"Grandpa, I need to tell you something!" Zion stormed inside the old man's office.

The old man was in a meeting with three of the company executives when Zion suddenly entered the office. He froze when he saw some men gathered in the room.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you were having a meeting." He kowtowed because of his sudden interruption. He was not expecting a meeting at this hour.

The old man looked at him and motioned him to wait outside for a few more minutes. Zion understood therefore he left the room silently.

It was his excitement to share his findings with the old man that he didn't think of checking his schedules for the day. If he did, then he could have prevented such shameful incident.

After the meeting, he ordered his secretary to call for Zion. He must be somewhere strolling around the company premises watching and observing the employees once again. It took him thirty-minutes to end the meeting and Zion was surely having fun with some of the employees.

"What is it that you want to tell me?" He asked when Zion came in. He was reclining on the soft couch in his office and he looked distressed.

"It's about the girl."

"You mean Arriana?" He suddenly glanced at the young man.

"Yes grandpa. I found her birth record at the hospital where I was working."

"Does that mean you have found her completely?"

"No." Zion sadly voiced and he saw how the old man glowered in disappointment. "Though I was able to get her old address and I tried visiting it. It was long abandoned and no one had ever occupied it."

"You mean no one ever stayed there since then?"

"Yes, that's right. It was never put on sale since it was named after the only daughter who went missing after the car accident. So that means, all their stuffs were still kept in their house. We might be able to find some clues of her whereabouts once we search the house."

"Well, we can try that out."

"But we have a little problem." Zion stared at the old man.

Seeing his stern gaze, the old man knew it was not just a simple problem.

"The house was heavily guarded and no one, not even the real state companies could get inside the house. It's impossible to break in since according to the rumors I gathered, the men guarding the house are well experienced. They've killed a lot of people who tried to break in that house for the past few years."

"If that's true, whoever is protecting that place surely knows the family personally. The question is whether that person is an ally or an enemy." He traced his jaw with his finger.

"Zion, do everything to find out who was behind it. I'm not sure but I have a feeling that the person who was guarding that house knew who and where Arriana is. There's no way they'll guard the house without any valid reason."

"Yes, grandpa. I'll let you know once I found something." He kowtowed and was about to leave.


"Yes, grandpa. Is there anything else?" He paused in his tracks.

"I know I've been asking a lot from you but don't forget to live your own life as well. Why don't you get yourself a girlfriend and marry? I can still watch over some grandkids you know…" He beamed.

"Ha ha!" Zion chuckled. "Maybe after we find her? Who knows I might fall in love with that person we are trying to search?" He let out a playful laugh before leaving the room completely.

The old man sighed. Zion was not the little kid he picked up in the street any longer. He was already on his right age to marry but looked like he wanted to give back the favor first before settling down. Although they are not connected by blood, the fact that he grew up under his surveillance makes him his own flesh and blood.

Relationship must not solely be based on blood alone.

Peter Black, a man in his late fifties were left in daze at his office. He should also hire another person to do the searching instead of putting all the burden to Zion. It's not his responsibility to do it anyway.

He took his phone and dialed a number.

"She's currently in Paris right now and will be back on Tuesday morning. I'll tell her to drop by your office then." The man on the other line answered.

"I appreciate it. Thank you, Mon."

"Not a problem, Pete. I owe you a lot so I could at least help you with small matters like this." The man chuckled.

"You're doing me a great favor, Mon. Finding her was the sole reason why I am still alive." He heaved a heavy sigh.

"You'll find her in no time, Pete. I believe it."

"Thank you, Mon." He voiced before hanging up.

Once again, Peter walked towards the small cabinet beside the white wall and picked up the frame of a person. He can't die yet. Not until he finds the woman. How can he bear to face his friends on the other side? How can he tell them about their daughter? Surely, they will be grieved once they learnt that their daughter remained unfound.

Ah, poor Arriana! He shed a tear. 'My friend, I will definitely find her.' He promised. Then his mind remembered what Zion said a while ago.

How could it be possible that the house was never in an auction after so many years? He thought. Well, something isn't right and he needs to find it out.

His thoughts were from a far when his secretary knocked on the door.

"Come in." He voiced.

"Mr. Black, the president of Ellipsis incorporation is on the line."

"Connect it to line two.

"Yes sir."

The office secretary left and after a few minutes, the office phone ringed.

"Mr. Ellipsis, what can I do for you?" The old man answered.

"Mr. Black, I have some good news! Mr. Hanes of Enchanteur chemicals agreed to meet with you next week, Tuesday at 6pm. Do you think the time and date won't interfere any of your current schedule?

Peter checked his schedule. Mon's daughter will be arriving on Tuesday morning. In case she'll drop by anytime, he could use her company to meeting the CEO of Enchanteur. Yes, it should be alright.

"Yes, I'm okay with that. Thank you."

As soon as the call ended, the old man suddenly recalled a specific scene years ago.

"Enchanteur Chemicals…" He muttered in disdain. "Where everything started."