What Investors?

After medical professionals reviewed Selina's body examination reports, they came down to the same conclusions as the first doctor. In their opinion, the chances of her recuperation were still considerably high in comparison to other cases.

"You guys can leave. Aaron, escort the doctors out." Jason held Selina's hand between his and placed it against his forehead. The room was quiet once again with only the two of them.

"You must have been scared when you stood at that height and jumped down. The water was so cold that hugging you felt like I was trapped in an ice room. Selina, you've heard what I said on the boat when they were performing CPR on you, right? So, why don't you listen to me again?"

"You've done well and reached half way. You are just too lazy to open your eyes. Are you tired? Even if you go to sleep, don't forget to wake up soon. I have many things to tell you. I've been looking for you. I've waited for years, so I wouldn't mind waiting again. I can let you sleep for as long as you like, but you need to promise me to wake up. Okay?"

Hooking their pinkies together, he whispered to her ears. "You're the one who said it. Pinky swear..Pinky swear..Whoever loses out the bet is a big-fat turtle."

Aaron walked back into the room and witnessed his boss' gentle side. "Boss, Miss. Gu originally booked the Mariana Hotel reservation for two yesterday night. She left her house in the morning to go to work. According to the surveillance camera in Sin Corps, she stayed in Peter Sin's office for approximately forty minutes before leaving with an injured chest. After that, she went home and then left after half an hour. That's when she headed to the bridge.."

"What about her family? Did they continue searching for her after she had jumped down the bridge?" Even though he caught their small figures from afar, he needed to investigate deeper into this incident. What could have happened to make a young lady suicide within half a day? It didn't make sense.

"Yes, but I've already informed the officers to cut their search early. Her brother, Bryan Gu refused to end the search while her mother, Katrina was acting suspicious. Instead of being emotional and worried for Miss. Gu, she actually convinced Bryan to stop. After that, Bryan drove Miss. Gu's car back home. I think he discovered something because he stopped midway to look through her personal belongings."

Nodding slightly, Jason has decided to keep track of her family members. Although Katrina's behavior was somewhat weird, he couldn't use her reaction to prove her guilty of anything. He needed more information to determine whether she was related to Selina's jump.

"From tomorrow onwards, I will stay here with her. Report back to me when necessary and continue keeping an eye on her family. Any business meetings will be postponed unless it's urgent. I will be holding the meetings virtually, so have everything ready for me. If you don't have further inquiries, then you may leave."

After seeing her jump from the bridge, he couldn't leave her by herself again. Nobody was trustworthy. The only one he could trust is himself. Therefore, he didn't mind making half the private VIP room into his office. Who knows how many enemies are out there right now? Even nurses have to be inspected before entering this room.

The following morning, another search took place at the same location. This time, the teams split up and dived into the water. Bryan accompanied the teams to look for Selina while Katrina rested at home.

The search lasted from 5 A.M. to 2 P.M. Like the officer from the previous night, the person in charge of the search today told Bryan similar words. "Young man, I understand that it is a difficult time for you. We've already searched around all possible areas for your sister. If she is alive, we will find her eventually or receive news about her. We'll inform you if we receive more information in the future."

- Sin Corps -

Peter had just finished cleaning up his office when his friend barged after tapping a few knocks on his door. "CEO Sin, are you ready to meet your investors yet? They're all waiting for you in the conference room."

"Antonio! What brings you here? What investors are you talking about?" He had checked his schedule for the day and didn't see any appointments for the afternoon.

"CEO Sin, are you that happy about these investment contracts to the point that you totally forgot about today's meeting?" Antonio Liam crossed his arms with a smirk on his face.

"No, seriously. What meeting? What investors? How come I don't know any of it? I was about to ask you to give me some financial help for my company." Peter shook the phone in his hand with a clueless expression.

"Did you not see Selina's gift? The yellow envelope on your desk? I remember she told me she slipped it under your keyboard for you yesterday. There's no way anyone could miss it at all." Antonio walked behind his desk and found the yellow envelope sitting below the keyboard. Slapping the envelope on top of the stacked documents on the desk, he raised his brow with a questioning gaze.

"Sir, are you blind? It's right here. All the contracts that your fiancée purposely obtained with signatures are in this envelope. She said she wanted to give you a surprise gift, so she told me to not tell you. By the way, where's Selina? I didn't see her at her office today."

Picking up the envelope, his hands trembled as he pulled contracts out of it. "T..This is.."

"All of these investors made huge investments in upcoming projects. With these contracts, your company is not only back on track, but earning triple. Money is no longer a problem. Ahh, I'm so envious of you. What kind of luck are you running to find such a capable fiancée? But this is weird. Didn't she mention it to you yesterday? It doesn't sound like her to be forgetful."

Peter stumbled backwards onto the couch as he recalled the incident from yesterday. Not only did he accuse her, he also stabbed her with a blade. "S..Selina..P..Phone..My phone.." His hands clumsily felt all over his pockets to look for his phone. Antonio furrowed his brows, "Your phone is next to you."

Quickly unlocking his phone, he dialed Selina's number several times. The office incident from yesterday replayed over and over as he waited for her to answer. Every time it reached the third ring, he would hang up and redial. Finally, the other party picked up the call. "Selina!"

"Sorry to disappoint. I'm not my sister." The office door swung violently opened as Bryan made his entrance. Since the door was not closed entirely to begin with, he kicked it wide open; leaving his footprint as souvenir for Peter to clean later.