Five Years Ago

Both of them didn't speak as Bryan drove long miles around different places with no particular destination. When the vehicle turned down to the familiar street, the wheels slowed down. As if time had reversed back to five years ago, flashes of memories entered their vision.

- five years ago -

Dusk crept in, swallowing everyone in darkness. Rapid breaths and heavy footsteps sounded the dim alleyway. His breath came in small spurts; hot and nervous. Turning the corner into a darker path with no light source to guide him, he sprinted forward to reach the other side.

From a distance, metal bars scraped painfully against the stone wall. It was loud and only increasing in volume as they approached towards his direction. The young man thought to himself, 'I need to run. Quick.'

As he dashed, his tanned, dirt filled fingers curled into sweaty fists. Perspiration layered on visible parts of his body, highlighting the beaten black and blue marks. Behind him, he could hear baying howls of the dogs and taunting laughter of the gangs. No matter where he ran off to, the dogs could track him down by his scent.

It was useless. Hopeless. Still, he didn't give up. Sweat beads smudged the mud stains on his face as he searched for a route to hide from them again. As he reached the corner, his bare feet slipped outwards on the wet autumn leaves on the ground. Balancing himself against the wall using his hand, he inhaled deeply; letting the cold air struck his lungs and throat.

The cracked dryness in his throat made him inhale faster to hold the itching cough inside. If he coughed now, it would expose where he was hiding. Carefully avoiding the slippery leaves puddled on the ground, his legs began moving again.

Each time his bare feet stomps over twigs and rocks on the cold, hard ground; jarring pain shooting from his ankle to knee reminds him to scurry. 'Faster! Faster!' He repeated to his head as he reached the end of the alley where streetlight could be seen.

A smile formed on his face as he escaped from the dark, but his hopefulness was short lived. Right after he dashed out, he saw the gang standing with heavy metal bars. They've been waiting for him. He had never escaped from their wrath. Like an ant on the floor, these people could easily squash him flat.

Would they beat him until a pile of blood serves as his deathbed? Would they perform a dissection on him in this dirty place and remove his organs without anesthesia? Would they sell him off to some disgusting big shot who is into men?

At this moment, plentiful thoughts appeared in his head after he failed to escape. His heart beats frantically in fear and agony. If he followed them back, a beating would definitely wait for him. If he fought, his chances of running off would also be slim.

The leader of the gang waved his fingers as he lit his cigarette with a lighter. His underlings quickly surrounded the young man and slapped the weapon in their hands against their rough palms. Two men captured his limbs, head locking him in place.

The young man screamed as his arms were forced to a weird angle. He could hear his bone cracking slightly. The leader halted his men, walked to the captured figure and blew a mouthful of smoke into his face. His awful breath almost made the young man gag.

"Your father borrowed $100,000 and left. As his son, you need to pay for his debt. It's been overdue. How are you planning to pay for it?" The leader spat on the floor as he cleared his throat. He licked his teeth and chewed on the gooey remains of leftover food as he waited for an answer.

The young man gritted his teeth. "I have no money! The old man owes you money. Not me. If you want money, then look for him! He is the one who owes you."

Chuckling lowlily, the leader approached the young man. In a split second, the leader bent his knee and slammed his knee cap into the youngster's stomach; earning choked coughs from the youngster. "No money? Then you can sell a kidney or your hole to pay it all back."

Across the street, Selina had just finished purchasing steamed buns when she saw the gang activity. Frowning at the disturbing scene, she texted Bryan to drive faster. From her angle, she caught a glimpse of the young man's face. 'It's him!'The loud voice from the gangsters howled annoyingly to her ears, making her rub her earlobe gently. Seeing how kicks and punches were thrown at the youngster, her anxiety level exploded the scale.BuzzBryan replied to her message: "Five minutes."She couldn't wait for Bryan to get here anymore! The leader raised his fist and was ready to strike the youngster's face this time! If he takes another blow, he might collapse and get kidnapped by these people!

"Hold that fist!" She screamed and rushed to the crowd. Standing in front of the injured man, she blocked the hit with her crossed arms. Somehow, she managed to maintain her posture as if the punch had never happened.

"Little girl. Don't drag yourself into a mess you can't handle. Scram before I beat you up with him. He owes us money, so he needs to pay for the debt." The leader rubbed his fist as if he was the one who got attacked just now.

Facing him with a pair of bright, steady eyes, Selina refused to step aside. "You said he owed you guys debt, but he already said it was his father who borrowed the money. You're forcing someone to pay up for the amount you got scammed. Maybe before lending someone money like that, you should do a background check on whether the person could pay back the money! $100,000 was it?"

Crossing his arms, the leader let out a snicker at her arrogant expression. "Yes. $100,000. It doesn't look like you are related to him. What? Trying to be a hero? If you're speaking empty words and not going to pay for him, then don't interfere with us! I'm definitely collecting debt tonight."

Hearing groans from the young man behind her, she turned around and stopped others from getting any closer to him. "I'll pay."

"Little girl, $100,000 is not a small amount. How are you going to pay? Don't become a laughingstock for entertainment." Multiple men from the gang began laughing at her words as if they were listening to a comedian's performance.

"Coincidentally, I have exactly $100,000 with me."


The zipper to her bag opened, showing stacks of cash in it. Taking the money out in her small hands, she let it fall onto the floor until her bag emptied out. Glaring sharply at the gangsters around her, she said, "You can count it on the spot. Exactly $100,000."

A few men stepped out to pick up the cash and counted it on the spot. "Boss, it's exactly $100,000. The money is legit." The underling reported after collecting and calculating the stash carefully.

"Since his debt is cleared up, I'll be taking him with me. You don't have any more reasons to make him stay, right?" Selina walked to the young man and helped him up. When she attempted to bring him away, the leader signaled to block their path.

From a close distance, a black cayenne flashed its front lights to the gang; making everyone squeeze their eyes tight. Bryan stepped out of the vehicle and grinned wickedly as he muttered something into the phone. When he reached the gang leader's side, he handed the phone to him.

"For you." he said. His voice was dangerously low like a venomous snake in its attack position. Hearing his words, the leader quickly picked up the call and hesitantly answered.

Leader: "H..Hello?" The person on the other side said something to him that made his face lose its color. Right after the call ended, the leader's trembling hands handed the phone back to Bryan as if he had just seen a ghost. Within seconds, the leader snatched the bag of cash his underling had collected and gave it back to Selina.

Bryan's emotionless voice rung their ears. "From now on, don't find trouble with my sister and him. If you do, then you won't be as lucky as this time. Leave."

"T..Thank you very much for letting us go!" The leader bowed before retreating with his group.

Selina blinked several times before reacting to the bag of cash in her hands. "Brother, what did you do? How come he is so scared? He even returned the money I used to help pay his debt."

Bryan quickly eyed her from head to toe to make sure she didn't have a single scratch on her. When he saw the bruise on her arms, his expression darkened. He answered, "I called the police and warned them about sending their ass to jail. You! How daring are you to stick your nose into the middle of a gang activity? What if they were holding guns and not metal bars? What if I didn't get here in time?"

"Aiya, I'm fine. Besides, I can't stand around and do nothing while I see someone get beat up. Oh, by the way, what's your name?" She turned around and looked at the young man.

"My name is Alfred. Thanks for earlier." Lifting his face to look at his savior clearly, he saw the warmest smile anyone has ever shown him. Her eyes curved like a crescent moon with parted lips that revealed her straight teeth. She was the first person who didn't judge nor looked down at him, despite his haggard appearance.

"No worries, Alfred. I should be thanking you instead. You're the one who pulled me away when a reckless driver sped through a red light the other time. If not, I wouldn't be standing here. Oh, right. I'm not sure if those people would come back for trouble. Where do you live?"

"I don't have a home to go back to."

"Ah, then... how about staying at my art studio for the time being? There is a bathroom, kitchen and a couch." At first, he thought Selina was pitying him when she offered him a place to stay. He wanted to refuse, but she quickly clarified her thoughts.

"I'm not doing this out of pity. Hmmm...I don't know how to put it, but I feel like I've known you for a long time. This sounds more and more like a pick up line, but I swear it's not what I mean. Ah! You're like my brother! Yes! It's hard to explain these complicated feelings. Anyways, if you have nowhere to stay, then don't reject me. It's not like I'm living with you."

Bryan was quite shocked when he heard her suggestion. This girl had just rented an art studio, and she was offering it to a stranger. He took a good look at Alfred before agreeing with her. Knowing Selina's temper, she will refuse to get her bruise treated if Alfred doesn't follow them.

"Don't worry, we won't sell you off. The art studio is a few blocks from here. Come with us to get your wounds cleaned up first. Since Selina already offered that means she treats you like a friend. Her friend is my friend. It's not like you have anywhere to stay in for now, right?"

Facing the siblings pair in front of him, Alfred surrendered to their persuasion and followed them to the studio.