"Not a chance, old man!" Ariana gave the man a high kick in the face.

He may look like an old man but when Ariana came closer, she realized that he was only in disguise. She was a master in that field so she knew.

She doesn't know why Eli was even in the waiting area. Was he trying to hail for a cab? Where the hell is his father at a time like this? She felt vexed when she saw someone grab Eli when she was about to get off the cab. She already saw Eli in the distance and was curious when she realized that the young boy was waiting for a cab. 

She immediately got off the car angrily when she saw that someone was trying to kidnap the young boy.

Ariana came from her business trip to Shenzhen city. One of the galleries she supports invited her to the art symposium in Shenzhen city. It was a three-day convention. And as usual, she tried searching for her mother's missing paintings but to no avail.