"You need to become a strong person, Marcus. You should not let your guard down. I'm sure with your grandmother's situation, once it goes public, different kinds of people will flock to you. Some will come to you as an ally but the truth is they are wolves in sheep's clothing." Barry lectured his son as soon as they got home at Marcus' house. 

"You can't let them see your weakness."

Marcus couldn't say a word. He's still in distress but he was trying to become strong as what his father had said. 

"That won't do…" Barry raised his brows. He seems to have read what's going on in Marcus' mind. "Keeping silent will not make you tough. It's more than that." 

Now he got Marcus' attention. 

"Don't worry, I will surely teach you to rise above the heavens." Barry smirked. "But first, would you mind telling me what's going on? I haven't seen your wife till now."

Once again, he lowered his head in grief upon thinking that Jade left him.