"Hey, miss! Please, don't jump! Come down and let's talk, okay?" Jasmine yelped when she suddenly saw a crying lady standing on the bars at the rooftop.

It was Jasmine's lunch break so she decided to eat her packed lunch at the rooftop. She's been stressed for the past few days and now that she needed a friend to talk to, Jade isn't around. Looked like she's enjoying the benefits of being the first lady of the Hanes family.

'Ah, she's so lucky!' Jasmine mumbled as she stretched her hands upwards. She didn't know why but her mind was telling her to get a peaceful place to eat instead of going to their usual pantry. Guess her mind wanted peace right now.

She already opened the lid of her lunchbox and was about to dig in when she heard a crying voice.

'Whoa! Is it a ghost?!' She widened her eyes while looking around. 'Nah, ghost in the middle of the day? what are you? a fool? Tsk!' She shook her head and swallowed the food but the sobbing voice only got louder.

Therefore, she stood up and decided to search where the voice was coming from and when she saw a woman standing at the edge of the bars, her mind immediately thought that the woman might jump off.

"Get away from the bars and come to me, let's talk about whatever your problem is. I'm here to listen, okay?"

The lady looked at the worried woman. Ah, that woman was the HR personnel who helped her get a job in the company. Guilt suddenly filled her heart.

"Ah, you… I remember you…" She muttered softly.

She slowly walked away from the ridge and to her surprise, the woman rushed to hug her. Dang! That was the thing she needed the most!

She sobbed once again.

Jasmine held her arm and pulled her to the table where she was supposed to have her lunch.

"Tell me, what's your name?' She asked. Her voice was filled with concern. "And why are you---"

"I'm sorry if you got the wrong idea. I was not planning to jump off the rooftop." She wiped her wet eyes. "I can't possibly do that because my family depends on me."

"Oh, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding then. But I'm so glad that you cleared it out. Then tell me, why are you here crying?"

She looked at the woman sternly. Her mind was in a muddle, not knowing whether to tell her or not.

"What's the problem? You can tell it to me and we'll see what we can do for you. Is someone bullying you at work? Don't worry, I know someone close to the CEO, I'm sure she can help you out."

Jasmine can sense the hesitation of the woman. She didn't study psychology for nothing. At least, she can still read someone's behavior. Something was greatly bothering the woman and seeing her eyes, she knew instantly that she needed help.

"I…." She lowered her head but after a few minutes, she heaved a heavy sigh. "By the way, my name is Jackie. I don't know if you can still remember someone like me but you were the one who helped me get a job here despites of my educational background."

"Oh yes! I remember you!' Jasmine smiled. "How are you doing now?"

"I'm doing fine, miss Jasmine. Thank you for helping me out. I was able to get my degree in finance last year and it wouldn't be possible without your help. If you didn't sign me up as one of the beneficiary for the company's educational sponsorship, then I wouldn't be able to finish my studies."

"You deserved it." She touched her hands. "I'm surprise you still remember my name." She chuckled.

"I can't possibly forget the name of the person who saved me." She finally smiled before she paused for a few minutes.

"Uhm, Miss Jasmine… I have something to tell you." She looked away shyly.

"What is it?"

"My mom badly needed a heart transplant right now. If possible, she should undergo surgery within this week. However, in her case, it's utterly difficult to wait for an available heart especially that a lot of people were waiting in line." Tears started to flow from her eyes. "I'm afraid I would lose her anytime soon. Also, my father's trial was an ongoing issue till now."

She tried to sob without a sound and Jasmine could feel her pain. "I'm sorry to hear that." She caressed the woman's back.

"But earlier this day, I met someone who offered help. He said he will arrange my mom's surgery and work on my dad's case. He even offered my brother a scholarship abroad…."

"Isn't that a blessing?" She felt happy but only for a few seconds because when she saw that Jackie teared up even more, she immediately knew that the blessing came with a condition. "Or not." She muttered.

"It's very tempting, miss Jasmine! It could actually change not just my family's life but mine. However, I… I….''

She knew something was off but she patiently waited for the lady to voice it on her own. And whatever that is, she could sense it would cause a big problem in the company.

"Don't be afraid, Jackie. If we need to protect you and your family's safety, then we will do it at all cost. I may not look like it but I am very close to someone who is very close to the CEO. You'll be okay as long as you trust me."

The lady looked into her eyes. She can feel Jasmine's sincerity but she was torn in between two choices. Her mother badly needed a heart transplant but then….

She was in deep thought.

Dang it! Come what may! She breathes in an amount of air before looking at the woman.

"It's true that the offer would save me and my family, but it would also harm the company." She finally decided to tell her. "The man wanted me to hand him the marketing plan as well as the formula of our new products."

"Whoa, that's playing dirty!" Jasmine clenched her fist in anger. "Did you agree?"

"I asked him to give me time to think about it and he gave me three days with a threat. Even if I reject his offer, he can always find a new person to do it."

Jasmine was in deep thought for a while. This is definitely a bad thing. The company and Jackie's family is at risk.

"Jackie, do you have the man's information?"

"No. But I have his number." She brought out her phone and gave her the man's number. "Please help me because I don't know what to do."

"Don't tell anyone about this for the time being and let's exhaust the three days' grace period she gave you. I promise to help you, so don't worry too much." She gave the lady a comforting smile.

Jasmine was restless when she went back to her office. She doesn't want to trust anyone unless it's her best friend. Therefore, she picked up her phone and dialed the woman's number.

"Jade, I need to tell you something. Asap!"