It was a tiring but awesome day!

Jade fell her tired body on the soft mattress and slowly drifts off to sleep. Marcus on the other hand, entered the shower room as soon as they arrived from the last Island they have visited before returning to the hotel.

After a few minutes, Marcus came out and saw how the woman was sleeping. Guess she was too tired to snore that loud. Tsk… disappointing. He hissed.

Anyway, who wouldn't lose so much energy if they actively tried almost everything for the whole day? Snorkeling in every island they set their feet to. Swimming with the whales, banana boating, jetski, and what not, in a day! who won't be drained after that? tsk!

She literally tried everything she sets her eyes on to. Zion and Marcus must admit that they cannot match her vigor and have been refusing the woman's recommendation most of the time.

She must be an adventure-maniac! He sighed.

And the way she ate food is definitely something! Reminiscing the foods they had during their lunch, Jade had been eating a lot! She's almost next to a glutton!

Now that Marcus realized, it's not the food that have captivated him to try the restaurant by the way. It was the way she eats!

He and Rachelle tried it before the day she flew back to the city. However, the food has only a normal taste. What they had at the expensive restaurant was actually better than the food they ordered at that seafood restaurant.

What an amazing woman! he snorted.

He was about to head towards the kitchen when he suddenly saw the woman's camera. He then took it with him as soon as he remembered how he literally became the woman's photographer most of the time.

The four Islands doesn't really differ from each other. So it bore him to tears to try the same thing over and over again. However, the woman appeared to enjoy and considers it a different experience every time they set their foot on an Island.

And seeing how Zion and Jade got closer and closer in each passing moment somehow makes him want to end the day. Not because he was jealous but they are becoming an eyesore to him.

He started browsing the photos that he took and choose some of the pictures he had with the woman. He doesn't like the idea of taking a picture of them together but he cannot resist the woman especially when she makes a face.

Maybe it would be a good idea to take some photos to send it to Sonny later tonight, he thought. Though they don't have much. Checking the camera, they only have 6 casual photos together.

It was already 8 in the evening when he sent the pictures to Sonny. It should be enough to appease the old woman's anger once she found out about Rachelle visiting the island.

"Make some more memories tomorrow since this isn't enough." Sonny sent him a text message.

"What? not enough?!" he blurted. Is Sonny fooling him? Marcus annoyingly closed his laptop and finished the wine he poured a while ago before he went to sleep. He was also tired watching how Zion flirts with the woman for the whole day.

Zion might have thought that Jade is a single woman till now since they didn't introduce themselves as husband and wife. It was stated in the marriage agreement to make their relationship private, but even so, he should have notice how the woman clings in his arms from time to time.

But who cares if he courts her now? Wouldn't that be a good idea for their future divorce? Yeah, he should be okay with that idea. He encouraged himself.

Meanwhile, while wearing a naughty smirk, Sonny secretly sent a picture to the chairwoman without saying anything to Marcus.


"So how is he? Did it go well?" A man in his fifties was having a coffee while reading the latest news on the magazine he was holding.

"Pretty yeah." The woman nonchalantly replied while browsing her social media account via her phone.

"Did you meet his wife?"

"No, not yet. And I don't have the intention of meeting her anyway."

"But you have to! You have to know your enemy so you can subdue them!" the man seemed dismayed.

"Dad, she won't be a threat, I guarantee that."

"Do not let your guard down so easily. What if she gets pregnant after the honeymoon? Do you think he'll divorce her? do you think that old woman will agree once she learns about it?"

Rachelle rolled her eyes unbelievingly.

"Dad, relax. He is so in love with me and promised to divorce that woman in six months. Besides, she even gave her a marriage contract." she reiterated.

The man heaved a heavy sigh and looked at the woman who was busy checking something in her phone.

"Rachelle, don't be overly confident on yourself. You really never know what will happen during those months." She can sense the worry in his tone.

"Okay fine, dad. I'll make sure to watch over Marcus and that woman once they come back in the city."

"You better do or else, all our efforts will just go to waste. You must marry that man at all cost."

"Yes dad, I will." The woman looked at the man and gave a confident smile. Yes, she definitely will.

No one knew how she worked so hard to achieve the fame she has now just to successfully seize the sole heir of EC corporation. She worked so hard to catch his attention and capture his heart, so letting go that easily is not a part of her plan. If she needs to kill anyone to keep him then she will not hesitate at all. Never!

The man stared at her intently before standing up to go to his study room. But after a few minutes of pacing back and forth restlessly, he took his phone out and dialed a number.

"Do you still offer special services?" he asked.

"Depends on the type of work." the man on the other line answered.

"I'll send you the details through the old communication server."

"That one was already busted after the incidence a few years ago. We have a new channel of communication now. I'll send it to you."


After a few seconds, he received a text message from the man he just called a while ago. Then he sent a photo of a woman with some instructions on it along with a big amount to pay for the special service.

It should be enough to get rid of the trash.