"You were so cool a while ago!" Jade yelped as soon as they left the department store.

Earlier, Marcus lost all the patience he has while waiting at the cashier line. Waiting is one of the things he hated much. That must be the reason why he always wanted to use his VIP card wherever and everywhere. Being a normal guy is troublesome in his part.

"How can I help you, Madam?" He was kind enough to approached the old woman in a mellow tone.

"And who are you, young man?"

"Marcus Yoseph Hanes, the ceo. You were insisting to talk to someone higher than the manager, am I correct?"

The old woman looked at him mockingly from head to toe. "Huh, young man, are you trying to mess with me? The ceo? You are indeed good-looking but I don't think a man like him will----" She paused while her eyes widened in disbelief upon seeing the man's full features.

Omo! The manager along with the other employees recognized their CEO as soon as they saw his eyes.

"Mr. Hanes!" The manager rushed towards him and kowtowed apologetically. "I-I'm sorry for the inconvenience but…"

"It's okay Mr. Shawn. I saw and heard everything and it's not your fault." He partly smiled at the man before facing the old woman still studying him. Noticing her qualms, Marcus brought out his business card and his company id and showed it to the old woman. As soon as she saw all the evidence, she staggered nervously.

"My manager here already explained all the things you needed to know about how discounts work. Although we have a policy that our customers must come first, my employees also deserve a little respect. Considering how you slandered my employees you have clearly violated a law. Are you perhaps ready to pay a big amount when they file a case against you?" He threatened.

"I-I… Mr. Hanes… I was only trying to get a discounted price since I've been a loyal customer ----"

"We do have loyalty discounts as well but I believe that Manager Shawn had already explained how it works. He could have given you 50% discount if you have the loyalty card with you. And even if you lost it, we still have your personal records on file. I believe my staffs here didn't find your name but since they don't want to embarrass you, Manager Shawn tried to talk to you in private." He sneered in disdain.

"T-that…Mr. Hanes, are you trying to pin me guilty? Are you trying to make me ghastly in the sight of many people here? Huh! I cannot believe it! So the rumors about you were absolutely right! Money-hungry beast! So disgusting!" She scoffed. "I should have gone to other stores if I know how horrible the owner is. Tsk!"

Jade heard all the awful words she uttered and could see how Marcus was taking it all lightly. She heard those claims before but she knew it was all a lie. She was just listening at their conversation silently but hearing the negative claims against him spiced her up.

Marcus was about to speak when he heard a voice from someone among the crowd. "Who are you calling money hungry beast, huh?" her tone can spark world-war3.

"Madam, not because we have the freedom to speak doesn't mean you have the freedom to trample someone with your foul mouth. Do you think we deserve to wait in line because of your nonsense issue? Discount? If you know you can't afford to pay such then why did you choose to come here and fought with the employees? Why don't you go to other department store that gives cheap prices!"

"I don't want to. Even though it was cheap but they're fake!" The old woman shouted.

"There! You got it! You should know that the items they sell here came directly from the manufacturers and there's no way they'll be cheap. And how dare you talk about loyalty when your dress says otherwise?!" She matches the woman's tone.

Marcus couldn't speak seeing how the two women fought with their words. He was even surprise that Jade was hiding a lioness within her.

The employees and some shoppers that gathered around immediately glance at the old woman's dress and they all scowled. She is wearing a competitor's logo.

"Dare to say more?" Jade scoffed. She's totally upset.

"You! I will never forget your face and how you humiliated me this very day!" She threatened the woman before rushing to the mall's exit leaving all the items she took at the counter.

"Same here!" She shouted at the retreating figure. As soon as the woman left, the people around, as well as the employees couldn't hold their laughter any longer. Seeing how the old woman stomped her feet while blushing in embarrassment was such a scene.

Marcus chuckled upon seeing how pissed Jade was and it might be weird, but he finds her cute.

Jade inhaled an amount of air to calm her nerves. She couldn't even believe herself at what she did and hearing the people's laughter made her shy away. She was about to cower but Marcus suddenly tapped her head.

"I didn't know you have such a temper." He chuckled teasing the woman.

���Mr. Hanes…" They heard the manager quaking. "I'm truly sorry for ---''

"Mr. Shawn, you don't have to apologized. You did the right thing." He smiled.

Hearing how the CEO complimented and smiled at him, the manager shifted his gaze towards the woman beside him. It was rare for the CEO to compliment let alone smile! It seems to him that the woman is a great influencer. Who is she? He was in deep thought while watching the man laughs at the pouting woman.

"Mr. Hanes, did you buy some things here? please let me see the items that I may punch it for you since the line is quite lengthy now." The manager offered.

"Oh yes please---"

"No, it's okay. We will be waiting for our turn." Jade interrupted the man who was about to point the items.

"What?!" Marcus bawled upsettingly seeing the woman's determination.

They have to wait for how many minutes before they reach the counter. They should have been done if only they used his privilege as the ceo. He can even take everything for free but Jade insisted of doing things in her own way—which he finds troublesome!

*Unknown to them, rumors started to spread inside the department store as soon as they left. They were all guessing and some were betting who was the woman with him. Some says she is his wife; some says girlfriend but some says she was just a sister. *

"You were really cool a while ago! Have you seen the faces of your employees and the people around when you blew your cover? Omo! They were all shocked!" She was laughing nonstop. "And that old woman, did you see her face? It was red as a tomato!ha-ha."

Marcus was having a good time listening and watching the woman talk and laugh at the same time. After a few minutes, the ice-cream she ordered came.

"Oh my! I really need some sugar after dealing with that old sly fox!" She blissfully opened the ice cream can and started digging in. Marcus was just looking at her in awe. Who wouldn't be in awe once they saw a woman ordered one liter of ice cream?! "Hey, aren't you eating?" she pouted.

Marcus shook his head. "No, I'll pass. Ice cream is not my thing."

"Come on, try it! I'm sure you'll like it." She scooped a little and brought it close to his mouth. "Take it."

"I told you, no."

Jade pouted like a child who was about to cry. She ordered one litter of ice cream for them to share. It was supposed to be an ice cream date!

'Damn it!' He scoffed within before grabbing the spoon in her hand and ate the ice-cream.

"Do you like it?" The woman asked with a wistful gaze.

Marcus, on the other hand rolled his eyes. How did he end up giving in to this woman's absurd insinuations? Since when?!

***End of Flashback***