Bloody Massacre

Six men surrounded Aaron in a circle, moving clockwise in curved steps. The cold smirk on his face was beyond twisted as his eyes reflected lifeless corpses around him. His arms were faster than a gush of winter's breeze, sending chills down his opponents' throats. Sharp, steady and accurate; a clean cut decorated their neck as different shades of reds gushed out of the wound. What seeming to be a small cut, was a direct killer strike.

In the matter of seconds, all six of them fell backwards and dropped dead on top of their allies. Cracking his neck sideways, Aaron's bloody massacre was not close to being over as enemies continued attacking. Despite the obvious fact that they were merely shrimps in his eyes; they still wanted to see their blood splatter everywhere.

From afar, a group of men gripped their weapons tightly. They watched from the side, feeling too astonished to move. While Aaron took down six members at a time, Bryan and Alfred were not doing any worse.

Bryan just pulled a dead member's corpse from the floor, almost tearing the collar from the person's top. Before the material ripped, he flung the body across the room and knocked down opponents like they were bowling pins. Even though he didn't have a weapon, his eager to kill did not reduce the slightest bit.

With Alfred's back against his, they worked as a team and eliminated everyone who dared inch close enough to attack. Dodging a lunging blow from the front, he twisted the opponent's wrist and swung his foot to the enemy's back. Pressuring hard on the spot, the enemy lost his footing and dropped to the floor where his arm bent in an awkward angle. His arm was maimed.

The man struggled under Alfred's foot as he continued knocking down other opponents. With one stomp, the man below was forever silenced. Ruthless was an understatement to describe the trio's skills. Even the host's confidence had drained like the bloody pools spreading to the stage.

Seeing the situation getting out of hand and less of his men were left, the host turned around to sneak away. The moment he turned around, a bloody corpse with missing eye sockets thudded to his shoes. His body quivered at the horrific sight and stumbled to the stage floor.

Finally, everyone from the host's side had gone to meet the grim reaper. The only one standing is the host who had pissed himself on stage and was helplessly pleading. He clapped his palms together and begged for forgiveness as Bryan and Alfred made their way to the stage.

With one hand, Alfred lifted the middle-aged man off the floor, letting his feet dangle in the air.

"I'm not even using any strength to choke you yet, and you're already coughing? Should I give you a Grammys award then?" Alfred scoffed as his grip tightened around the man's neck.

"I don't have patience. Who is your boss?" Bryan's blood-thirsty glare left him astounded that he couldn't speak. The smell of fresh blood permeated his nostrils, making him hold his breath for as long as he could. His nose wrinkled as the iron stench strengthened with his sweat mixing with the crimson liquid on Alfred's hands.

The second he released his long-held breath, he sucked in more air than before to balance his breathing. Instead of regulating his breathing, the odor made him nauseous. Alfred released his grip, letting the host fall onto the corpse below.

After coughing and gagging for a minute or two, he finally spoke. "Shirley Han. She's from the Han family. I don't know anything. She contacted me and offered a large sum of money to be the speaker. I..I have a deck of index cards telling me what to say. I didn't mean it!"

His trembling hands rummaged nervously in his pockets and scattered a thick stack of cards over the floor. Picking a few cards up, Alfred nodded towards Bryan. "He's telling the truth about the cards."

"Give Shirley Han a call and let her know the job is done. If she paid you such a large amount of money, then she wouldn't tell you to just say these words. Am I right? You must have other uses, such as...reporting the progress to her so that she will know when it is safe to come out." Bryan squatted to meet the host at eye level and gestured for him to make the phone call.

Alfred warned, "If you dare fool around with us, we can deal with you on the spot. With the resources we have, we can easily locate Shirley Han without your help. Better play smart while you could save yourself."

The host nodded as he reached into his pocket and dialed Shirley's number.

"Is it done?" Shirley's voice echoed on speaker mode.

"Yes. Bryan Gu has been captured. Like you requested, we will wait for you to get here before dismembering his body."

"Good job. I will be there in ten to fifteen minutes. If there are other bloody hell corpses, get rid of it before I get there. I hate the bloody stench after all. My new dress can't be dirtied with such low status people's blood." She disconnected the call right after she finished her words.

"Since she doesn't want corpses lying around, let's leave her a spot to fit in with the mountain of corpses we have right now. Move the corpses aside as our greeting present to Shirley Han." Aaron instructed his men to make a move after receiving Jason's response through text. After the bloody kills, he texted Jason about the current situation.

As the guards dumped corpses one after another into one corner of the room, Aaron walked over to give Bryan a greeting.

" We meet again. Mister Gu, I believe you recognize me already."

Bryan nodded, jumped off the stage and bowed politely. "Of course. How could I forget the seventy-second-generation master of using tonfa in martial arts? Aaron the Tonfa Striker. Thank you for your help earlier."

This was the first time Alfred had seen Bryan bowing respectfully at someone. From the outside, the skinny figure does not look like someone who could perform martial arts without slipping on the first step. 'Interesting.' He thought.

Aaron spoke to the point, "Mister Gu, I'll cut the talk short since you have some family businesses to deal with. I've completed my task and handed you the item. Take a good look at it and show up at the location once you are finished dealing with Shirley Han."

Since he cannot disclose any information to anyone other than Bryan, he could only mention the bracelet as an item. Taking out wet wipes from his pocket, Aaron handed it over to Bryan and Alfred. "Wipe your hands clean before holding the item. I have to report back to Mister Hui, so please excuse me."Bryan moved out of the way and waited for him to leave before taking a deep breath.

After Aaron and his group left, Alfred jumped down to Bryan's side. With his cleaned hands, Bryan took out the bracelet and note that came with it. Immediately, they recognized Selina's bracelet.

Smiles stretched on their faces as they opened the locket using the key charm and saw the picture with three of them in it. Then he unfolded the note and showed the address to Alfred.

"That's our present to her. I engraved her name, and you paid for the charms. We chose the picture together." Alfred covered his face with mixed emotions.

"Does that mean she's alive? Then..Then we need to get there as soon as possible! Wait, but why would he be with Aaron... No...Jason Hui..." Bryan tightened his grip on the bracelet.

As soon as he stuffed the note and the bracelet back into his pocket, an annoying voice echoed from the hallway. Her loud tapping heels were the seconds of countdowns to her own retribution. Shirley pinched her nose as soon as she entered the dimmed room, "Hadn't I told you to clean up the mess before I got here? What is this? A pig sty? Useless animals."

"The only mess we need to clean is you." Bryan crackled his knuckles while Alfred snatched a metal bat from the floor.

Realizing she was in deep trouble this time, she turned around to leave.

"The fun has just begun. Where do you think you're running to?" Michael and his crew blocked her path and continued marching forward; forcing her into the auction hall.