything properly. If we don't then we will suffer from a heavy punishment.

They also inform us that near the country border, the villages there have been infected by a highly contagious disease.

We were worried about how we are going to live, I mean we might not have enough food and money.

But luckily the King said that during this period only the guards and the magicians will work, the rest of the occupation will have a holiday. They also told us that they will send out food such as flour, potatoes and beans.

We are very happy that our king is so smart and understanding.

My friends were so worried about how this order might affect their lives but luckily it was acceptable since the King will provide us for our daily necessities.

The people living in slums pov

We have no money, no food, no place to live. Even if we wanted to obey the king's orders. We can't. Our place is lawless and the people often ignores us, we live below the poverty line.

But this time situation. We get a roof, food, clothes. We also get to be clean. The guards lead us to a place. They told us to share everything with each other.

They informed us that there is an infectious disease outbreak. And they warm us to not do anything lawless in here, they said if we steal or start to do any bad things, we will be punished.

But they said that if we did a good job then maybe we can find jobs.

This is truly a blessing in disguise to us!

The tourist pov

Some of us were planning to leave this Kingdom today, while some of us were planning some other days.

But we suddenly got this order to stay within this Kingdom, until the infectious diesease cease to exist.

Most of us are experienced and know that if there really was an infectious diesease outbreak. It can affect us. And may lead us to our death.

To those novice tourist we explain the danger that infectious diesease may bring.

We are so amazed by this Kingdom's King. He is truly smart and knows how to handle the situation well.

The guards pov

We are worried for our family, we heard from our King that this diesease is highly contagious and has no cure.

We heard that to prevent this diesease outbreak. We need to stay input in one location.

We were given jobs to give out food and monitor the surroundings.

We are told by the king to wear mask and don't touch our face with our dirty hands. We were told to wash our hands before eating. And to inform any suspicious activity.

It was hard for us to go to the slums. The situation there was horrendous. So dirty and disgusting.

We decided to provide them new clothes and let them take a bath, before we lead them to the King's property.

At first some decided to fight back but we totally beat the hell out of them and explain to them that if they don't follow us, there will be a bad outcome.

We do feel pity for them but we still need to follow our orders.

We also asked the tourist to stay and they were much more willing to stay/cooperate and somehow easy to control.

It seems like more than half of them are well experienced travellers.