Finally, the day to meet the legendary creator and owner of the best clothing brand and most popular brand abroad is nigh!

The marketing department had been very busy lately preparing for the arrival of the CEO of Saphira Clothing. They've been patiently waiting for the mystique owner's reply for the past few weeks and finally, the CEO received a positive response. 

The news of the CEO's arrival was all over the company. therefore, all the employees were advised to conduct themselves properly anytime and every time. No one knows if the owner is a she or he. Also, they received a tip overseas that the owner loves to blend in among the crowd, all the employees were given a heads-up to treat everyone who enters the company as a VIP guest. 

It shouldn't be hard for the employees to do so since they've been trained to practice modesty, kindness, and respect as soon as they became employees of the Enchanteur chemicals.