Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped!

She was expecting to work in an office along with some others but to her surprise, she found herself inside a spacious office.

"Miss Arria, this will be your office from now on." Sonny pointed the lone desk. "You have a mini Sala in that corner and a coffee vending machine. The comfort room is located outside, left side but we also have one at the boss' office in case you have to used it in emergency cases."

"Y-you mean I will be working with someone?"

"Yes." He smirked meaningfully. "He is in a meeting right now and you will meet him before lunchtime."

"B-but Sir…"

"My office is located outside. You can always see me or call me if you need anything. My phone number is in the book directory. Please feel free to roam around." He kowtowed and was about to leave but he halted and faced the nervous woman.

"Good luck on your first day, Miss Arria." He smirked as if he had planned all this.

Jade tried to calm herself and strolled around the spacious room. Her desk is facing another office. It must be the boss' room. She walked around and sat on the couch. Whoa! She giggled excitingly. It was soft and comfortable. She might doze off immediately once she sleeps on it! Coffee vending machine, mugs, water and a good view from the outside. Ah! She didn't know she could enjoy such at the 16th floor!

The 16th floor or better known as the executive's deck. Seeing how she could stare at the clear blue sky every single day is already a privilege.

She sighed to relieve herself from nervousness. Thinking about it, she's on the same floor as Marcus now. Will she be able to meet her husband soon? Seeing how wide the building was and knowing how busy the staffs here gives her 50% chance to meet her husband. But what will be his reaction once he learnt that she's working at the same floor as him? Would it be okay for him or not?

However, he is the CEO, so it's kinda impossible for them to see each other even if they are working at the same building. What if his office was located at the east wing? Being at the west wing makes it impossible for her to see the guy.

Anyway, she can see him at home every day, so why bother?

She then sat on the chair and started to go through the papers piled on her desk. Looked like she'll be doing overtime today. She also browsed the computer to check the internet connection, and bingo!

She opened the computer's gallery and found different kinds of music. She searched the files for any country songs and guess the old secretary was a country music lover just like her. Haha! She then took her headphones and plugged it in and started listening to songs one after the other while working on the papers.

She was so engrossed at her job that she didn't notice the door opened. Then a man with a perfect physique came in along with two elderlies.

The man was about to enter his office when he suddenly halted as soon as he got a glimpse of a woman humming while facing the desktop.

"Mr. Hanes!" Sonny exclaimed. He did not expect him to come back early so he rushed when he saw them entered the office. Seeing how the woman was oblivious of her surrounding, Sonny went to her and tapped her arm. And as soon as she lifted her head, she swiftly stood up, removed her headset and kowtowed apologetically.

"Mr. Hanes, this is your new secretary, Miss Jade Arria." Sonny introduced the woman whose eyes widened in disbelief when she saw her new boss.


"Excuse me?" The man coldly faced her. "Miss Arria, even if you know me, I appreciate it if you maintain professionalism while at work." After which, he entered his office followed by the two elders.

"Miss Arria, presence of mind." Sonny caught her attention.

"Mr. Lee, the man who just went in… Was it the ceo? Marcus Yoseph Hanes?"


The woman fell back on the chair incredulously. She's happy to see him but being his secretary is another thing! Never in her wildest dream did she imagined working under her husband directly.

She was in daze that she didn't notice Sonny left the office.

"Get a hold of yourself, Jade." She pinched her cheek. Then after a few minutes, she saw the two elderly came out. She kowtowed as they left.

It's already lunchtime so she gathered all her strength and knocked at Marcus' office.

"Come in." She heard the same cold voice.

She opened the door and went in. She stood in front of him but he didn't even bother to look at her.

"Uhm… M-mr. Hanes, I was wondering if I can already take my lunchbreak." She was breaking as she speaks.

"If it is time for you to take a break then go. You don't have to asked permission because I will be notified once you punch it properly."

"O-okay." She was about to turn around but she stopped and face him again. "A-aren't you taking your lunch too?"

"Didn't I tell you to mind your own business?" He rudely replied. "Be professional when you're at work."

"Uh, okay. I'm sorry." She kowtowed and left.

Marcus went overboard and he knew it. He was in a bad mood right now so he was easily irritated even at small things.

Though he couldn't help but glanced at the monitor recording set outside his office and watched the woman heaved a sigh before leaving the room with a gloomy appearance.


It was already 9pm but Jade hadn't finished her work yet.

Marcus left the office at seven since he has a dinner meeting. Of course, Jade was not expecting him to return to the office and get her.

She was tired and sleepy but she needs to finish two more tasks.

It was already 10:45pm when she completed everything. Before leaving the office, she made sure to clean the room including Marcus' office. It was already her practice when she was in the HR Dept. she likes it better to start the day working and not cleaning.

After cleaning, she rushed to the bus station in hope to catch the last bus. However, she was a minute late so she waited for a cab instead.

She was dozing off while waiting for the cab she booked. Unknown to her, a black car was parked in a distance and a man wearing a formal suit was watching the poor cold woman.

"Should I call her in?" Sonny asked the man at the backseat. The man was about to respond when he saw a cab stopped in front of her.

"No, let's head straight home." he nonchalantly replied while Sonny cued the driver to start the engine.