"Dammit!" She cursed aloud. Zenia angrily punched her office table. 

After working on some documents at the office, she forwarded all the documents he finished to Sonny. That should conclude her work for the day.

It's almost 4pm, that guy should have been finished with his task. Filled with excitement, she rummages her bag and picked up an old phone. It was a phone she doesn't usually use. She then dialed a number hoping to hear some good news. However, to her disappointment, that guy is not picking up his phone.

What could have been the problem? Busy probably? She asked herself. After a few more minutes, she dialed the number again. It took her a minute or two before she got someone on the other line.

"Tell me, did you manage to kill the woman?" She asked again when she didn't get the right response she's been waiting. However, instead of giving an answer of yes or no, he dared to threatened her instead.