They're acting weird!

Eli eyed the two grownups exchanging glances as if sending messages telepathically.

He kept catching those two whispering at each other while he was busy. He also share his qualms with his little sister Zia and they were trying to decipher what was wrong with them.

"Mama has been acting weird as well. She kept doing something in secret." Zia whispered back while they were playing with the sand at the beachside area.

It was after lunch when the organizers gave the participants a long break until 2 pm to prepare for the next game. 

"I think there is a problem that concerns this event that they don't want us to know." Eli deduced.

"Are you going to find out what is it? Are you going to play Detective Conan again?" Zia asked curiously since she sometimes witness Eli playing detective at their school.