It was her day off and she's been thinking of inviting Doctor Zion out. But Jasmine doesn't have the courage to call him first.

"What if he's busy?" She thought so she shoved the idea of calling the man. She totally like him but she's not as bold as the other ladies who can make the first move to a man they like.

"But where friends, he shouldn't have any other thoughts once I call him, right?" She was encouraging herself but it didn't even boost a little confidence in her. "Tsk, what a coward!" She mocked herself before throwing her phone on the soft couch. 

She took a quick shower and decided to visit Jackie and her mother. They've grown quite close for the past few weeks and they even have the sister-feels whenever they meet. 

And she's happy about it. She rarely meets with Jade since she was so busy at work the past few weeks. Seems like being the CEO's secretary is a difficult job that could supped one's time.

"Hey!" Jaz greeted Jackie as soon as she entered the hospital room. She also left the fruits she bought at the bedside table. "How's your mother?"

"Better?" Jackie smiled gratefully. "She's recovering now."

"Well, that's good to know." Jaz took the empty chair opposite the young woman. "I dropped by to tell you some good news." She lit up.

"I think I already heard it." The young woman chuckled. She's truly happy when she watched the statement and the KSAN Co.'s public apology. "I'm glad they finally concede."

"Yeah, your right. The whole team was actually celebrating right now. Too bad you didn't join them."

"It's fine with me. Besides, I don't know how to face them right now. Even though the problem was already solved; I can't still help but felt guilty." She lowered her head in shame.

Jaz smiled as she held her hand. "You should not say that. The truth is, you saved the company so you should be proud of yourself."

The young woman looked at her gratefully. "Thank you miss Jasmine for always encouraging me."

"Of course. What are sisters for?" She hugged the young woman.

They talked a little more before Jasmine bid goodbye. Since it was her day-off, she planned to go to the mall to window shop since she doesn't know what else to do at the moment. If only she could go to the beach… Haist! She frowns when someone suddenly tapped her on the shoulder. 

She looked around but she didn't see anyone. With furrowed brows, she faced forward and continued walking towards the elevator. However, few seconds later, she felt another tap. She looked back and saw no one. She hissed and was about to step forward when someone suddenly popped up in front of her.


"Ahhhh!" She staggered backwards but she suddenly tripped her foot and was about to fall. However, someone grabbed her waist.

"Careful!" The man yelped.

"Z-zion?" Her eyes widened in disbelief when she met the man's worried gaze. 

Her heart skipped a beat as she ogles at his beautiful face. 'Dang! If this is a dream, please, don't wake me up!' She pleaded within her.

"Are you alright?" Zion asked the dazed woman. "Hey, Jasmine."

She snapped out to reality when Zion shook her. "E-eh?" She immediately pulls away from him. 

"I'm sorry, I was just trying to surprise you a while ago and I never thought it would go wrong." He chuckled apologetically.

'Well, you can surprise me anytime if you want to.' Jaz wanted to voice what's on her mind but she controlled herself. Instead, she faked a laugh. "You did succeed anyway."

"Ha-ha!" He laughed even more. "By the way, why are you here?"

"I just visited a friend and now I don't know where to go." She heaved a sigh. "It's my day-off yet my friends were both unavailable right now so I'm trying to entertain myself." She made a face.

"Oh perfect!" Zion suddenly lit up. "If you don't have anything to do today then would you like to come with me instead?" He smiled showing his cute dimples.

"To where?" 

"I'm going out of town to attend a medical conference. Would you like to come with me? It'll end at 5 in the afternoon."

"Out of town? I think I like that! I was thinking to drive to the beach but I guess getting a fresh air somewhere is a lot better." 

"Don't worry, you'll love the scenery, I swear." Zion smiled as they walked out the hospital side by side.

MEANWHILE, Jade went to the restaurant that Marcus told her about. They'll be having early dinner at an international restaurant that Marcus reserved just this morning.

"The meeting will end at six, wait for me, okay?" Marcus notified the woman via text message.

She smiled sweetly as soon as she sent her response to him. She didn't know how and when it started but they both learned to notify each other about their affairs whenever they're not together. She started telling Marcus about her daily activities since the time Zion came to picked her up for lunch. The fact that Marcus called her many times that day gave her the impression that he needs to at least know where she's going and who she was meeting. She doesn't even know why she suddenly came up with the idea. However, she doesn't want to give him the wrong idea about her and Zion.

At first, Marcus was ignoring it but as days passes by, he also learns to send a reply. And it made her happy! 

"By the way, my friend is joining us tonight. I hope you won't mind. He might be on his way now."

"Oh, okay. Not a problem." She replied. 

Few minutes later, Jade saw a handsome man nearing her location. It might be Marcus' friend. The one who will be joining them for dinner.

"Miss Jade?" The man gave out a friendly smile.


"Hi, my name is Spencer Mont, Marcus' friend."

"Jade, Jade Arria." She stood up and shook the man's hand. "Nice meeting you Mr. Spencer."

"Please just call me with my first name." He smiled as they both sat down. "I never thought you would be this gorgeous. Did Marcus made you drink a love potion perhaps?" He joked but he successfully made the woman laughed. Bingo! He smirked within him.

"I never thought Marcus has a friend like you. You must be famous among women due to your skills in flattery." She chuckled naughtily.

Spencer was about to say something but someone butted in. 

"You're right so you should be careful with people like him." 

They both looked at the man walking towards them. Marcus. Spencer frowned.

"Nice entrance, huh. Have you've been planning to ruin my reputation in front of your wife?" He glared at the man.

"I was just telling her the truth." He looked at the doctor accusingly. 

"Hey, hey! Stop that now." Jade interjected when she felt the tension between them. She's not sure if such conversation was a normal thing to them already but she felt the need to break the chilly atmosphere.

They already placed an order and was now waiting for the food to be served when someone at the table near the woman accidentally dropped the glass of wine and it spilled on the floor. 

"Sorry!" The woman yelped then a waitress rushed to the area and started picking up the shards of broken glass. However, she suddenly cut her finger and a few blood trickled down her finger. 

As soon as Jade saw the blood dropped at the spilled red wine, her mind involuntarily recalled something and her immediate response was to look away from the red wine since it suddenly looks like blood to her. 

Her face turned pale all of the sudden too.

Unknown to her, Spencer has been observing her since a while ago and he can tell that the woman's trauma was kinda… deep!