Something is wrong!

Though she was looking at the screen monitor of her computer, her thoughts were from afar. She doesn't understand why the man suddenly softened up towards her.

Did she possibly win his heart now? Impossible! All she did was cook him breakfast. Does that mean the saying, "A way to a man's heart is through his stomach" was real?

The other night, although he yelled at him when she broke the frame of his beloved childhood sweetheart, the fact that he came and tend her wounds was heart melting. He also apologized and explained himself later that night.

What's more, he cooked shrimp soup for her!

And speaking of that shrimp soup, it was kinda familiar. When she tasted it, she unknowingly paused. The aroma of it gives her a childhood vibe. Guess she used to eat such when she was younger.

"You don't like it?" Marcus asked the daze woman when he saw her halted."No. Yes. I... I mean… it's delicious!" She smiled. "It's just that it gave me a feeling that I once tasted this before.""Impossible. That's my mom's secret recipe." Marcus chuckled. "She never taught it to anyone else except me.""Oh, such a waste. This one is definitely good! I think it will be a hit once discovered. Don't you want to create your own diner?" She teased.

"Do you want to manage it?" He raised his brow challenging the woman."He-he." She chortled playfully. "I was just kidding about that. Forget about it."

She's better off with papers but not in managing people, let alone a business! She knew she lack social skills so that would be a no-no to her.

Aside from having dinner together for the very first time, his husband also offered his car! It's been two days in a row that they've been coming to work together. But of course, she always made sure to get out of the car without anyone noticing it.

Anyway, Marcus was good with that kind of set-up since he doesn't want other people to discover about their relationship. Offering her a ride is more than enough but to enter the company together was totally not a part of their deal.

Though Marcus didn't say it bluntly but as the contract stated, no one must know about their relationship as much as possible.

Something is really wrong! She seemed to be dreaming.

Moreover, Marcus seemed to smile and laugh often! She just noticed that Marcus was even more handsome whenever he cackled. Not sure if he finds her stupid or what, but the fact that she somehow saw him chuckled from time to time eased her a bit.

That means she was progressing. She giggled unknowingly.

"It's still early in the morning but you're already daydreaming, Miss Arria. Should I hire a new secretary?' She heard a stern voice.

"Marcus!" She stood in surprise. "I mean, Mr. Hanes. I'm sorry. I was just reminded of a funny story… and… and…"

"And what? Care to share so I can laugh too?"

"Ahhh… Uhm…" She made a guilty face. Now she looked like someone who was caught doing something naughty. "He-he." She looked away shyly. "Uhm, Mr. Hanes, why are you here?" She tried to divert the topic.

"This is my office, that's why I'm here."

Dang it! wrong question Jade! She pursed her lower lip. "What I mean is---"

"Come with me." He immediately interrupted.

"Eh?" She held a confused gaze. Where to? She thought.

Seeing her confusion, Marcus sighed annoyingly.

"Miss Arria, moving forward, I need you to stay with me."

Jade's heart suddenly skipped a beat. 'Stay with you? But I already made that decision a long time ago.' She wiggled cutely.

"Since you are my secretary, I need you to join me in every meeting. You have my schedule, right?"

"W-what?!" Her eyes widened in surprise. "B-but Mr. Hanes, I have a lot of ----"

"Are you trying to defy your superior, Miss Arria?" He stared at her coldly.

"N-no, Mr. Hanes." She made a face before picking up the papers needed for the meeting today. Then she inhaled and exhaled deeply before following the man.

He will be meeting the project management team since they have a new proposition for the new product.

'Relax Jade, you'll just have to follow his lead. You're not gonna do the talking anyway.' She tapped her chest gently.

She followed the man at the VIP lift as they trekked the way to the project management conference room located at the 9th floor.

Unknown to them, rumors started to spread once again when they saw a woman following behind the CEO.

They guessed it was his new secretary. But this is kinda new! They never saw him bring his secretary in meetings!

'I also saw them got off the boss' car the other day!' Someone said. 'I even took a photo of them together.''Really? Then they must be dating!' Another said while the other employees secretly took a photo of them together.'This is a big news!'

The employees who took a photo of them together also sent it to their co-employees from the other department. Therefore, a rumor about the boss and his secretary dating spread all over the company.


"The plane had already landed but my men didn't find him among the passengers."

A man in a black suit reported.

"What?!" Suzette stood up perplexed. "Looked like he knew I'd be watching him." She walked near the open window and looked outside. "Find him at all cost. his location and where he was staying and report it all to me. Also, make sure to watch over Marcus and Jade. Don't let them notice you, understand?"

She gave a stern warning.

"Yes, chairwoman." The man kowtowed before leaving the room.

She sneered in contempt as soon as the man left. 'Barry, you can try to destroy me all you want but not the kids.' She muttered within.

Meanwhile, at the airport, a man disguising himself as a hippie guy got inside a cab.

"To Z subdivision please."

He sneered evilly as the driver started the engine.
