"Give me a chance to show my love for you. I am willing to be Elijah's father. I promise you, I will be a good husband.... and a good father to your child..." 

Jestoni's words keep ringing in her ears. 

It was evening, after dinner, when all the children are all sound asleep, Jade went out and sat at the big rock looking at the vast horizon before her. There are no stars in the sky at that very moment but the candle light from each houses at a distant town below seems to be so bright particularly that very hour.

Jade couldn't sleep. Her brain keeps on thinking about Jestoni's words over and over again. How she wanted to erase that scene but she just couldn't!

"Jade..." Cecil, the old woman stood beside her. "Is there something bothering you today? Care to share?"

"Mother..." She paused for a few seconds and heaved a heavy sigh.

"Say it."