**Author's note: The last chapter said "END OF CHAPTER- NEW NOVEL IS UP).." This didn't mean it was the end of Just To Meet You. Sorry for any misunderstanding this might have caused.**
"Michael?!" Everyone besides Bryan and Alfred gasped as Michael walked over to Selina's side. Seeing the astonished look on her face made him chuckle. He reached out to brush her fringe and flick her forehead like he always did to tease her.
Snapping out of her daze, she rubbed the spot he had flicked with pitiful looking puppy eyes. Pouting, she stuck out the tip of her tongue. "Michael! How many times have I told you not to do that to my forehead? If it leaves a dent and I don't have a husband in the future, it'll be your fault!"
"Hahaha, little sister, who wouldn't want an adorable wife like you? Besides, I have earned enough money to support you for a lifetime. Whether you have a man or not, it wouldn't matter. I could just kidnap one for you.. W..Wait..." This time, it was him who looked surprised.
Bryan and Alfred rushed up to her, almost knocking the Clover couple out of their way. "Selina! You..You've.." Both of them stuttered midway through their incomplete sentence.
"You what? Big brothers! Time to fulfill your promises on chicken bun meals and my favorite fruit juice! Don't forget about my birthday cake, huge present and the hugs everyone owes me for leaving me alone." She spread out her palms with a wide smile on her face and wiggled her fingers shamelessly.
With a grin on their faces, Alfred and Bryan exchanged naughty glances. They reached down to her face and pinched her cheeks lightly. Bryan laughed, "You'll get as many chicken buns as you like. I'll make the reservation for all of us. As for your birthday cake, I'll let Alfred handle that."
"Since this young man here waved his wealth in our faces, Michael will be in charge of preparing a year's supply of your favorite fruit juice. It'll be all stacked up for you to enjoy. You could even make your own bowling alley with it. You should have told us much earlier about your memories! Worried us like crazy. When did you get your memories back?" Alfred caressed her cheek after pinching it.
"When Peter was swinging me on a death ride at the bridge. I remembered everything, and I'm ready to kick some ass." The smile on her face froze after she accidentally cracked her finger. Jason held the finger she just cracked and massaged it.
"Hurts?" He asked.
"En." She nodded with pursed lips.
"Che, I never knew my little sister had this side to her! Damn, what happened to chopping chickens in two minutes? While we were watching you slaughter the dead chicken on the chopping board, you had that killer smile on your face. Now, you're a harmless bunny? This must be a dream." Michael jokingly teased her, making her blush.
"What do you mean?! It's because you three elderly men were scared of slicing up a dead chicken! Sheesh, I was only saving all of you by using a spare knife. I've always been a bunny! A very innocent one too!" She puffed out her cheeks before letting out a small laugh.
Within minutes, the room was filled with chatters. Eric and Rosanna felt relieved to see such a heartwarming scene in front of them. They weren't sure how and where to start with their explanation. Luckily, Michael walked out and distracted her from the topic.
Michael noticed his parents' smiles as he continued the conversation. Once he felt like Selina had calmed down enough to continue the discussion from earlier, he said. "Selina, do you remember what I first called you when we met?"
She lifted her face with a cheery smile. "Uh huh. You called me little sister and said you were brothers with my big brother, Bryan."
Bryan bent down to meet her at eye level. Holding her small hands, he said. "Selina, I'm not your biological brother. I found this out when you drowned and were brought to the hospital. That time, I went through your information and our blood types told me everything. I've also confirmed it with DNA tests. Michael is your real brother."
She looked back and forth from Bryan's face to the pensive look on Michael's face. Michael leaned forward and rubbed her head like the way he used to in the past. As he rubbed the crease between her brows, he said. "Don't put too much pressure on yourself about this. It's difficult to explain everything to you at once. For now, how about we introduce ourselves to you? We can take things step by step."
Eric and Rosanna felt their hearts tense up as they waited for her response. They eagerly waited until she nodded her head with a straight smile. Taking in a deep breath, the couple watched as Bryan and Alfred step aside from blocking their way.
Selina looked up at her parents once again. At this moment, she looked calm, but her insides were in the middle of a blending catastrophe with blasting flavors of tropical fruits combined. She was feeling nervous and excited at the same time.
Rosanna wanted to reach out to hold Selina's hand again, but she wasn't sure whether Selina was alright with touching interactions. After a short pause, Selina decided to take the first step.
"I think you two already know my name, but I'll still say it. I'm Selina..." Her voice trailed off hesitatingly as she realized she hadn't given them the chance to tell her what had happened. She didn't know whether she should introduce herself as a Clover yet.
Patting Rosanna's hand, Eric gave his wife a small squeeze. "I'm Eric Clover, your biological father."
Smiling with tears in her eyes, Rosanna said. "I'm Rosanna Clover, your biological mother. There is so much that we have to tell you and we don't know where to begin. It'll take months or even years to make up for the time we've lost. But we really want to tell you that we really love you and your brother."
Selina's heart ached when she heard Rosanna's cracked voice. She couldn't help but reach out to wipe away the tear droplets trailing down Rosanna's delicate cheeks. When she wiped those tears away, Rosanna's hands trembled and held onto her hand in a light grip.
She said, "Don't cry. I'll listen to you, but how did you two know I'm your daughter? And Michael too. What happened while Celinda and I were kidnapped?" As she spoke softly to her mother, she rubbed her thumb against Rosanna's palms to comfort her.
Jason cleared his throat. "Then, I guess I should tell you what happened at my office."