What A Coincidence

Two weeks ago, Aaron travelled overseas for his two weeks' vacation. Coincidentally, Michael's mission was also at the same location. While Aaron enjoyed his time walking around, Michael was planting bombs in Justin's headquarter bases.

On the eighth day of his relaxing break, he heard local residents chattering excitedly about the unicorn meteor shower sighting that will take place in the evening. At first, Aaron was still thinking what he should do at night. After overhearing the resident's conversation, he decided to grab some food and drinks to enjoy the meteor shower.

When evening came, he had everything prepared in his hands. Unfortunately, the location the residents spoke about was already packed with people. There were no empty spaces left for him to sit because families and friends gathered together in groups on the grass field. Sighing, he started exploring the area; hoping to find a quieter place to spend the night.

Finally, after walking a bit farther down the path, he found a larger grass field that is distant from noises and crowds. Settling down on one of the huge stones, he started opening his sushi platter and beer. As he looked around, he literally didn't see anyone.

"Weird, this is such a nice place. The location and angle are much better than the other field. Why isn't anyone here? Oh wells, lucky me." He said to himself as he took a sip of his beer.

At the same time, Michael was in female disguise once again. For the past week, he has planted bombs in Justin's storage houses and headquarters. As soon as he was finished with planting the explosives, he would escape to a far enough distance before clicking the activation button. Tonight, was not any different.

Michael snuck into one of the largest storage places where most of Justin's most expensive products were kept. In the middle of setting up the fourth bomb, he realized he was surrounded by Justin's gang. With a smirk on his face, he completed the set up for the last bomb.

Cracking his knuckles followed by his neck, he twirled the tips of his wig with his fingertip and acted clueless. "Oh boy! I must have drunk too much. Sorry, I'll leave right this second." His voice sounded seductive, but it wasn't convincing enough to trick the entire gang.

"We all know you came here to plant explosives. So, sweetheart. Tell us. Were you the one who destroyed our twenty bases in the last week?" One of the gang members in a blue striped shirt said with a bat in his hands.

Michael smiled, folded his arms and tapped his index finger to his bottom lip. "No. I didn't bomb twenty bases."

Another gang member stepped out and laughed. "How could a skinny beauty like her do something as destructive as bombing twenty of our bases? Did we get it wrong? Look how weak she is."

Michael's feminine voice echoed in the gangs ears. "I didn't bomb twenty bases. I bombed twenty-five. Ah, you guys really need to update yourselves about your locations. Come on? Who uses a master lock these days for such important storage spaces? And don't underestimate women! Who says a lady can't destroy bases. If your face could be born like that, then I can make your bases into flat land."

"Bitch, what did you say?!!" The gang members roared furiously at Michael's insults. Taking two smoke grenades from his pocket and a mini bomb in another, Michael took the opportunity to escape. As smoke hindered the gangs from chasing after him, he bombed his own escape route.

Unfortunately, the gangs were smarter this time. They had buddies surrounding the outside of the storage place. Michael sighed as he switched on his combat mode. "Don't waste my precious time, darlings. If you're going to fight, make a move. Don't think you can block my way just from standing there with metallic bats and blades."

Within five minutes, twenty-one members were stacked like dead fishes in front of the escape route he created. During the fight, one of the members attacked him from behind; injuring his right shoulder. He didn't realize he was hurt until he raised his arm and felt the sharp pain coming from behind.

Feeling the wetness drenching his back, he stretched his left hand to confirm his thoughts. He was bleeding and the wound does not look good. Hurriedly, he dashed towards the neighborhood area where there would be more places to hide from the gangsters. He knew tonight was the meteor shower and everyone would be gathered around the field to enjoy the best view of it.

Michael panted heavily as he hid behind a truck. He heard heavy footsteps nearby, so he couldn't continue running. Turning his head left and right, he realized there was no places for him to hide after he leaves his current spot. This was the last truck the idiot gangs parked in this vacant lot.

As soon as the footsteps sounded farther away, he took a few glances to make sure nobody was ready to ambush him. At the silent count to three, he rushed out of the territory; reaching the large grass field right outside of the bases. Turning around, he took out the mini remote control and activated the bomb.

Within a minute, a huge explosion could be heard coming from the storage area. Flames engulfed the trucks and other storages around it. "The job is complete." He said as he continued running away.

When he ran out to the field, some gang members spotted him and alerted the rest to meet them. Once the explosion happened, the members started chasing after him.

"Argh." Michael groaned as he noticed a slim figure eating Sushi and drinking beer on a huge stone. He paused from running to warn the young man with headphones about the incoming danger. The second he got close enough, he saw Aaron's blissful face devouring his sashimi.

'This guy is always unmindful of his surroundings...' Michael blinked twice before pulling Aaron away.

Aaron was enjoying his second piece of sushi when he saw Michael panting the hell out of himself. Right when he was about to offer him a piece of sushi, he found himself dragged off the stone. Not only that, Michael carried him on his shoulders. In the process of getting a free shoulder ride, his headphones dropped to the ground.

"What..What are you doing?! My food! My beer! I waited an hour for my sushi!!" Aaron tried struggling but stopped when he heard Michael's pained groans. As the iron stench filled his nostrils, his voice sounded strictly dangerous for revenge.

"Put me down. You're injured." Aaron repeated and forced himself out of Michael's arms. Once he was free, he flashed his phone to look at the bloody wound. His eyes narrowed as he saw how deep the wound is.

"Who did this?" His voice was ice, cold and unforgiving. Looking back, Aaron realized they were still pretty close to where he was sitting. His movements were quick like a cheetah's legs as he took his bladed tonfas from his bag. With his sensitive ears on full alert mode, he knew a crowd was rushing towards their direction.

Within the next minutes, Aaron gathered his belonging and stuffed it into Michael's hands. Michael lowered his gaze at the box of sushi in one hand and a canned beer in the other. The chopsticks were neatly laid on top of the sushi too.

With his weapons prepared for a war, Aaron stood in front of Michael. "If you want to live, then stop moving before you run out of blood and turn into a dry corpse. I'll deal with the incoming group myself. Just sit aside and enjoy the sushi. Oh. And my beer."

"Are you crazy? There are too many people and you're not running away while you can?" Michael tried arguing but couldn't find the right words to describe the situation.

"Heh. I'd love to see who could lay a strand of your hair with me around. What would a vacation be without some excitement? Besides, they hurt you and ruined my mood. You don't have to protect me. Just protect my food and drinks. I'll be done with them in five minutes."

Right after Aaron completed his sentence; thirty-five equipped members entered his vision.

"Kiddo, we're here after the woman behind you. Since you have no relations with her, I'll give you a chance to move aside before you suffer!" One of the members shouted brainlessly, trying to scare Aaron away.

Instead of stepping to the side like the gangsters have expected, Aaron remained in their way. With his right arm stretched out, he said. "What a coincidence. She happens to be my woman and nobody will get out of here alive tonight for touching her."

His words silenced the gang for minutes.

Breaking the silence, Aaron clicked his tongue and challenged them. "Bring it on."