Chicken Buns

"Sorry, we forgot our clothes were dirtied." Bryan apologized after releasing her from the group hug. He and Alfred stopped crying after a while.

Selina waved her hands in the air and patted their shoulders. "No problem. As long as you two are fine now. These clothes could be washed, and I have to take a shower when I get home anyways."

When she spoke about going home, an inevitable pinch stung his heart. Bryan smiled, "Since it's getting late, you two should go home."

She nodded, "But are you two really alright?"

"Yes. We're fine now. Thank you." Bryan replied.

"Don't worry about us. Oh, right. Were you here to get the chicken buns?" Alfred asked and looked towards the chicken bun store.

"Yep! Ah, my chicken buns are probably still warm. Hmmm, have you guys eaten yet? We brought a lot of food. How about joining us for dinner? Jason, what do you think?" She turned around to ask for his opinion.

Jason agreed with a doting smile, "We did buy a lot. It'll be a waste if we don't finish it. If you guys haven't eaten yet, how about joining us?"

Bryan and Alfred quickly agreed as soon as they heard Jason's invitation.

"Hmm, but there aren't any seats around here." She rubbed her chin, thinking deeply in thought. Taking her phone out of her pocket, she started searching areas where they could sit and eat.

Bryan hesitated for several minutes before providing an idea. "We have a studio around here if you don't mind eating there instead. It should be more comfortable to eat there compared to outside."

Sneaking a few glances at Jason's expression, she asked. "Is that alright with you?"

"Of course. How far is the studio? Do we need to take the car?" Based on how they reacted to Selina being safe and sound, Jason was certain they cared for her wholeheartedly. Since they were true to her, he didn't have any reasons to reject. In addition, they were the ones grieving over her the most. Therefore, he had to find a way to make up for the time he kept her from them.

"The studio isn't far from here. It's within walking distance." Alfred observed how Selina interacted with Jason as he responded to Jason's inquiry. 'She seems comfortable around him. Looks like he is treating her well. That's a relief.'

Sneaking a quick glance at Bryan's expression, Alfred knew he wasn't the only one interested in Selina's relationship with Jason. With a small smirk, he started guiding the group down the streets. As they walked, Selina held Jason's hand tightly and chatted with him jokingly along the way. Once in a while, Jason would notice the sharp glares Bryan gave him.

It was understandable considering they just reunited with her and she was under a stranger's care. Even though he had no motives nor did he want a reward for saving her; they would still be suspicious of him. Of course, another reason why he was being glared at is because Selina was holding his hands.

- Studio -

Selina entered the familiar looking space with a complicated feeling. She frowned seeing canvases and paints lying around; unattended. The dried paint on the stained palettes looked similar to ones she loved mixing, making her curiosity heighten about the artist who worked in this studio.

Her eyes wandered every corner of the room, trying to capture every detail in her mind. When she reached the standing easel and the huge painting with a cloth covering it, she had the urge to uncover it.

"Do you guys paint?" Her sweet voice echoed the room.

"We don't. This studio belongs to my sister. She loved painting and would invest most of her private time on creating artworks. Though there weren't many completed works under her name, it was enough to move people's souls." Bryan smiled at her, hoping she would recognize something.

Selina blinked a few times and paused her hand from pulling the cloth. She could sense the sorrow in his tone when he spoke about his sister. Unknowing that he was referring to her, she said, "She must be a passionate artist. If I have the chance, I would love meeting her."

Alfred was setting up the table when he heard her words. His hands stopped rummaging through the bag and smile froze on his face. 'Right, she doesn't remember..'

"Mm. I'm sure you and her would get along very well. Let's heat up the food and eat dinner first." Bryan distracted her attention in case she asks further questions about herself. He was afraid he would slip his tongue if they continued talking.

Like Jason had suggested, she should remember things at her own pace. Still, a part of him had hopes in a speedy recovery. At the very least, he wanted her to remember those who loved her dearly. Selina took the chicken buns from the table and placed them on a clean plate she found in the kitchen area.

When Bryan saw her reaching for the utensils to heat up the buns, he interrupted like always. "Go sit down. You might accidentally burn yourself."

Sticking out the tip of her tongue, her lips then curved upwards. "I'm not that fragile. Heh~ But if you insist, then I'll let you do it." Skipping lightly to the dining table, she took a seat beside Jason and started chatting like her usual lively personality. While he checked on the buns, he could hear her laughter and sometimes a few of Alfred's chuckles.

Remembering the old times, his hand tightened around the pair of chopsticks in his hands. 'Shirley Han, Peter Sin and my used-to-be mom...This time none of you could get close to her. I won't let you ruin her.'

Jason and Alfred helped carry the plates to the table when it was heated. Selina wanted to help out, but couldn't because all three of them said "no," in unison. She was rendered speechless with a pout on her face.

At the end, her plate was full from everyone putting food on her plate. It was a heartwarming and content dinner. A dinner that filled the emptiness in their hearts. After finishing dinner, Bryan and Alfred exchanged contacts with them before walking them to their vehicle.

The moment Jason's vehicle was out of sight, Bryan's expression stiffened as he dialed a number. "Everything done?"

His underling replied, "Yes. Ken and Fanny Sin are both behind bars. We purposely had them scheduled in the same cells with people they've previously slandered. They will have guaranteed fun time in there. Especially, Ken Sin."

Within hours of being held behind bars, Ken and Fanny bribed one of the officers to allow them to speak to Peter over the phone for a few minutes. They sobbed and mumbled most of the time because of their swollen faces. The second they stepped into the cell; they were ganged up by their cell mates. No matter how loud they screamed, nobody came to rescue them until they collapsed on the floor. The police officers were obviously pretending to not see the violence.

Peter rubbed his temples and contacted every lawyer in the city to fight the many charges against his parents. In the middle of creating havoc in his office, he suddenly remembered his cousin, Roger Sin. He recently got married to one of the most powerful family's daughter...

"What was her surname? She kept her family name even after marriage... Fuck.. Sui? Fui?.. Hui. Right! She's the only daughter of the Hui family! Her one word is better than all these lawyers combined!" Peter quickly dialed his cousin's number.

Once the call had been connected, he pleaded for help. " Please, cousin. After this, we can give you a huge investment. As long as my parents could be saved, then we can collaborate in any way you want us to. You wouldn't want the reporters to drag your name down when they find out about my parents in jail, do you?"

"I'll talk to my wife about it. Considering her status, it shouldn't be a problem." Roger replied.