"Oh my!" The lady yelped in distress when her grocery basket was torn apart. The fruits and other kitchen stuffs are now scattered all over the street and it was so obvious in her face that she's troubled by her embarrassment early morning. 

"Oh no… what am I gonna do?" She yelped helplessly while trying to pick up the fruits that was scattered on the ground.

Anyone who can see her would tell how embarrass she is at her current state. 

Meanwhile, the men guarding the nearby house saw the woman's dilemma. 

"Wait, that lady… She looks familiar." The head of the security team was trying to recall his memory. "Ah yeah! He remembers her now."

He smiled at the coincidence before his very eyes so he walked towards the woman who was busy picking up her stuffs. 

"I believe you will be needing this." The man who seemed to be in his thirties handed her a plastic bag.