She was biting her nails anxiously while pacing back and forth waiting for her father. 

Rachelle may have faced Jade confidently a while ago but as soon as the woman left, she trembled in fear! The fear of losing her place in Marcus' life. 

"Father, where are you?!" She kept muttering while waiting near the big window at the living room. It's already dark outside yet her father's car is nowhere to be seen.

She already called him an hour ago but he said he'll be late for a few minutes since he is in a meeting with a very important client. If he will be able to convince the foreigner investor, then he will secure his position as the chief of the boards of director in the company where he currently works.

Rachelle suddenly touched her belly when she remembered the conversation she had with Jade. She didn't lie when she said she was also pregnant and her father didn't know about it yet.