All Taken Down

Instinctively turning his head towards the menacing aura approaching from a distance, Justin saw the bloodthirst in Aaron's eyes. Though the man was clearly injured with blood soaking through the cloth around his tied leg, he balanced perfectly well as if the wound did not exist. With the lopsided smile on his face, chills were delivered with red flags warning Justin to leave instantly.

Giving a quick side glance at Selina, he gritted his teeth and dashed towards Shirley's direction. As soon as his hands landed on her wrist, he felt a gust of wind swooshing forward at him. Shoving Shirley aside, he also moved backwards a few steps.

The sound of metal dropping down against the rocky floor gained their attention. It was an axe, that was not seen in Aaron's hands before. With a pair of dumbfounded eyes, Justin looked at the weapon on the ground and tilted his head towards the same direction as before.

His mouth agape in horror as he saw how quick Aaron's fingers worked. That axe was randomly placed next to a tree, probably abandoned by one of the passersby. Yet, it has become the ultimate weapon used to stop him from taking Shirley away.

Without a doubt, Aaron was not going to let the incident slide, especially when the enemy was trying to make a pass under his very eyes. While he continued walking towards them, Justin planned to get out of here before more people arrives. 'To have such confidence with an injured leg like that, he must have some kind of backup.' Justin thought to himself.

Shirley was still shocked at how she almost died from the axe throw just now. While she fixated her attention on the sharp weapon to her side, Justin stood up, to fight. Revealing his brolic arms, he concentrated the strength of his muscles and threw punches one after another to make Aaron dodge.

After successfully distracting him with destructive fists, he found an opportunity and aimed for his bloody wound. Aaron lost his balance and fell to the ground, covering his wound with his hands. As soon as that groan escaped Aaron's mouth, Justin's chest took a huge blow, sending him a few feet away from where he stood.

He spat out a mouthful of blood and raised his head to see a slim figure, standing by Aaron. "How dare you injure my man?" Like the cracks of lightning, that soars in the gloomy sky, Michael's voice startled thundering storms into Justin's chest; making his heart throb relentlessly. Like a meat grinding experience, except, on his body; Justin could feel his limbs teared apart from just his glare.

On the other hand, Jason's madness was like a lit dynamite with a Tsar bomb attached to it, milliseconds away from destroying the entire population. When he stepped out of his vehicle, he witnessed Peter attempting to cut the ropes to the bridge where Selina was lying on.

With a loaded pistol in one hand, Jason leveled at Peter's wrist and fired the first shot. The bullet pierced through Peter's wrist, causing him to release his grip on the knife in his palms. While Peter was applying pressure to the bloody wound on his wrist, Jason darted forward towards him with his kneecaps ready to smash Peter's skull.

As he reached closer to the wailing man on the ground, he decided it would be too advantageous to give him a quick death. Instead of cracking his skull in one move, Jason picked up two sharp stones on the ground and shoved it into Peter's eyes. His guards arrested Peter as he screamed in agony. Every time he tried blinking; the sharpness of the stone would slice the insides of his eyes.

"Selina! I'm coming for you. Stay where you are!" Jason shouted as he noticed the old bridge having broken pieces on it. He instructed his guards to keep their hands on the ropes to make sure it won't rip when he walks over to save her.

Slowly, he walked to the middle of the bridge and reached her. The second he reached her; he felt her arms trembling around his neck. She let out her cries in his embrace as he carefully picked her up and walked back to land. On their way back, the wind continuously blew, making the bridge shaky.

He tightened his grip around her petite body, whispering words to calm her tension. "We're almost there. I won't ever let you go. I won't leave you. Everything is okay now. I'm here." She couldn't close her eyes the entire way as she felt more scared with the feeling of her body floating. His voice and body's warmth were the only factors keeping her from screaming.

In the meantime, Bryan was by Celinda's side ever since he spotted her figure on the side. He saw Jason running over to Selina and knew she would be safe with him. He placed his jacket over Celinda's shoulders as they watched from the side. Though she acted strong, her hands were trembling.

"Are you feeling pain anywhere?" He asked.

The Hui couple looked at her with concerned faces. They could feel her quivers while hugging her.

She shook her head with reddened eyes as she watched her brother carry Selina in his arms. A relieved sigh released from her mouth, "I'm fine."

Bryan narrowed his eyes when he caught the red marks on her face. Lightly pinching her chin, he tilted her face towards him and compared both sides of her cheeks. "Who did this?"

At the thought of someone laying a strand of her hair made him furious. The knocked-out guards were taken by his men, waiting for their deaths to come. Celinda looked over at Shirley and pointed. "That bitch."

"Wait here." Bryan gave her hand a squeeze and ran over to Shirley's side. Grabbing a chunk of Shirley's hair, he dragged her like a sandbag with her face sliding against the sharp stones on the ground. Scrapes cut through her foundation filled skin, dying it red.

At this time, Celinda and her parents attention were focused on Jason and Selina.

Finally, they've arrived on land. Selina's arms were tightly tied around his neck with her head leaned against his chest. Celinda and the Huis rushed over to see if she was alright. When Selina saw Celinda, she said. "You're alright. That's great."

Tears streamed down Celinda's cheeks as she chanted. "You're alright. Thank goodness."

Then, Shirley's piercing scream caught the group's attention. Turning their heads towards the source of annoyance, they saw Bryan smashing her face against a pile of sharp stones, letting it engrave her face deeply.

"Stop!! My face!!!!" Shirley pleaded, but her words were useless.

After taking Peter, Shirley and Justin away in different vehicles, the girls and Aaron received their treatments. All along, everyone stayed by their side. To be exact, they formed a protective shield around the trio as the doctors inspected their wounds.