Just as she expected!

Jade woke up early in the morning but she didn't find the man whom she just married beside her. Their supposed first night didn't go well since Marcus hand her a copy of their marriage agreement which she willingly signed.

"Where are you?" She mumbled. "You should have told me last night or call me or sent a message at least! Don't I have the right to know how you are doing? What if something bad happened to you or worst…. Omo!" Jade covered her mouth at the thought that had cross her mind. "No, nothing bad should happen to him. He's an intimidating guy after all." she comforted herself.

It's 6:15am when she glanced at her wristwatch. Then she went to the shower room and took a quick bath then back to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. "Ah, brewed coffee. You smell delicious. Thank you for accompanying me this morning." she giggled.

She loves coffee but not the instant ones. She prefers brewed with a touch of milk on it. Not too sweet but not too bitter. She prefers the taste of a bittersweet coffee in her tongue.

"Ahhhh…." She licked her upper tongue with a smile. "The morning sunrise is too beautiful to behold." She thought as she made herself comfortable on the couch facing the transparent window in a corner. She could also see the beach shore from her location. So beautiful!

This is the reason why she's been wanting to go on a holiday… to renew her tired mind and rejuvenate her wilting youth. The scenery, the brewed coffee, the clear sky, the silence… it's everything she's been wishing for. But wait, something is missing….

Ahhhh! She smirked as she stood up immediately and went to where her things are. There! she took her iPad and headset then went back to the couch. She needs to hear a few of her favorite song. She's not a fan of OPM so she has little recordings of it. Most of her downloaded tracks where country songs.

She's kinda weird, she knew it but there is something in that genre that touched her heart. She seemed to have an unusual feeling whenever she listens to it. Seems like someone she treasures so much loves that genre but she can't remember who that person is.

But her heart melts specially with Dixie chicks' particular song "You were mine." A vague shadow of two people dancing sweetly and she could feel her heart responding with it as well. It's kinda blurry so she doesn't know if it was her imagination or what.

She got lost on her thoughts once again. But anyway, she took the headphones and placed it on her ears then played the songs she's been wanting to hear. Then a curve started to form from her lip as she closed her eyes and feel the lyrics.

She's been humming along with the songs with a smile on her face.

Little did she know that Marcus came in and saw how she's been humming then singing some lines of the song. The man didn't even notice how long he's been watching the silly woman while his brow creased.

"What is she singing? I never heard that song before." he thought to himself while listening to the woman's voice. She's clearly not a singer but her voice isn't terrible as well. Just normal.

He could feel the woman's heart in the songs and it made him sneer. This woman isn't bad at all. he thought before heading to the room. He took a shower and wore a casual outfit. He was too drunk last night that he fell asleep at someone else's room. Though the owner isn't a stranger to him.

The fact that he's married a total stranger didn't sink in his mind yet.

It's 7:30am, she must be waiting for him now so he better hurry. That woman hates waiting after all. So Marcus opened the door and was about to step out but he halted when the woman in the room screamed surprisingly.

"Dang it! you scared me!" the woman yelped. She was indeed surprised. "I didn't know you were here. since when did you come?" she asked.

"Just now." he nonchalantly replied while fixing his disheveled hair. His not used of combing his wet hair after shower, he only glides his finger on it.

He looks freshly cute and Jade cutely grinned. Marcus saw how the woman grinned cutely so he raised his brow as if asking 'is something wrong?'

"Are you going somewhere? How about breakfast together?" the woman suggested.

"I have an appointment with someone today. Just enjoy yourself."

"Alone?" she pouted. Enjoy herself alone? well, that's something for a husband to say, huh.

"Any problem with it?"

"No… No… I'll enjoy myself so you enjoy your day as well." she faked a smile. The man was about to exit the room when Jade stopped him again.

"Are you free during lunch?"


"'How about dinner?"

"No. I'm not free the whole day and even the days to come. So if I were you, find something you want to do for the whole week. Don't bore yourself inside the four corners of this room." his tone hints a bit of annoyance then he left.

"Tsk! What was that all about? Still working during our honeymoon days? Huh! I can't believe him!" she snorted as she stomped her feet going back to their room. She'll have to dress up and find a good restaurant to have a good meal for breakfast since her husband doesn't want to join her.

"I'll definitely enjoy my day! Ahy!"


Meanwhile, back in the city, a man in his fifties was sitting at his office. He might be working on some of his company's documents but his mind couldn't stop thinking about something. He then paused for a while, stood up and went to the table and picked a picture frame of him on his younger years. On that picture, he was smiling while tapping the left shoulder of a man--- the man who saved his life and became a friend of him.

Too bad, he died because of him. He risked his life for a man who doesn't deserved to be saved.

Reminiscing the past, the middle aged man teared up. "I'm sorry my friend, I'm truly sorry. It would be your death anniversary in a few months but I haven't found your daughter yet. I don't even know if she's alive or what has become of her this past few years. I tried looking for her everywhere but I have never found her." he sobs.

He wiped his misty eyes when the door to his office opened and a young man in his twenties came in.


"Zion." He turned around to greet his grandson. "How was the search?"

"No information yet, I'm sorry grandpa. But I started to search each hospital in the city for any record of Arriana Saphira Hawkins. though It'll take some time since it has been 10 years."

"It's okay. But if you can find her before the 10th of October then it'll be better."

"I'll try, grandpa."

Zion left the room while the old man glanced at the old picture once again.

"Vista, I'll definitely find your daughter so I hope your resting in peace." He mumbled.

Arriana, where are you?