You Can't Look!

As soon as Selina received the text, the water in the shower had stopped running. Minutes later, Jason walked out with a towel around his waist since he forgot to bring a change of clothes. The second he stepped out of the bathroom, Selina hopped into his arms.

With a tempting smile raised on her small face, she hooped her arms around his slightly moist shoulders where some water droplets were missed. Circling both arms around her slim waist, he met her gaze. "What's wrong?"

Rubbing her thumb on his bottom lip, she leaned onto his half-naked body and seductively whispered. "Hubby, it seems like you can't go to the office today. You have to accompany me."

"You changed your mind?" Jason creased his brows as he caught the mischievous smirk sitting above her chin.

"Uh huh! Now, get dressed! I've already taken the set of clothes out for you." She pointed to the bed where she had placed his neatly folded clothes on the side. Seeing how slowly he reacted, she decided to stop fooling around with him.

"My brother told me that Katrina was caught and Alfred brought her to the underground cell. Everyone is heading there right now. We need to hurry and meet them there! The address is right here." She clicked into Michael's message and showed it to her husband.

Hearing Katrina's name coming from his wife's mouth, he got dressed in under a minute. Once he was done changing, they rushed to the car and entered the address into the GPS navigator device.

Throughout the entire ride, Jason kept shooting worried glances at her. Since the time Selina had reunited with her real family, she hadn't spoken about Katrina nor questioned about her whereabouts. From the looks of it, she didn't seem negatively impacted by the news of finding Katrina. Instead, he could see excitement in her eyes.

A part of him was relieved that she has gotten over the abusive childhood experiences, but this does not mean Katrina could walk away unharmed. Though Selina hasn't mentioned about how she lived through twenty-three years with this monster, it doesn't mean nothing ever happened. As her husband, he would not allow anyone to take advantage of her; especially, those who bullied her.

Selina was quiet for the whole ride with heaviness weighing down her chest. She was not worried nor afraid of facing Katrina. Instead, she was contemplating what she should speak about in front of her parents. In fact, she was more concerned about how her parents would react once they find out how awful Katrina had treated her.

Questions piled up to a mountain's height as her cramps worsened. Soon, they arrived at the destination. Jason got out of the vehicle first and then walked over to help his wife. Holding her hand in his, he whispered. "Everything will be fine. I am right here."

"I know." She took a deep breath as she walked at a slowed pace. At this moment, she really cursed her menstrual cycle for coming accurately. If she didn't suffer from menstrual cramps right now, she would've skipped down to the underground cell and thrown slaps across Katrina's cheeks already.

Unfortunately, the numbing pain in her lower abdomen and back was not helping her walk any faster. Seeing the way, she was walking, Julia and Rosanna chuckled thinking about how well last night went for the newlyweds. Meanwhile, Jason kept his eyes on Selina as they walked. At one point, he offered to carry her, but she had refused.

"If the pain becomes unbearable, then I will carry you. You can't say no." He didn't like seeing her bite down on her lips from pain. After seeing his anxious expression, Celinda couldn't help but tease the couple.

"Aiya, brother! Look at how scary your face looks right now! This is only the first day as newlyweds and you've already tired out my sister-in-law. What happens when she gets pregnant in the future? Would you work at home for the entire pregnancy?" Celinda spoke her mind like always.

"That's right. I'll be a stay home husband and work while attending to her needs later. Good suggestion. But the topic of children will come much later." Jason kept this thought to the back of his mind as he made a mental note to start planning for the future.

Putting all jokes aside, Michael activated the entrance for the stairway to the underground cell. Once the hidden door opened, everyone walked in pairs as they climbed down the stairs with dimmed lamps shimmering on the walls. Michael and Aaron were the last pair to enter while Bryan guided the group down.

Several minutes later, everyone gathered in front of a metal door. After giving them a warning about weapons and blood that they might witness, Bryan unlocked the door and let them in. Immediately upon entering the spacious room, a disturbing scent filled their nostrils.

Covering their mouths, everyone began scanning through cells to look for Katrina. Before Alfred directed their attention to a certain cell, a muffled voice had distracted them from their search. Once Selina saw a pair of milky legs parted on the floor and a group of gangsters zipping up their pants, she turned around to cover Jason's eyes.

"You can't look!" Selina jumped up to make sure her palms covered his vision entirely.

Closing his eyes, Jason said. "Okay, I won't look."

"Did you see anything?" She asked.

"A little." His answer threw her mood off the charts as she grunted angrily.

When Selina turned around, she found her mother, mother-in-law and Celinda having the exact same reaction as hers. Relieved that she didn't over react, Selina asked Alfred about the current situation.

Alfred shrugged. "When I came in, I already saw this scene. There were too many men in that cell, so I had to wait for you guys to arrive first. They've been at it for a while."

"Are there any clothes to cover her body? It'll stain our eyes if we leave her wide open like that." Rosanna clicked her tongue at the thought of her husband accidentally seeing another woman's body. Luckily, he hasn't seen anything yet.

After a white cloth had shielded Shirley's naked body, Michael, Aaron and Alfred separated her from the gangsters. Shirley's lower abdomen was hurting to the point she couldn't bear to walk anymore. Hence, when she felt her body getting dragged to a different cell, she didn't struggle.

"Who put her into your cell?" Michael glared coldly at the men behind bars, pressuring them to speak up.

"Message from our big boss. 'I will be back.'" One of the gangsters stood up and leaned against the stone wall.

Suddenly, Aaron's voice echoed one everyone's ears. "Not good. She's having a miscarriage."

Rosanna quickly interrupted, "I don't care whatever method is used. I need her to stay alive. Dying right now will be too easy for her."

"I understand. I can stop her bleeding temporarily for twelve hours using acupuncture. After that, she will bleed to her death." Aaron said as he took out acupuncture needles from his bag.

"Twelve hours is barely enough, but will do. You guys can look now. Everything is cleaned up." Rosanna reached out to Selina's hands as the guys opened their eyes.

Rosanna led Selina to the cell where Katrina was staying in. Staring straight into her enemy's eyes, the gentleness in Rosanna's eyes had changed to frozen icicles. "You've kidnapped and abused my daughter for twenty-three years of her life. So now, I'll have you witness your daughter's torment before she breathes her last breath. I'm returning the favor. Mrs. Gu."