"It's a relief to hear that Eli is safe," Jasmine muttered on the other line. "I'm truly sorry, Mr. Hanes. I'll make sure such a thing will never happen again."

She's been pacing back and forth at her office thinking about what happened to Eli. Even if Marcus does not blame her, she still feels responsible if something bad happens to the child. 

"It's not your fault and Eli is not your responsibility either," Marcus replied. "You should be careful from now on too. That man might find out about your relationship with Eli, so be careful. I'll add security for you and Zia too."

"You do not have to go beyond for us, Mr. Hanes. We are not your responsibility so you do not have to burden yourself concerning us. I care about Eli like a real son. I know Jade would watch over my daughter in case I've gone first instead of her." She uttered her thoughts.