"Am I in heaven?" she whispered within her when she got a glimpse of a handsome shadow standing in the window.

She slowly lifted her lids and spotted a handsome man with his back against her. She must be seeing an angel right now. but when the man slowly turned around, her eyes widened in disbelief.

"M-marcus?!" she creased her brow surprisingly.

The man was wearing a scowl with creased brows. He is obviously irritated. "W-why are you here? aren't you supposed to be at the office right now?"

"I am supposed to be at the office but I got a call saying that a woman fainted and was rushed to the hospital." his eyes and voice flashed an angry tone.

"H-hospital?" she suddenly realized that it was her when she looked at her surroundings. She is definitely in the hospital! "W-what happened?" she asked.

"I should be the one asking you that, miss Arria."

Jade tried to recall what happened before she fainted but the only thing she remembered was the severe pain she felt at that moment.

"I don't know, I just felt a severe headache." She muttered confused.

"But the doctor said you are perfectly fine." He hissed. "Do you know how much trouble you caused me today? I have to postpone the executive meeting because of you."

"I-I'm sorry."

"I hope things like this won't happen again, miss Arria. You are interfering with my work and it's too burdensome." He coldly uttered before leaving the room.

Jade sighed as soon as he left. "He didn't even ask how I am feeling." She pouted. But thinking about it, she couldn't remember why she suddenly fainted. All she remembered was staring at that certain photo and suddenly, her head burst in pain.

Guess she became weak after working at the company for two and a half years without proper exercise. Then she'll have to start living a healthy life starting now and doing exercise in the morning is a great way to start her day.

Yes, she only needs to restart her exercise. That's it. That's the only explanation she could ever think of, for now.

"Aren't you going to send her home?" Sonny asked the pissed off man who just entered his car.

"She's fine now so she can go back home by herself." Marcus blatantly replied.

"Tsk, what a heartless man." he mumbled softly.

"Did you say something?"

"No, not at all. we're heading back to the company now." he faked a smile before motioning the driver to start the engine.

Meanwhile, Since the doctor didn't find any complications in her, they agreed to release her that day. As for her bill, Marcus seemed to have paid for it before he left. Omo, she needs to pay the man later.

She was looking for her bag around the room but when she realized that it was impossible for her to carry one since she was rushed to the hospital, she hit her head. So she doesn't have her phone and wallet as well, then how can she go home now? Is she going to walk?! No way! It was way too far!

Wait, can he call Marcus and tell him about her situation? No! there's no way she will be adding some more problems. How about Jasmine? But she is surely at work right now. There's no way she'll risk her best friend's job.

Then who will she call to ask for help? she was lost at her thoughts while looking at the hospital phone. No, there's no way I'll be calling them.

Jade decided to call for a cab and she'll just pay as soon as she reach the house. So she gets out from the hospital lobby and waited for a cab outside. She fell in line at the waiting area since there are a lot of patients waiting as well. looking at her wristwatch, she might be home before dinner.

But why rush when Marcus always comes home late according to the cook? Then she'll just take her time.

Seeing that the patients behind her was an elderly, she politely let him go first. However, the woman next to her was pregnant! So she gave way again. It should be a common courtesy to practice such generosity.

"I think you won't be able to reach your destination if you keep making way for others." She heard a man's voice behind her. when she turns around, she was shocked to see a friend she never thought to see in the city.

"Zion?" A hint of sudden hope rose from her heart. "I never thought of meeting you here!"

"Same here." he chuckled. "Going somewhere?"

"Yeah… actually. And you had just save me."

"Save you?" he raised his brow confused.

The woman cackled and left the waiting line.

"Uhm, c-can you lend me some money right now?" she felt ashamed at herself but she didn't have a choice either. "I promise to pay you tomorrow. I'm sorry for asking such favor. I left my phone and my wallet at home so I'm basically …." She grinned sheepishly.

"That's fine w----'' Zion couldn't finish what he was about to say when he heard the grumbling of the woman's stomach.

He looked at the woman who clenched her belly, shame was painted all over her face.

"You know---"

Brrrrttttttt….. The howling of her stomach sounded once again.

"Wanna eat first?" the man offered while trying to force his laughter so it won't come out.

Jade faked a smile. "You know what, I think that's a good idea." She chuckled after. "I promise to pay you soon!"

"I know you will." The man chuckled and his cute dimple resurfaced once again. "Wait for me here, I'll go and get the car."


As soon as the man left, Jade hit her stomach lightly. She was so embarrassed at herself that if it possible to bury herself on the ground at the very moment then she should have done it.

After a few minutes, a black Mercedes car stopped in front of her. "Hop in." said Zion.

Unknown to them, a black car was parked nearby the hospital and a man in a suit had been watching the two people from a far. Seeing how the woman smilingly entered the man's car, his lip twitched in annoyance and motioned his personal driver to start the engine.

Seeing how the man shows his perfectly white teeth to the woman seemingly upsets him. If he had known that she'll call that man, he should have not come back!

Marcus was on his way to the company when he remembered the woman. She was unconscious when she was rushed to the hospital so there's no way she took her wallet so how will she go home? he felt a little guilty so he told his driver to go back.

However, when they arrived at the hospital, he saw Zion and the woman talking to each other happily.

Dang it! he should have not wasted his time worrying about the woman! he hissed within.