"Is that your mommy?" Zia asked Eli when she saw Marcus and Ariana bickering at each other while preparing for dinner. 

Jasmine has to leave her child under their care since she needs to help the other teachers prepare for tonight's activity. Good thing she doesn't need to cook because the teachers have one group when it comes to meals.

Zia stayed with Eli who busied himself watching on his iPad. He wanted to help the two cook for their dinner, however, Ariana made him sit and entertain Zia instead.

"I'll let you know when we need your help, okay?" She gently taps the little kid's shoulder. 

"Okay," Eli answered understandingly.

Ariana and Marcus had a lengthy discussion on what to prepare for dinner according to what Marcus brought. And during their discussion, they devise a meal plan throughout the three days of the field trip.