It was already nine in the evening when they reached Z subdivision.

As soon as Zion dropped her home, she heaved a sigh and slowly trekked the staircase going to their bed.

She held the doorknob to their room but she muttered a little prayer first. She was hoping that Marcus isn't home yet. But if he's home, hope he was already asleep.

"Oh please…" She was whispering when she suddenly jumped in shock upon hearing a stern voice behind her.

"What are you doing?"

Marcus! Her heart was beating fast.

"H-hey!" She stuttered. "I…"

The guy opened the door and walked pass her.

"I thought you were sleeping." She mumbled, still on the doorway.

Geez! Zion shouldn't have reminded her about last night! Not that she remembered everything but she recalled cursing the man. Other events were all a blur to her. Dang it! She cursed beneath her breath.

'Relax, Jade. Just pretend that you don't have any memory about last night.' She encouraged herself.

"If you don't want to enter the room then would you please close the door instead?" Marcus emotionlessly uttered while sitting on his study desk.

She entered and close the door. She was walking slowly to her bed but her eyes were on Marcus. She was trying to assess his mood. Is he possibly mad at her because of her words last night? Fudge! She should never drink moving forward.

She pursed her lips as soon as she reached her bed. She was about to pull her pajama on her drawer when she suddenly heard Marcus' accusing voice.

"Looked like you're enjoying going out with Zion lately, huh. Are you already dating?"

Eh? Dating? Of course not! She glanced at the man who was busy writing something in his laptop. Wait, is he pertaining about last night or did he see Zion dropping her home earlier?

"We're not dating. Were just friends." She replied. Annoyance can be heard on her tone.

"Friends? With benefits?" Marcus sneered mockingly. "Eating together in a fancy restaurant and driving you home this late. Tell me, did you already have sex with him?"

"Marcus!" She couldn't believe the man accusing her of such a thing. Was she that filthy in his sight?

"I know you hate me so much. But labeling me like a slutty woman is below the belt." She couldn't force back her tears.

"All my life, I never offered my body to anyone except to the man I lawfully married. If insulting me makes you happy then fine. Take it to the next level. But don't you dare tarnish a good man like Zion because he is way better than you!"

'He is way better than you.' That hit his ego hard. Marcus doesn't know what's gotten in him that he stood up and held the woman's arm who was about to walk out the door. His eyes were bloodshot red as he looked at the woman's teary eyes.

"In what way was Zion better than me?"

Jade shivered in fear seeing how angry the man is. She tried pulling her hand away when she felt the pain in her arm due to his strong grip.

"Was he better in bed?"

"How many times must I tell you, we never had se----"

She couldn't finish her words because he suddenly kissed her.

"There's only one way to find out." He pinned her down on the bed and kissed her roughly.

He was acting aggressively. Now she could taste her own blood due to the man's harsh kissing. He even ripped the woman's dress and took off her undies and started thrusting inside her.

She whined in pain. She could feel the man's anger as he ferociously thrust his big hard thing inside her.

She teared up while biting her lower lip. She's in pain. But if this is the only way to prove him wrong then so be it. She was sobbing silently.

He was able to vent out his anger after a few thrusts. Fudge! He must admit, she's so tight and his body wanted more of her. However, when he finally lifted his eyes to looked at the woman's face, he froze.

Her crying face was ripping his heart. Only then did he realized that he hurt the woman immensely.

What have I done? Guilt enveloped his heart.

The woman shut her eyes but tears kept flowing from her. She couldn't feel the man moving on top of her. Is he done? Maybe. But she couldn't bear to open her eyes to looked at him. She's afraid to see a hateful eyes looking at her despicably.

However, to her surprise, she felt a hand wiping her wet cheek. It was gentle enough for her to open her eyes.

"I-I'm sorry." She heard the man uttered softly. His eyes were filled with care and concern. Is this for real? Or it was just her imagination? "I'm truly sorry." He bended down and kissed her cheek.

She teared up once again. The man's mellow voice and his gentle kiss just melted the pain in her heart.

"I told you… I never did it with anyone else except you." She was breaking as she speaks.

"I know, I know…I believe you…" He whispered. "I'm truly sorry. I didn't mean to…" He paused when he heard the woman sobbed.

His heart ached while seeing the woman's tears. He couldn't understand his self but he wanted to hushed her pain. Therefore, he bended to kiss her cheeks before capturing her lips. This time, he gently did it passionately.

Surprisingly, the woman parted her lips and responded back. That moment, Marcus made sure that both will enjoy the pleasure of solely becoming one tonight.

***Marcus fell his back on the bed. Both were panting while catching their breaths after a few rounds. After a few minutes of resting in silence, Marcus stood up and went to the shower room.

Meanwhile, Jade curled her body underneath the blanket. Her mind was in a muddle with all the things happened to her this day.

Not sure why but she felt like life was messing up with her. Doesn't she deserve a happy and normal life like the others?

She's been wanting to have a peaceful life free of worries but life gave her the opposite.

Nightmares instead of peace and a one-sided love… Everything she ever wanted, the heavens gave her the reversal. What grave sin did she commit to have a life like this? She was in deep thought that she didn��t notice Marcus who just came out from the shower room.

"Aren't you going to take a shower?" Marcus voiced.

"Marcus…" The man wore a clean shirt before glancing at the woman who was now sitting on the bed.

"What? Do you want more?" He smirked jokingly.

"I have a proposal."

Marcus furrowed his brow surprised. Proposal? Is it a good one or what? He suddenly felt a bit anxious.