Starting The Project

After a day's rest, Jason brought Selina and Celinda to his office. Normally, he only used his private elevator when he leaves the office. Today, he chose to ride the private elevator straight to his office because he can't let others know about Selina yet. Everyone still thinks he urgently needed artists to fill up the positions for the projects.

The artists who terminated their contracts with the company regretted their decisions but it was too late. The contracts were terminated and processed. They've also paid for the compensation fee. After the Han family fell to poverty, the artists were dismissed from their position.

Multiple times, the same artists who left had tried obtaining another contract with Hui Corporation. Of course, their plans ended up being a failure. Jason appreciates talented people, but not those who change their word for money. If they completed their jobs first, then maybe he would still consider them. Since they left in the middle of the project, he had no reason to reconsider them.

DingThe elevator door parted and the trio stepped into his office.

Looking around his office, Selina thought it looked more like a hotel suite than a CEO's office. He had a recliner bed couch in his office with a small kitchen for him to make a small lunch. Though there were piles of stacked documents on his desk, it was still considered neat. The designs in his office were simple and elegant.

Celinda dragged Selina to the couch and waited for Jason to take care of some morning business. Celinda whispered, "My brother has a habit of dealing with everything troublesome once he steps into his office. Let's wait for him to finish some paperwork first."

Selina nodded and leaned back against the couch. She never saw Jason work before, so it was a new side of him that she could observe. As she stared at the workaholic man scribbling and typing every few minutes, she didn't realize his forehead was getting sweaty from her gaze. His heart was racing crazily because she was sitting across from him.

On the other hand, Celinda noticed her brother's nervousness. Catching the curious gaze coming from Selina, her lips tilted up.

"Selina, I need to use the restroom. How about you come along with me? I'll give you a tour around this floor while my brother deals with his documents." Standing up, she held out her hand with a bright smile on her face.

Though she was more interested in Jason, she didn't want to reject her offer. Holding Celinda's hand, they stepped out of the office; giving Jason instant relief. He patted his chest and let out a "Phew" sound.

"It was a good choice bringing Celinda along. Or else, I'll get nothing done." He mumbled to himself as he concentrated on the contracts in front of him.

Meanwhile, Celinda was introducing various departments to Selina. She knew her brother wanted to keep Selina's identity as a secret, so she didn't introduce her as an artist. Instead, she said Selina was a special VIP invited by her and Jason to visit the company. Considering Selina will make an appearance during the upcoming days, Celinda had to make sure everyone knew who she was.

After walking around for a while, the girls finally went to use the restroom. While using the stalls in the restroom, two female staffs entered and started gossiping about Jason. Hearing his name from the girl's mouth, Selina's smile froze on her face.

At the same time, Celinda's lips twitched when she heard their conversation revolving around Jason's rumored girlfriend. 'Shit! Shit! Big mistake! Oh Nahh!!! This isn't happening! Big bro...How did your cold CEO face get involved with the girl outside? Worst of all, they were making up baseless rumors in front of your future girlfriend!'

One lady was reapplying her lip gloss while she chatted with the other office assistant. "You're so lucky to work with the CEO. Must be nice when your boyfriend is that great looking and pampers you to the point he made you the assistant in his office. Ahh, I'm so jealous of you."

The office assistant laughed, "Really? It's a lot of stress too. He keeps our relationship low-key and only smiles to me. It's hard to do my work with him around. Just the other day, he held my hand and whispered to my ears about which parts of the documents needed changes. My cheeks were so red. Ahhh."

"Pfft, look at you. You're blushing already! So, when is the wedding? Hmm?" Fixing the lip gloss that went out of her lip line, the lady applied another lip product on her lips.

"Ahh, stop it! I still have to go to see him right after this."

As soon as the office assistant said this line, Celinda slammed the door stall opened, startling both girls who were chit chatting during office hours. Calmly, she walked over and rinsed her hands by the sink.

"I love how my brother hire useless gossipers to work and we're paying you for it. Baseless rumor should not be trusted. Just saying." Celinda wiped her hands and waited for Selina to come out.

A minute later, Selina flushed the toilet and exited the stall. She rinsed her hands and wiped it quickly without giving the girls a glance. "Let's go." She smiled at Celinda and walked out with her.

Right after they left, the two gossipers continued talking. Celinda's sudden appearance scared the wits out of the office assistant. She made up another lie to cover her other ones. "Ah, that was Jason's younger sister. He always protects her, so she's been rude to me because I'm taking his attention away."

Along the way back to the office, Selina was oddly quiet. When Celinda asked her if everything was alright, she answered. "I'm fine."

Celinda really wanted to tell her that she was obviously not looking good! Her death glare says it all! Just one look and Jason would know she's upset!

"Umm...about those girls just now. Don't mind them. Those were all lies. My brother doesn't even smile once while working. She's just lying. Don't mind it." She tried soothing Selina's cold expression.

"Huh? I don't mind it. It's not like we're dating yet." Selina stopped and lifted a horrifying smile.

Smacking her forehead, Celinda mumbled to herself. "Dead. It's all over. Brother..Please don't make another mistake. If you do...I can't guarantee your office's safety. Maybe I should just..leave them alone? Hmm.. I need to dial the firefighters in case a fire breaks out."

Selina turned around, "Did you say something just now?"

The crooked smile on her face was like a blizzard crashing into a village; covering the entire location with snow.

"N..No.. By the way, Selina. Uh..."

"Hmm?" Selina halted her steps once again with the killer smile.

"I could tell my brother to change that assistant from earlier if she bothers you." For once, Celina saw Selina in battle mode. She could literally see flames rising from above her head. 'Jealous women cannot be provoked.'

"No need. I would love to see how he works with that office assistant while we are there." Selina smiled a smile that didn't reach her eyes. 'Hmph, I'll see what he really does during work!'

Even though Celinda really wished she could text her brother about what happened in the restroom, Selina had kept her eyes on her. She didn't have a chance to send any secret notes. For once in her life, she crossed her fingers and wished her brother the best for the incoming storm.Knock Knock

Hearing Jason's permission to let them in, the girls headed into his office. Right away, he felt a chilling glare coming from the door direction. He lifted his head to meet Selina's annoyed gaze.

"Selina..What's wrong?" He put his pen down and looked back at her.

Suddenly, Selina started walking towards his chair. He looked at his sister who was making a throat slash gesture with two fingers moving left and right near her neck. Celinda covered her eyes as she couldn't watch what happens next.

When Selina got close enough, the smile on her face tilted up seductively; making him gulp. He had never seen her like this before. Before he could ask what she was doing, her knee secured itself on the space between his thighs.

Sliding her finger from his neck to his chin, she lifted his face and gazed deeply into his eyes. "Are you done with your work yet?"

"A..Almost?" His words almost failed to come out as her touch sent shivers down his spine.

"Hmm? So, I still have to wait?" The curve on her smile was obviously hinting a message only he understood. He wrapped his arm around her waist out of instinct.

"No. I actually just finished reviewing the last page of this document. I'll be there in a minute."

"Good. Then I'll wait over there." She lightly brushed the outline of his right ear. Removing her knee from his chair, she walked to the couch with Celinda.

Aaron was on a two weeks' vacation break, so he temporarily transferred someone from a different department to take his place. Technically, Jason had completed his work already for the day and only needed to speak to the temporary assistant about the updates. Since he was used to the assistant knocking on his office door, he was considered done for now.

As he reached the couch area, a knock followed by a female voice interrupted the peace in the office.

Celinda sighed inwardly, 'Let's hope this ends well...This girl really has bad timing everywhere, huh? First the bathroom...and now...this...But uh. sister-in-law, fighting! Go claim my brother!'

Meanwhile, Selina had her arms crossed with her fingers tapping impatiently against her skin. She looked like she was prepared for a war and quite confident of winning it too.