His Phone Is Wired

Walking out after a refreshing shower, Jason reached out for his phone to check for any missed calls and other notifications. As expected, Aaron had sent him a text message. Furrowed brows wrinkled on his face as he read the message.

His thumb reached to the call icon and soon, Aaron connected on the other end.

"What do you mean by mission failed?" His deep voice ruthlessly sounded in Aaron's ears.

"I tried calling Bryan's private number, but I realized something suspicious after the call connected. There were weird screech noises in the background, which sounded like his phone had a bug. I suspect someone has planted a hacking app or was wiring his phone." Aaron quickly explained to dissolve the tension.

He could smell smoke coming from Jason's side as he explained further. "At the end, I pretended to be a telemarketing scammer. I didn't hang up because the third party might think it is weird. We need to figure out a different way to contact him about Selina."

Jason dried his hair with a towel as he slouched on his bed. While thinking quietly for a few seconds, he heard faint knocks from outside his room. "I got it. Investigate and wait for further instructions."

He tossed his phone onto his bed and opened the door to see if Selina was there. Once he turned the knob and opened the door, Selina's fist bumped against his chest. She was afraid he might be asleep, so she purposely knocked on the door lightly. Feeling the hard chest against her hand, her eyes wandered upwards to meet his.

When she caught the smile on his face, her fist unconsciously relaxed. Her palm laid on the solid wall of his chest, feeling his thundering heartbeats.

"What is it?" He stared at the pillow she was hugging to her body with deep wrinkles on it. The creases her fingers had left on the pillow case indicated how nervous she felt. She lowered her head subconsciously as she tried telling him why she was looking for him.

"I.." Seeing how tense she reacted, he let out a soft chuckle and spread his arms.

"Do you want a hug?"

Her head raised to meet his warming smile. Slowly, she hugged her pillow and stepped forward a few steps into his embrace. She buried her face in the pillow and his chest. Closing the gap between them, his long, muscular arms wrapped around her back. His palms rubbed her back in a stroking manner.

Rubbing her cheeks to his chest, she pressed her body closer for additional warmth. Only in his arms could her heart settle the stormy winds of emotions breezing in her mind. A mixture of cologne and body wash wafted in her direction, making her body lean in towards the smell. Somehow, his presence had been a calming spell on her; like a command.

Her eyelids felt heavy and eventually closed to savor this warmth surrounding her. She had finished her shower and took a small nap during the past hour. As she dozed off, darkness filled her dream and faces she hated from the party floated one by one. She heard their laughter and felt pricks against her chest. Blood spurted all over her body like her previous nightmare.

This time, she saw one of the culprits of her death: Shirley Han. She broke out in cold sweat and felt her heart racing uncontrollably. Like before, she started hyperventilating and it was not a good sign. Crossing the hall, she knocked on Jason's door.

She was hesitant at first, but he chose to open up first; making things much easier for her.

After a while of stroking her back, he asked, "Did you have another nightmare?"

She nodded lightly, clenching her small fist against his shirt. Although it hasn't been a long time since she woke up from the accident, he knew what she needed exactly without her having to say anything. It's like how she mixed spices and soy sauce for him during dinner. They didn't need to ask at certain times to know what the other wanted.

"It's alright, everything will get better. I promise." The patting motions paused as he pulled her in for a tight hug. His magnetic voice putting her into a hypnotic trance.

Bringing his lips close to her ears, he continued muttering words to relieve her tension. "I'm here for you. Nobody will be able to hurt you. I won't let anyone lay a finger on you. In front of me, you never have to hold back or hesitate. If you want a hug, talk or anything, you could just do it. You don't have to ask."

With half opened eyes, a layer of mist clouded her vision. Just like what he told her repeatedly at the hospital; he will continue saying these words as many times he needs until it persuades her. Resting her eyes on his shirt, two wet stains drenched the area.

'In front of him, I can be weak and helpless. I can show him my deepest fear and tell him the craziest things without worrying. I can trust him wholeheartedly and not be scared of getting betrayed.' Thoughts and words floated in her mind as she processed his words entirely. Her heart had long trusted him, but she didn't realize it. Now, she did.

Sliding his hands against hers, his fingers filled the gaps between her fingers. He walked her back to her room and tucked her in bed.

"It's a new environment for you to adapt to. Maybe because it's the first night here, so you're not used to it yet. I'll stay here with you until you fall asleep." He smiled as he sat on the edge of the bed.

"Okay." She softly replied.

"Jason.." Selina pulled the blanket to cover up to her nose as she blinked at him a few times.


His attention was diverted by the rusting stirs she made under the blanket. Her small palm reached out from the soft material and lifted slightly with her fingers spread out.

"Hold my hand until I fall asleep?"

Her voice pitched a tad higher at the end of her sentence making it sound like a question. Spreading his fingers out like a fan, he matched hers and closed the gaps between their hands.

"Sweet dreams."