
After everyone had finished their dessert, Jason paid for the bill and tipped fifty percent gratuity to the manager. Michael and Aaron left in their own vehicle once they separated from the group. Since the girls have to make a stop at Jessica's apartment first, they decided to drive Jessica's car so it would save them time.

Another reason why they decided to split up was that Alfred needed to stop by his apartment to grab his necessities. Jason had offered to lend him what he needed, but Alfred refused as he felt more comfortable wearing his own clothes.

Fortunately, the address Alfred typed into the GPS locator was along the way going back to Jason's villa. Hence, they didn't need to take a different route home. When Jason looked at the route shown on his screen again, a traffic warning appeared. Instead of taking ten minutes, it would now take twenty minutes to get there.

Selina didn't recognize the address he typed in and questioned when he had moved out of his old home. "Bro, when did you move?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that Bryan and I are living together now. This is a new condo he bought after moving out of his mother's place. It's been a while since we moved. Michael used to live with us too, but he moved out recently." He suddenly remembered they haven't told Selina about their new place ever since she recovered her memories.

Selina nodded at his response and smiled. "Oh? My brother is keeping secrets from me! How come I didn't know he moved out?" She took out her phone and quickly sent a few messages to Michael. Since Jason was getting ready to drive, she and Alfred remained quiet.

Before driving off, Jason made sure his wife wore her seatbelt properly and Alfred was comfortable in the back seat. Once he saw Jessica's car driving off safely, he started driving to Alfred's home.

Meanwhile in Bryan's Condo -

On a soft caramel brown couch, Celinda and Bryan sat beside each other with their eyes focused on the Netflix series playing on his seventy-five-inch television screen. While Celinda was entirely concentrated on the crime scene with horrific blood splatters in a dim attic, Bryan's attention was on her.

Initially, they agreed on watching a documentary on memory recovery, but they found it too dull after watching it for five minutes. At the end, they ended up on Netflix where they eventually found the series of urban legends. After going through short summaries of each episode, they picked one that both of them were interested in.

As the plot of this episode thickened, Celinda lifted her legs onto the couch to make herself comfortable. Slowly, Bryan found her extremely infatuated by how realistic everything was portrayed. Although he was engrossed in the series, he found his girlfriend more amusing.

His gaze began shifting from the television to her facial reactions. Sometimes her palms would cover her mouth, and a small gasp would escape between her lips. At other times, she would subconsciously hold his hand and squeeze it tight before letting it go. He chuckled at her adorable responses.

When his eyes followed her line of sight back to the bright screen, he realized something more important. His living room was a great place for their dates. He could dim the lights to create a more romantic and enticing atmosphere. They could dine in the kitchen area after making food.

Steadily, he slid his arms around her waist. Right at this moment, a clown's close-up face popped into the screen, scaring the wits out of Celinda. When she jolted backwards, she felt something wrapping around her waist and hopped sideways onto Bryan.

"Ah!" She shrieked as she hooped her arms around his nape and buried her head in his shoulder. When she jumped onto his body, his arm hugged around her waist. He reached out for the remote control and paused the episode.

He rubbed her back gently and comforted her. "Shh, it's okay. That was just a jump scare. It's not real." Her body trembled in his arms as she calmed down.

"Is it still on the screen?" She was referring to the frightening clown face from earlier. Staring at the enormous red lips on the screen, Bryan decided to stop watching the series. Taking the remote control on the left arm of the couch, he turned off the television.

"Not now." He chuckled.

"Eh? You turned it off." She turned around and took a small peek at the black screen. A part of her couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed because she was fanatical about how the episode would end.

When she turned around, she found herself lost for words. She blinked a few times and realized how close they were. Her legs were sitting on either side of his thighs while his waist was holding her tightly. Since she was wearing a dress today, she felt more conscious about her position.

Her eyes wandered from his luscious lips to his affectionate gaze. Gently brushing strands of her hair to the back of her ear, his fingers combed through her hair. As she relaxed from his actions, his hand found its way to the back of her head.

Staring deeply into his eyes, the gap between their lips minimized. She took the initiative to kiss him, showering gentle pecks on his soft lips before intruding his mouth with her tongue. Her kisses were still sloppy, but she was trying her best to improve her kissing skills. Though she was previously married, she never did anything more than simple pecks on the lips.

Therefore, licking his lips and giving him French kisses was something new she had recently learned from him. As their kisses deepened, she felt his hands roaming down her back. Slowly, her dress wrinkled higher up her body, revealing her bare legs.

His hand prevented her from breaking away from his deep kisses. As if he had been calculating how long their kissing lasted, he broke away to let her gasp for air. Before she could say anything, a soft gasp came out of her mouth.