Buy Concealer

Selina covered the hickey on her neck with her long hair. A part of her regretted teasing Jason earlier and left two marks on his neck. Since his hair was short, it was easier for people to spot the red love bites on his skin.

Aaron came in a few times and she swore she saw him took at least two glances at the bite every time he walked in to submit a document. Feeling slightly frustrated by the situation, she stood up from her seat and walked to his desk.

He looked up to meet her flushed cheeks. "What's wrong? Do you have a fever?"

He put down his pen, walked around the desk and placed his palm on her forehead. Shaking her head, she whispered. "I think we should head to the mall later."

"Is there something you need from there?"

Nodding with a serious expression on her face, she lifted her hair and pointed to the mark. "Our hickeys are too eye-catching. We should buy the concealer I spoke about last time and cover it up."

"Oh? But didn't you want everyone to see who I belong to? Why did you suddenly change your mind? Hmm?" He bent forward to give her a small lesson for acting bold earlier.

Seeing her lowered head, he chuckled. "Alright. To the mall we go."

Meanwhile, on Shirley's end, she was sitting in the backseat with binoculars in her hands. Ever since she found out about Jason Hui's identity, Justin instructed his men to help her keep an eye on Jason every day. They wanted a chance for Shirley to make a move on him for monetary benefits.

As she swung her sunglasses in the air, she kept an eye on Hui Corporation. The moment Jason's vehicle drove out of the parking lot; she ordered the driver to follow him. The driver was experienced in trailing after another person. Therefore, he knew how to keep his distance without getting discovered.

Seeing Jason's car entering the mall's underground parking lot, Shirley smirked and quickly made a phone call to Peter. She has been intentionally avoiding him ever since Selina's death because he suspected her. To shove his suspicions down the sewer pipes, she had to make him feel guilty towards her.

After losing contact with him for over a month, she dialed his number and sounded casual as always. "Hello? Peter? Yeah. I've been well. I'm at the mall right now. How about eating lunch together with me? That's great! We haven't had lunch for a while. I'll see you in a bit."

Just like that, her scapegoat has fallen into the first step of her trap. Now, all she needs to do is find the right timing and let him find out about Selina being alive. As she thought of plentiful ideas into causing trouble for Selina, the couple already walked into the mall with linked hands.

Rolling her eyes, Shirley hopped out of the car and chased after them. While tracking them from behind, she took pictures of how happy the couple looked together. While she stood grumpily outside of the store, the couple was having a great time on their mini date.

Selina dragged Jason into a cosmetic store where she chose a few testers and dabbed the product on Jason's neck. After experimenting with a few high coverage products, she found a concealer that covers up his hickey completely!

Jason smiled, "I don't need concealer to cover this dark spot up. You could choose for yourself instead."

"I already bought one from here. It's at home, so my hair will cover up the kiss mark for now." She took a clean cotton pad and soaked it with makeup remover. The store was rather crowded, making it hard to navigate through the aisles. As she wiped off the concealer from his neck, one girl shoved her into his arms.

He wanted to stop that girl for rudely pushing her, but Selina told him it happened all the time in cosmetic stores. Still, he disliked the fact his girlfriend almost got hurt in the process of hooligans trampling through aisles to get out.

After completing their transaction, Jason held the shopping bag in his hands and continued walking around with her. Since they were already at the mall, Selina wanted to try a new fruit tea spot. The store was spacious with many empty tables and chairs.

She took a menu and pointed to various flavors she wanted to try. At one point, Jason even teased her about imagining her drool over the menu if she continued reading through the beverage options. While the couple were deciding upon what they wanted to order, Shirley was chewing her nails from envy.

'How could she get his attention? How could they be dating and chatting happily like that?! What's so good about her long lashes and round puppy eyes? Who is she trying to fool with the nice act? I'll make you mad this time! I'll show up with Peter in your face and show how well we are without you in our lives!' Shirley cursed to herself.

Not long after the couple had taken the seats outside of the store, Peter informed Shirley that he has arrived. She told him her exact location and sounded uncertain over the phone; making him worry. Within minutes later, he walked up to her and gave her a tight hug.

"Shirley! I'm sorry. I shouldn't have suspected you last time. You wanted the best for me and were only being suggestive. So much has been going on lately. My parents are trapped in prison right now. I really need your parents to help them. Can you help me?" He was too busy dealing with his family issues that he didn't know the Hans were off the prestigious family list.

She cracked a smile. "I'm sorry. Things have been quite difficult with my family as well. Why don't you try asking somebody else? Ah, right. I remember you mentioning about that cousin who married the Hui family's only daughter. Why not ask your cousin for help?"

Peter scoffed, "I did! He ghosted me! After saying he was willing to help me, he disappeared. He even said some ridiculous bullshit about seeing Selina with his wife together! How could Selina get those connections?"

Shirley tapped his shoulder, putting on an awkward expression. She pointed towards the juice store and reacted with a surprised gasp. "Isn't that Selina and who's that man next to her? Is it just my eyes? Isn't that her? Then who could he be?"

Without a second thought, Peter ran up to the couple and grabbed Selina by her wrist. "Selina! How could you hide from us and pretend you're dead all along?! Do you not have any shame?! Don't you know how much trouble you've caused?! The amount of guilt you've planted on all of us? How could you be so selfish?!"

"Let go of me!!!!! Who the hell are you?!!" As Selina tried struggling her wrist free from his touch, Jason strongly gripped onto Peter's shoulders; dislocating it. Taking his disgusting fingers off of her wrist, he crushed each of them with his feet while attending Selina's reddened wrist.

Jason's heart almost stopped when he saw Peter appear out of nowhere, hurting Selina. Seeing the irritated skin on her wrist, he really wanted to express his rage by slamming Peter all over the floor until he loses all his teeth. Just a few fingers weren't enough! If Selina wasn't with him, he would rip that arm off with his bare hands! But Selina was with him, so he couldn't act recklessly.

"Does it hurt?" He rubbed her wrist in his hands and hugged her in his embrace.

Shirley quickly walked into the store and helped Peter up while accusing Selina for cheating on him.

"Selina! Peter is your fiancé! How could you go on a date with another man? Did you know how much trouble we've been through trying to find you? How could you-" Before another word left her mouth, Selina threw two slaps across Shirley's face.

Cupping her reddened cheek with her hand, she fell into a daze. Selina pouted, lifted her palms and showed Jason her stinging palm. "Her skin is too thick. Yuck, my hand is all foundation now."

Right after her complaint, Jason took a wet wipe from her bag and cleaned her palms before blowing on it carefully.

The second Selina turned her face towards Shirley again, it shifted from a pout to a grin filled with hate. "Oh, there was a fly on your face. I missed the fly, but got your face. I don't know who you two are but if you keep slandering me, I will not hesitate in bringing you two to court. I have plentiful witnesses that he harassed me first. And you? You were asking for a fight."

"You! You! How could you be this heartless to your friends? Your fiancé?! How could you slap me? You're her boyfriend right? Did you not see how violent she was?" Shirley tried shedding tears to earn some pitiful points in front of Jason but overestimated her own charisma. Not only did Jason not give her a single glance, he was shielding Selina while blowing on her hands!

Selina's sharp instincts told her what Shirley wanted to do. Since she wanted to play, then she'll get the loser title for sure.

"Jason, she said I slapped her. She's asking you if you saw it." Selina raised the corner of her lips as she looked up to meet his doting gaze.

"I only saw some flies around us and you were slapping it. That's why your hands are all red. If you don't like this place, we can go somewhere else." He brushed her hair backwards, purposely exposing the hickey on her neck.

On the other hand, Peter's eyes widened when he heard Selina addressing him by his name. "You're Jason Hui? Then you can help me. My cousin, Roger is your sister's husband! I told him to ask your sister to put in a few good words for you to help my family. And since you snatched my fiancée, you should return a favor. Help me bail my parents out of prison! Please!"

Selina and Jason's hands tightened the second he mentioned Roger being his cousin. With a menacing tone, Jason turned to him with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "Who are your parents again?"

At the same time, Selina cracked her toes; ready for some actions. Though Jason stood in front of her, it doesn't mean she would stand behind him and let those who hurt Celinda walk away without getting hit.