What a long and tiring day!

Jade fell on the soft bed after shower. She could feel her body's tiredness and the only thing she wanted is sleep. She can sleep without eating dinner anyway.

While lying down, her mind involuntarily recalls what she saw at the souvenir market.


Jade came out to the restaurant and still wondering who paid for her meal. Imagining things such as stalker was just a joke she made up. Though she possesses a beauty just like the others, it was still unlikely that she'll have a stalker.

She really wanted to find out who paid for it so she can pay him back. Her bill isn't a joke either. Who'll want to pay for thousands just for her single meal, unless his super rich.

She taps her head to remind herself to just forget about her odd experience. How she loves to call Jazmine and tell her about it but she restrained herself. Jaz might ask about their honeymoon again and she's not ready to lie yet. Besides, she's a bad liar when it comes to Jaz since she can read her easily.

After so much consideration, Jade decided to take a stroll at the souvenir market that moment. She'll just watch the sunset at the bay later on.

As usual, she wore her headsets while walking around the marketplace. Whenever she's alone, it has been her habit to wear headphones so she won't get distracted by her surroundings. She doesn't want to mind other people's business and she was hoping that people who sees her strolling alone the sidewalks won't pity her.

She's been seeing a lot of native artworks everywhere and she was fascinated by them. The Island people definitely have their own unique talents and is competitively skillful in patronizing their Island product in many ways.

"Jaz will definitely love this." she mumbled as she pays for two pairs of souvenir white shirt. One for her and one for Jaz. She continued looking around when her eyes caught an unusual dream catcher. She went near the seller and picked it up to get a close look.

"Do you want to take that, miss?" the old woman asked. Her tone was sweet.

"There something special on this stuff but I just can't point it out." the woman mumbled while her eyes stare at the item.

The old woman smirked when she heard her soft mumblings. "Lady, you have good eyes. while others view it as ugly, you say the other way." She chuckled.

"But it's beautiful!"

"I think the same way too. Anyway, I'll give it in a cheap prize since you like it and I'll give you a discount on any items you want here."

"Oh no Granny, I can actually pay for the full price." She smiled.

"I can see that." she chuckled. "By the way, that dream catcher is indeed special. Make sure to place it where it could face the moon and before hanging it, make sure to wish with all your heart. It'll definitely come thru."

"A dream catcher that'll make my wish come true?" she smiled and raised it above her. After peeking on the clear sky using the holes in it, she lowered her hand to see the people passing by through it. "My wish has been granted, unfortunately, his heart is with someone else. I hope he'll learn to love me sincerely." She muttered earnestly.

The old woman was saying something but Jade stood frozen at the scene before her.

Marcus! Her expectant eyes dropped suddenly when she saw a familiar woman beside him. Their hand was intertwined like most of the lovers she was seeing at the moment.

And they look happy together!

That woman, isn't she the famous celebrity model, Rachelle Henry? She staggered backwards upon realizing a very important fact that she almost forgot.

How could she forget the woman whose been in a relationship with Marcus for almost seven years?! Aren't they supposed to treat each other as ex since the man is already married? She was stupefied.

Why? she unknowingly muttered. The old woman, though not knowing who the young lady is, knew that the man she has her eyes on was someone she treasures so much. She can see the pain in her eyes.

"Young lady, are you alright?" She touched the woman's hand while Jade jerked in surprise.

"Y-yeah…." She faked a smile. "H-how much is this granny?" she asked but her eyes were following the two.

"I'll give it for free."

She was surprised upon hearing the old woman so she looked at her confused.

"I'm also selling potions. Do you want one?" she took some bottles from her bag and laid it before her. "This one is a love potion. Do you want someone to fall in love with you crazily?"

"Hmmmm… that sounds cool." She chuckled. Should I let him drink this instead? she thought.

"Want to try? I tell you, it's so much effective."

"Granny, your scaring me." she pouted. "But I think I don't need to force the man I love into loving me back. I'll just work it out." she laughed hearing her own words. The old woman smiled meaningfully and took the bottles back in her bag.

"I know you'd say that and I'm sure you'll be able to succeed."

"Eh? Do you really believe I would be able to win his heart?"

"Oh yes. Your beautiful sweetheart and you could make any man fall for you as long as you work it out."

"Tsk! granny, that helped me a lot." She scoffed jokingly. She was about to leave her when her eyes landed on a jade armlet. "Omo! This is so beautiful! Is this a true jade stone?"

"It is. That's pretty expensive though."

"I'll take it!" she exclaimed blissfully. She then paid for the armlet that is now hanging in her wrist.

"Just like your name, it suits you very well."

"Thank you." Jade kowtowed before leaving the old woman who muttered something no one could have understand.

"Did you just voiced a blessing to someone again, grandma?" a young girl asked the old woman whose eyes were on a particular lady among the crowds. "And who's that lucky person now?" she added and followed her grandma's eyes.

"Just someone who had a good heart." She smiled.

**On the other hand, Marcus may have not noticed it but Jade has been following them silently. Her stalking job only ended when the two get inside Marcus car and drove off to who knows where.

---End of Flashback---

Jade sighed once more. Will she really be able to capture her husband's heart in six months? Can she even surpass Rachelle whose been with him for almost seven years?

Yeah, she knew about Marcus and Rachelle's relationship. They were the hot topic during the first year of their relationship so who would not know them? Once again, she heaves a heavy sigh then raised her hands and caresses the jade armlet she was wearing.

It's very beautiful. But wait! how did that old woman knew her name when she didn't even introduce herself? A sudden creepy feeling shivers through her spine.

What if she was not joking about the love potion? Did she just make a mistake of not taking it? ha-ha! She should have taken it then!