"Thank you, I had a great time with you." Zion's cute dimples resurfaced as soon as he smiled at the woman whom he sent home. 

It was already 10pm when they arrived at the central city.

"Me too, I had a great time. Thank you, doctor." She smiled cutely and waved her hand to say goodbye.

"I'm going now." Zion immediately got in his SUV and drove back home. He needed to rest for tonight since he's too exhausted. 

As for Jasmine, she watched the car until it turn around the corner. When she can no longer see it, she gets inside the apartment.


"Ah! What a great vacation!" She yelped as she laid her body on the bed. 

She then started to recall everything that happened to them at that hotel resort. She giggled playfully before picking up her phone and dialed her best friend's number. She was so excited to tell her about her day with her beloved man!

She's been calling her for how many times now but Jade wasn't answering her calls. Since her bestie isn't picking up her calls, she tossed her phone on the side and one more time, she reminisced the good times she had with the man.

Jas was so happy when she was able to help the man on his presentation. That night in the hotel, she was about to go to sleep when she decided to check on him first. He was soundly sleeping! He looks so exhausted but his laptop was still open. 

She took a glimpse of his presentation and found out that he's not yet done so she tried her best to help her out by finishing his presentation. It should be easy since she's looking at his outline. 

When Zion woke up early morning, he immediately rushed to open his laptop in order to finalized his lesson. But to his surprise, it was almost perfectly done.

"Did you finish my presentation last night?" His curiosity was eating him so he asked the woman when they were having breakfast that morning. 

She smiled and even if she won't admit it, her eye bags could vouch for her. "I was trying to be useful to you. I hope I didn't mess up your presentation today."

"It was actually… great." He gave a convincing smile. "Thank you. How can I possibly make it up to you?"

"Well, a little visit at the shore after your discussion should be good." She grinned playfully.

"Sure! Let's do that after my lesson then." He chuckled showing his cute dimples. Ah! So cute. Jaz could stare at him all day without getting bored.

Zion ended the lesson at exactly three in the afternoon and as soon as he finished greeting and talking to the professor and some of the staffs, he immediately rushed to the shore where Jasmine was obviously waiting.

"Sorry, I'm late!" He was panting as he speaks.

"No, you're just on time." She smiled. She won't mind waiting for him even though for eternity!

They had snack together before they decided to walk on the seashore. They were also lucky to witness the beautiful sunset while sitting next to each other on the white sand.

"I thought you'll stay and listen to my discussion today, but I guess you're not interested at all." Zion started. His eyes were still on the beautiful horizon.

"Yeah, it's boring." She chuckled jokingly but as soon as she saw the sudden change on the man's appearance, she immediately took back her words. "I'm Just kidding. You're a great teacher but I already read your presentation last night so I'm good."

"Nice way to beautify the facts, huh." Zion retorted. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hold it against you."

"Tsk!" She hissed. "I told you that's not the case." She made a face. "I already did a lot of reflections on your lessons so I don't want to go through it for the second time."

"Reflection on the lessons?" Zion raised his brow in confusion. Seeing his confused gaze, Jasmine heaved a sigh. "I wish Jade heard your lesson. It could tremendously help her."

"Jade? What do you mean?" She only stirred the man's confusion. How the hell did Jade ended up in their topic?

"You discussed about the brain and psychology and I admit, I didn't understand everything about it." She chuckled playfully before she looked at Zion whose been looking at her since she mentioned Jade. "I think my best friend needs to undergo a thorough check up on her brain. Would you believe if I tell you that she doesn't have any memory of her childhood?"

"Isn't it normal to forget some of your childhood memories as you grow up?" Zion assumed.

"Of course it's pretty normal, however, hers was a complete blank! She couldn't even remember her parents faces! And worst, she kept having nightmares about people dying in front of her." She furthered.

"Then maybe something is wrong in her brain. Did she never consult a doctor about it?"

"She never had the chance. She grew up in the orphanage and after we graduated in college, she immersed herself with work."

"But still, she should spare some time to get herself checked."

"I've been urging her to do that but I grew tired. We're both used to it now so it became a part of her norms. Pretty amazing, right?" 

"Uh-huh…" Zion didn't ask anything anymore but he once again looked at the beautiful sea. He may be looking at the scenery but the truth is, his mind was full of Jade's images. 

He smiled. If only she's not married, then probably….

"Aren't you hungry?" Jasmine suddenly voiced. 

They had a fantastic dinner at the seashore and Jasmine really thought it was the most memorable dinner she ever had all her life! However, she couldn't help but be upset a little when their topic was diverted to Jade.

She knew she shouldn't be because she was her best friend but she could also feel and see the special feelings that Zion has for her and although Jade is already married, she can't help but be jealous. 

***End of Flashback***

She sighed deeply when she remembered Zion's intent gaze when they were talking about Jade. He obviously like her. Once again, she picked up her phone and dialed Jade's number.

"Jade, where are you?" She asked when her call got through.

"J-jasmine…." The woman was panting as she speaks. Her voice was too weak that Jasmine couldn't almost hear her. 

"Jade? What happened to you? Where are you right now?!" She yelped as she stood up and picked up her car keys, all ready to leave the door. However, the phone was disconnected before she could hear her location.
