Phew! Jade heaved a sigh of relief. His serious question was interrupted by the commotion in front of them. Looks like there was an accident.

She's not happy that there was an accident, it's just that she was relieved to get out from Marcus penetrating gaze. She didn't know how to tell Marcus about her constant nightmares yet. She suddenly felt afraid—afraid of who knows why. Maybe a fear of the unknown?

She doesn't have the confidence to tell Marcus yet. She's simply afraid. 

What if Marcus would think she was kinda weird? Worst, he might think that she is mentally ill. She's afraid of judgements--- just like before, when her nightmares started.

Anyway, she's not ready to tell him about it yet, maybe soon, but not right now. 

"Oh my… What do you think happened?" Jade exclaimed! 

"I don't know?" Marcus replied while removing his seatbelt. 

"Don't tell me you're going out." Jade looked at the man who only smiled as a response. "Marcus, don't go… the rain is pouring hard and …."

She couldn't finish what she wanted to say since the man captured her lips. 

"I'll be right back." He smiled sweetly as soon as they broke away. 

Jade was in daze by his sudden action. She didn't expect the man to initiate a kiss at a time like this. She didn't even notice that Marcus got off the car and rushed outside.

'Dang it, Jade! Why do you keep on acting like a teenager in front of her crush?' She hit her forehead to wake up from reality. 

Eh? But where is Marcus? She yelped before she laid her eyes in front and saw Marcus along with some men running at the front side.

'Someone may have called 911 already.' She muttered to herself.

Seven minutes had already passed yet she couldn't see Marcus's silhouette yet. Now she's worried seeing the rain pouring hard. She tried looking for an umbrella inside the car and spotted one at the back seat. She took it and decided to follow Marcus. 

She was near the area when she heard a lot of voices shouting in the midst of the heavy rain. 

Oh no! Two suv cars hit each other and a few men were rescuing the family trapped inside the black suv.

She stood frozen when she saw Marcus carrying an unconscious bloody girl who seemed 7 years old. The black suv car tumbled down while the other one hit the post on the side. 

A minute later, the ambulance came and the medical staffs started rescuing the others. 

'Papa…' Jade unknowingly muttered when her eyes landed on the bloody man at the driver seat as a specific scene replayed before her. 

Blood…. There was blood everywhere!

Bangggggggg!!!!!! She heard a gunshot. And the next thing she saw was the blood of a woman flowing towards her….

Bangggggg!!!! Another gunshot. This time, her eyes looked at a man lifelessly as his blood flowed toward her.

She unknowingly staggered backwards. However, her knees went numb all of a sudden that she fell on the ground. 

"Jade!" She heard a voice. She teared up. Her mind was about to explode. 

She closed her eyes in grief as she let out the unexplainable pain in her heart. Ah, how she wishes to remember everything! 

Why does it feel like she has forgotten some important things in the past? The feeling of losing someone you dearly love…

Dang it! Why is she mourning right now? It's as if a part of her brain chose to forget something in the past…. The past filled with grief.

But what is it? Which part in her past did she forget? She wanted to know because she wanted to end the misery she's been suffering for years now.

"Jade… Jade…" Marcus held the woman's shoulders. "Jade, please look at me." He lifted the woman's chin and tried to meet her eyes. 

"M-marcus…" Her voice shrieked in pain. "I… I am so tired… I can't do this anymore." She clenched her suffocated chest as she cried her heart out. But as soon as she saw Marcus' bloody shirt, she fainted!

MEANWHILE, Jackie decided to go out from the hospital for a few minutes. She suddenly craved for her favorite hamburger at the nearby fast food restaurant. 

It was seven in the evening so the fast food store should be still open. She then took her bag and took a few bills with her.

"Mom, I'll just buy something outside. I'll be back in a few minutes." She kissed her mother's forehead before closing the door.

The room was packed with CCTV cameras therefore, no one will attempt of stealing from her purse, that was for sure.

Though the queue was quite long, Jackie was able to buy two of her favorite cheeseburger. She was on her way back to the hospital when someone suddenly blocked her way.

She bumped into him and when she lifted her eyes to apologize, she staggered in fear instead.

"Y-you… how did you find me?" She shivered in fear when she met the man's murderous gaze.

"You… Do you think you can hide from me forever?" The man smirked evilly. "I just want to tell you that I can find you wherever you go, so if you ever betray me… know that I am not a merciful guy." He whispered in her ears before he left the woman who stood frozen in fear.

B-but how… H-how did he find me? The woman staggered weakly. As soon as she got back to her senses, she immediately rushed to the hospital to her mother's room and searched for her phone. As soon as she spotted it, she dialed Jasmine's number.

"M-miss Jasmine… I… I think I am in trouble!" 


"Did you say she keeps on fainting whenever she sees blood?" Doctor Spencer raised his brow as soon as Marcus told Jade's story over the phone.

"Yes." Marcus heaved a heavy sigh while his eyes landed on the woman who was sleeping soundly on her bed. "And I think there's more to her trauma."

"What is it?"

"Often times, she's not herself. I even witnessed her crumbling due to some of her nightmares. I don't think it was a simple nightmare though."

"Why do you say so?"

"I had my own nightmares before too, you know that right?"

"So in other words, you want me to help her, am I correct?"

"Yes. I think she needs your help. Help her overcome whatever traumas she has just like you did to me."

Doctor Spencer heaved a heavy sigh. "Okay. Why don't you bring her here then? I'm always free on Thursdays."

"Okay. I'll let her know… Or better not. I don't think she'll go with me once she learns about what you do."

"Whatever works for you." Doctor Spencer replied before hanging up.

Hmm… a pair of mysterious human beings.... What a combination! Spencer chuckled tauntingly.