His Hugs

Shirley's back stiffened as she turned around like a broken robot. Her eyes spotted the familiar figure behind her instantly. Rushing a few steps forward, she grabbed onto his arms and shook it to get his attention.

She said, "Peter, did you hear what I said just now?"

Looking down at his childhood friend with a surge of happiness coming from his heart, he nodded with a smile. "I've heard your announcement just now."

"I can explain." She took a deep breath as her fingers folded creases on his sleeves.

Brushing her hands off his new suit, he patted her head. "No wonder you are dressed dazzlingly tonight. There's nothing you need to explain. I understand your fiancé's status is quite low-profile. If he treats you right, then no need to hesitate. Congratulations on your engagement. I'm very happy for you."

As if an invisible wall had formed at the entrance of her mouth, her lips remained parted. The words she wanted to say couldn't get past her lips! She watched Peter walk over to greet Bryan. Not only did he not ask further about her relationship, he also encouraged her to continue dating a man she hasn't seen before! Her heart ached, and blood flushed up to her cheeks.

Her nose took the first wave of heat before her eyes stung from tears. Her hands clenched to fists as she bit her lips and stared at Bryan's smiling face. Compared to her, he was way too happy. His smile was like a pile of bird feces landing on her head! She was a laughingstock to them.

As soon as Shirley stomped away angrily, Bryan's smile turned upside down. "Did I not warn you to never show up to my face anymore? Or did you not understand what getting beaten to pulps really means?"

Alfred stepped up in front of Michael as a wicked smile carved on his unwelcoming expression. "If you don't want to become the clown of the party, then scram far away from us. I do not want to see your disgusting face for another second. For Selina's sake, I won't punch you right now."

Peter sighed heavily as he apologized. "I'm very sorry about what happened to Selina. I know what she did for me already and I...really regret it. I really do. If you need any help in the future, do not hesitate to reach out to me."

Michael's knuckles cracked soundly as he held back his fists from knocking the jerk out in public. "If you're sorry, how about going to W bridge and jumping down to join her? I heard the water was amazingly fresh with many fishes to eat you alive. Why not go for a dive?"

Peter's sight laid on the beautiful lady behind Alfred. Though she looked outstanding compared to other women in the party, he did not like the way she rudely interrupted their conversation. Before he could say another word, Alfred blocked his view and gestured for him to leave.

Finally, it was peaceful once again.

Meanwhile, Selina had gone back to the hospital and met with the doctor. After having a short discussion with the doctor, her suspicions have been confirmed. Jason and Aaron were also present when she spoke with the doctor to make sure everything was alright.

Precisely, she summarized what she felt and how she reacted when she met different faces tonight. The doctor listened attentively before coming out with a conclusion.

"Although your memories are gone, your body's instinctive behavior is still active. For instance, if you touch a kettle right after the water had just finished boiling, your body would tell you not to repeat it next time. This is because the burning temperature triggered your body to remember the pain it had caused the first time you touched the hot kettle."

Nodding, Selina reinterpreted his words. "So, you mean that even though I have no memories right now, my body remembers what happened in the past. When I came across those people earlier, my body had the urge to do certain actions. This is my body's method of warning and protecting itself from harm?"

"Yes. You're on the right track. For now, you should focus on getting enough rest and recovering quickly. Other things could come later. Don't think too much into what happened tonight. Try to have a good night sleep. Oh, also, I don't recommend taking pills for anxiety. Since you've had panic attacks after waking up, I suggest you continue doing what you've done to stay calm. That's better than any effects that medicine could give."

The doctor smiled and walked out of the room.

Jason bent down on one knee in front of Selina's bed. He looked up to see the frown on her face and forced a smile on his own. With two index fingers, he stretched her frown upwards into a smile. "Your memories will recover sooner or later. Don't mind what you've seen at the party. A smile suits you better than this frown."

For the past day or two, he has been searching online for guidance in coaxing a girl. When facing Selina, none of the methods he read in articles were useful as his brain drains all of its juices the second she gets upset. He could only do what he felt was appropriate at the moment.

After minutes of silence, his smile froze on the spot. Pulling her thoughts together, she realized Jason had been in front of her. She heard his voice, but was too concentrated in her own world that she didn't see him.

"Smile?" She asked.

"Yeah. Your smile looks the most beautiful. You literally brighten up my day from simply smiling." His eyes curved like a crescent moon. Staring at him for some time, she took his hands and held it tightly in hers.

Her voice was a little shaky. "Jason, I'm a little scared from what happened at the party. I've never felt so mad in my life. At the same time, I felt sympathy for myself as well as pathetic. I still don't know why I felt that way."

Slipping his hands out of her grip, he stood up and hugged her like before. While patting against her back, he comforted. "It's alright. Like I've said before and I don't mind repeating this as many times again; I will be here for you. You also heard the doctor say to relax. How are you going to relax if you're stressing over two eyesores?"

"Even if you don't listen to my words, you should take the doctor's advices. You still need time to recover." Selina had gone quiet the moment he pulled her in for a hug. His hugs were warm and very secure. She loved how she felt when they are close together like this.

Her eyes subconsciously closed as she captured his warmth and cologne fragrance. When he mentioned about the doctor's words, all she could think of were the panic attacks she experienced. Whenever she felt suffocation or immense pressure, Jason was the only one who could calm her down.

Blinking a few times, she lazily raised her head and sat her chin against his lean muscles. "Jason, I have a question for you."

"Hmm?" He looked down at the innocent pair of eyes and started running his fingers through her hair.

"Do your words still count?" She asked in a low volume as if she was afraid of hearing a rejection.

"I'm not sure which words you are referring to, but all my words will always count towards you."

"Really?" Her eyes brightened up like the way the full moon glowed in a dark night.

"Of course."

"Then, you'll take care of me and stay by my side?" She had to ask twice before confirming her thoughts.

Chuckling, he brought his hands to her cheeks where he brushed against her skin gently. "Yes."

"Then..I've made my decision." Her sweet smile made the calm waves in his brain to crash disruptively against each other.

He gulped as his thoughts wandered on cloud nine about what decision she was referencing towards. 'Does she want to be my fiancée? Is that it? Should I start gathering a guest list?'

She wrapped her arms around him and revealed her thoughts. "I'll live with you until I am independent enough to take care of myself."

"Huh?" He blinked.

"Like the doctor said just now, I should do what it takes to calm my panic attacks. Being around you calms me down and makes me feel safe. So, I'll take up your offer and live with you for the time being. Please look after me, roommate."

For a second there, Jason misheard and thought she said "soulmate." Anyways, staring at the girl in his arms, he followed along with a genuine smile.

"Then, I'll look forward to taking care of you."

'Oh wells, I'll have to work hard to win the maiden's heart. At least I'll see her every morning and night from now on.' He motivated himself inwardly to make further improvements in their relationship.