There's something strange about him!

All the 16th floor employees were talking about the boss who went home early again. It's still five in the afternoon but he was already getting out.

"Mr. Hanes, did something happen to miss Arria?" Sonny decided to utter his thoughts while they were on their way to the elevator."Aside from being sick, is there any particular thing you want to know about her?" His tone was filled with sarcasm."Was that the reason you're going home early today? To tend for your sick wife?"

Sonny smirked meaningfully but Marcus glared at him murderously.

"Mr. Lee, I don't think your done with your job for the day. So where are you going?"

"Sending you home?"

"Don't bother. I will be driving today. Go back to your work now." He motioned the man to go back to his office.

"But Mr. Hanes, one of my jobs is to secure your safety so I am---"

"Mr. Lee, make sure that no papers will be left at Jade's desk today. Once I see a single document at her desk tomorrow morning, prepare to submit your resignation."

He threatened his personal assistant before getting inside the VIP lift.

"See you tomorrow, Mr. Lee." He smirked tauntingly before the elevator door shut.

Sonny hissed in annoyance. And why was he doing the secretary's job to begin with? He has his own job to do! Ahhh, that guy is totally unreasonable!

But Sonny must say that it's the very first time Marcus asked him to do his secretary's job because of her absence. He never let any of his secretary take a leave despites claiming that they are sick. Guess Jade was a special case.

He grinned mischievously. Is he falling for her now? he-he!

As usual, Traffic jam! He cursed beneath his breath. That was the main reason why Marcus chose to go home late, to avoid being stuck on the road for hours.

Ah right! Jade was sick. He should buy her some healthy foods. Or how about preparing a soup for her? But wait, what does she likes to eat? Does she have any food allergy? Dang! He could be the worst person for not knowing what his woman likes or dislikes!

Ah, right! seafood! He recalled the day they ate together at the restaurant by the bay. Though she won't say it but she loved every kind of seafood, particularly shrimps.

Therefore, Marcus pulled the car and parked in front of a supermarket.

'Shrimps, shrimps, shrimps….' He muttered softly while looking for it. 'How am I supposed to cook you?' He heaved a heavy sigh when he suddenly remembered his mother's special dish.

He grinned wide. 'You had just saved me from near shame, mom.'After paying for the ingredients, he excitedly went back to his car and drove quickly. Not sure why but he was seemingly looking forward to show off her cooking skill in front of that woman.

He was not just a handsome office guy but he is proud to tell the world he knew how to cook too. He just doesn't do it often since he was busy at work.

Was he falling in love with her now? No! It won't happen. He loves Rachelle the most. His kindness to the woman is a different thing. It's not an act of love rather of pity--- She looked like his silly rabbit, that's why.

Yeah. That should be the main reason.

Meanwhile, Jade's boredom was killing her. She doesn't know what else to do besides cleaning the whole house for the whole day! Leah, one of the maid, protested but Jade insisted to help her. It was almost three in the afternoon when they finished cleaning the whole house.

After resting for thirty minutes, she headed to the library. Maybe she'll be able to find an interesting book to read—IF, there is. However, thinking about Marcus' personality, she seemingly envisioned what books were on the shelves.

Business books! Tsk.

And true enough, he got a lot of books about business and leadership and what not.

'Will I be able to find any other genre here?' She creased her brow but she continued to roam around the mini library. However, she stopped in a corner when she suddenly saw something that doesn't match Marcus' personality.

A frame of something…. Wait. What is it? A rabbit or a little girl? She couldn't tell. An abstract painting maybe, but all she can see was an image of a rabbit!

It was carefully placed on a beautiful frame with diamonds and pearls all around it. Though one can say that the diamonds are…. Omo! It's not fake! She dropped her jaw in unbelief.

The painting was seemingly old and it looked like he treasured it very much. But what's so special about this? She hissed and was about to turn her heels when she suddenly heard a kid's voice in her head.

'Do you like rabbits that much?'

Then a blurry image of a disappointed boy showed up.

She unknowingly teared up and clenched her heart beating abnormally fast. Dang it! She cursed as soon as she came to her senses. Why was she crying in the first place?

She released an amount of air before she turned her attention back to the painting on the frame. She walked near to it and held it close and looked at it carefully.

Now that she got a closer look of it, the painting was somewhat… Familiar. Wait, she definitely saw it before! She was in deep thought when someone suddenly shouted behind her. His voice thundered inside the room that Jade accidentally dropped the frame.

She broke it!

"M-marcus!" She suddenly trembled when she saw the man fuming in anger.

"G E T O U T!"