Kyla's Flashback 8

- Kyla's room -

Jessica stole a few glances to her right where Kyla stuffed her belongings into a duffle bag. "Kyla, is that all you're taking with you to the dorms? What about other clothes?"

After hugging each other for a while, Jessica told Kyla the reason behind how she got sick. Knowing it was her parents who caused her throat infection and the flu, Kyla's heart hardened. Since they have taken this step to prevent her from achieving her goals, she will also have no problem leaving them.

"Yes. The clothes in my closet were all bought using their money. I don't need any of it. Anything they provided me are left behind. I can get a job and buy what I need later. The acceptance letter already said to move in as soon as possible because the rooms are first come first serve. I might as well take advantage of this scholarship. It's providing me free dorming and waived tuition." Kyla zipped the duffle bag and walked around her room for the last time.

Taking her bag down to the living room, Kyla asked Jessica to wait for her outside while she spoke to her parents. Upon entering the room, Kyla's father was in the middle of sipping his coffee.

"What? The results are out? Seeing the look on your face; you failed didn't you? Since that's the case, pack your things and get ready for the midnight flight. I'll book the ticket for you." Her father scoffed as he blew on his hot coffee.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but I got accepted to the university. Not only did I get accepted, I also received scholarships covering the costs of my tuition and dorm fees. From this minute onwards, I will not live here nor will I listen to your instructions. If you want someone to go overseas so badly, you can go train yourself all over again. The extra meat on your body is craving for some exercises. Perhaps you should get a second degree and graduate from that specialized university over there." Kyla waved the acceptance letter in her hand while maintaining a straight face.

"What? You got in? No, even if you got accepted, it doesn't mean you will be studying there. I don't give you permission to attend that university, so you can't go. Go pack your things and leave for the midnight flight tonight. Quit talking nonsense. Are you asking for another beating to get common sense through that thick skull of yours?" He angrily slammed the bottom of his coffee mug against the wooden table, splashing the liquid content everywhere.

Kyla smirked as she folded her acceptance letter neatly and put it in her bag. "Have you forgotten the bet we had when I first started high school? You promised if I got into Xavier University, then I won't have to listen to your plans for me. Rather than me having a thick skull, it is you who have the thickest skin here. You said those words and now, I've won. I will not attend the overseas school you want me to attend. Instead, I'm staying here to pursue my studies. You can't control me. I am at a legal age to make decisions for myself."

Hearing her response, he gripped the handle of his coffee mug until his hand trembled.

"Bet? What bet? I don't ever recall saying anything about letting you choose your way at any point in the past. All I remember is you being obedient to my plans of sending you overseas. What? You think you are old enough to ignore your parents? You imbecile, unfilial child! How could you call me thick skin when I'm only looking out for your future? This is the best for you, and you're so unappreciative! Nonsense!"

Kyla mocked when she heard those words coming from his mouth. "Oh? Doing the best for me? Not recalling the bet? Okay. If that is the case then how about explaining why you and your wife snuck into my room to open the window? Why did the two of you pull the blanket off of me while I was asleep? What? Were you afraid my efforts would pay off if I was in my perfect condition for the entrance exam?"

Sucking in a deep breath, she continued speaking. "You'd rather make your daughter ill than see her achieve her goals. What kind of parenting is this? Oh, right. You forgot the words you've said, but my memory isn't any better either. I forgot who my parents were and their names. So, what right do you have to tell me what I should do when you're a nobody to me? Mister and Mrs. Os."

"You...You're such a waste of my rice! Who raised you up to be like this? Who do you even take after? Speaking in such a disrespectful manner to your parents! You really don't surrender until I beat you to tears!" He stood up from his seat with the coffee mug in his hand.

His fingers loosened its strength around the handle. In a swift manner, his arm swung across his torso. A loud shattering crack sounded against the wall where an explosive mess decorated the clean, white wall. Dark brown coffee stains tainted the wall.

Shocked by the violent bang against the wall, Kyla's mother rotated her body towards the mug fragments on the floor. The tray she was carrying had fruits and a sharp knife on it. When she turned her body sideways abruptly, the sharp end of the knife pointed towards Kyla's direction.

Before she could react to the following events, a piercing scream could be heard to her left side. Right after he smashed his mug to pieces, he raised his hand to slap Kyla's cheeks. Kyla ducked once his hand was at a close distance. Due to her sudden movement, he missed, and his hand landed on the fruit knife on the tray.

The sharp tip of the knife penetrated his palm deeply, causing him to groan in agony. As he applied pressure to his bloody palm, Kyla's mother screamed at Kyla for causing such a ruckus. "How could you do this to your father?! He was looking out for your own good! He wants you to have a good life, yet you did this to him!! What are you standing there for? Call an ambulance!"

Listening to such accusations made Kyla laugh pitifully for her parents. "This is what he owed me for trying to make me sick. It is karma for his beating. Did I tell him to slap me? Did I tell him I would stand still for him to beat me? Also, did I not respect the two of you enough or was it the two of you that lost all my respect? Think about it."

She stepped backwards before turning around once more. "Like I said, I don't ever recall having any parents. As for an ambulance, you know the number better than I do. Call them yourselves. At least this time, the number isn't called for your daughter. After today, I won't ever come back here. Don't worry about me becoming a nuisance to you."

Kyla left her keys on top of the cabinet by the main entrance and walked out with a smile on her face. "Let's go and check out my dorms!" She smiled brightly as she stretched her arm around Jessica's shoulders.

"Alright! Let's go!" Jessica giggled when she saw her best friend smile again. It's been such a long time since she has last seen her carefree smile.

Around 10 P.M., a taxi arrived in front of the Os residence. Isaac stepped out in an anxious state. He usually rang the doorbell once, but tonight, he pressed it continuously until someone opened the door.

"Auntie Os! Is Kyla asleep? Can I talk to her?" Isaac panted breathlessly as if he had run miles to get here.

Before she could give him a response, Kyla's father stepped out with a bandaged hand. He replied, "She already moved. Don't come here to ask about her."

The door slammed close, leaving Isaac helpless and confused. Since the lights in Kyla's room were switched off, he decided to come back the next day. At the end, he took the taxi back to his house.

Upon entering Wang residence, he saw Jessica sitting on the couch. He asked, "Jess, have you seen Kyla today? She was acting weird earlier, and I couldn't get a hold of her. I'm very worried about her. Her phone was switched off."

"Isaac, are you asking me this as a friend or my brother? Haven't I given you enough hints for the past three years and a half? Or were you just blind? What did Kyla tell you when she saw you today? Did she confess? And you? What was your response? Probably something that hurt her again. I've warned you before that if you don't like her then don't get close to her anymore. It will only hurt her."

Jessica's strict tone made him straighten his back from where he stood. Turning around, she looked at him with an unimpressed face. "You know, for someone who received many scholarships, your EQ is quite low. Have you taken a good look at the silly girl when she came to look for you earlier? Did you notice how pale she was even with the lip tint on?! You idiot."

"Was she sick? I went to her house just now and her parents seemed weird. Tell me, Jess. I was in a rush earlier and told her we would talk when I came back. I noticed how bad her expression was when I left, so I tried getting out of the car. Mom instructed the driver to lock me inside until I get to City Z. At the end, I couldn't get away. I literally hopped back on the taxi to come back and couldn't find her anywhere!"

After spitting everything out in one breath, he exhaled a huge breath. Jessica stared at him with the same eagle shaped eyes. Her hand combed halfway through her short hair, supporting the back of her head.

"Isaac Wang, let me ask you. Since we were young, mom has taught us to choose people from prestigious families for every choice we made. While everyone stayed a great distance from us, only Kyla would be our friend. We were childhood friends, but have you really only thought of her as a sister? Did you protect her the same way you protected me? Or did you purposely numb yourself with words that even you couldn't believe because you knew mom would be against it?"

Seeing how still he stood, Jessica continued talking common sense to him. "Think about it carefully. Whenever she told you she liked you, you would always respond with your classic line. 'I like you too as a sister.' Why did you subconsciously repeat the word 'sister' to yourself/? Is it really to convince her or was it to convince yourself? Every time something happens to her; you're the first to look anxious."

"What If I told you she was beaten by her parents and was sent to the hospital countless times? What if I told you she cried alone trying to fight her parents all along just to stay by your side? What if she is getting tired of loving you and has decided to give up on you? Isaac, what will you do then? Will you stand here like an idiot to ask me about her or would you run to her like a man and chase her back?"

Her knuckles turned white at the thought of the conversation she heard this afternoon. She was enraged by the fact that such parents exist! Now that Isaac was standing in front of her, how could she let him off without adding an ounce of guilt to his heart?

Isaac studied Jessica's calm composure. He knew she wasn't the type to joke around with such serious topics. "Where is she right now?" His heart was pounding against his ribcage, trying to jump out of his chest when he waited for her response. He was afraid Kyla was injured at the hospital.

"She is at the airport, waiting for the midnight flight with Zach. It's a flight to go overseas. You probably didn't know, but Kyla's parents wanted her to go overseas. She already moved everything out of her room today." Jessica purposely spoke pieces of facts to scare him. 'Hmph, who told you to make my dear cry? Plus, she is at the airport to see Zach off. Everything I said was facts.'

Immediately upon hearing her words, his eyes wandered all over the room for his car keys. Taking the keys from the hook on the wall, Isaac began calculating the time it'll take him to reach the airport. There was only one international airport, so it wasn't difficult for him to figure out where to go.

By the time he arrived at the airport, it was already 11:30 P.M. As he searched around for Kyla, he heard someone calling out to her. He watched from a distance as Zach approached Kyla and extended his hand out to take luggage from her hands.

"No! Kyla! Don't go with him!" Isaac shouted and rushed over to stop her from handing her bags to him.

Kyla's head turned to face Isaac and her hand froze in midair. She wanted to ask him many questions and clarify the situation, but Zach pulled on her wrist lightly. Shifting her gaze from Isaac to Zach, a sudden excitement ran through her bloodstream. She realized what Isaac was here for and a glimpse of hope tugged her heart.

Before Isaac could reach her, Zach blocked his way. "And who are you to tell her not to go abroad? You're Isaac right? The guy she liked for all these years and never gave her a glance? What makes you think you're a better man who could give her the happiness she deserves? Where were you when she cried weakly when she was sick? Where were you when she needed your comfort? Where were you when she felt the need to chase and catch up to you?"

Staring deep into Zach's eyes, Isaac admitted he missed out a lot in the past few years. "You're right, I am in no position to ask her to stay but if I don't, then I will lose my final chance. Kyla, this idiot finally figured it out. I always said I liked you as a sister because I was conscious of my feelings."

"I was constantly reminding myself to not pass the line because my mother wanted me to marry some girl from a rich family since young. But after you confessed to me, I started changing. I was the idiot who ran away and hid like a turtle. For the past years, I've slowly made changes to give you a more comfortable future. Even if you leave today, it'll be my fault. But even so, I want to risk it. I've rejected you many times, yet you continued chasing after me. This time, it's my turn to come after you."

As he spoke genuinely, he met Kyla's gaze. Initially, he wanted to sort everything out first before telling her anything. Now, it was his last chance to make her stay with him.

"It's true. I wasn't by your side and possibly missed out all my luck to keep you to myself. For the past three years, we were on and off in contacting each other, but other than work, I was sorting out my relationship with my parents. In the past years, I started my own company and slowly got out of my parents control. At first, I wasn't sure what motivated me into going my own way, but now I have an answer. It's because I want to give the girl I love a more comfortable life. I want her to live and smile the way she loves to. I don't want any rich heiress nor do I need the eldest son of the Wang family's status. All I ever needed was you."

"Kyla Os, this idiot doesn't need you to chase after me anymore. Instead, it will be me running after you. I love you. I promise I will put you as my priority. I missed out on times when you were sick in the past, but I won't miss out any part of your life anymore. I will be there for you. It's not you running to stand next to me. Instead, it is me who will use my shortest time to catch up to you."

"I'm prepared to get my ticket at the counter to follow you abroad. If you reject me, I'll get back on my feet and try again. Just like the many times and years you've spent on me; I, too, want to find out every side of you. I'll become someone you could lean on for life and protect you from people who harm you."

Understanding where this confession was heading toward, Zach stepped aside to let the couple greet each other. Since nothing was blocking the space between them anymore, the two of them slowly walked forward to meet the other halfway.

Her eyes reddened as her voice rasped. Sucking on her lower lip, she asked. "What if the person against our relationship is your mother or my parents? What if the world views us differently? If these incidents happen, will you continue holding this hand of mine or would you easily let go?" She extended her arm out, waiting to hear his response.

Isaac smiled gently as he took her hand in his and replied to her worries. "No matter if it is my parents, your parents or the universe against us, I won't waver. I love you, and I don't need the Wang family status to live. I have limbs. As for this hand of yours, once you permit me to hold it, I will never let you go."

The tears blurring her vision fell down her cheeks. Her voice trembled as she let out a soft whisper. "So confident?"

He responded with simple words. "Of course." Rummaging through his pocket, he took out a jewelry box and pulled out a diamond ring. He easily slipped the ring onto her engagement finger and smiled. "With this, nobody can ever separate us."

"Who said I would marry you?!" She stared at her hand in disbelief that he actually knew her finger size.

"Ah, right. We need a witness and a contract. How about we sign one right here?" He winked with a wide grin on his face.

"Hey! Now I went from fiancée to being your wife! Who says I would sign it?" She playfully hit his chest while he wiped away the tears on her face.

"Oh? Then you admit me to being my fiancée, Kyla. Then, we can wait a few years before we get our red books stamped" The couple's loving moment was interrupted by Zach's dry cough on the side. They forgot about his existence.

When both their attention was on him, Zach asked Kyla for his luggage. "Sorry, but I have a flight to catch. Can I get my luggage? Since you won my trust in handing this silly girl over to you, make sure to take good care of her. And don't worry, there is only one flight ticket. She wasn't going anywhere but home after seeing me off."

"When I come back in the future, you two better be sweet as hell for giving me dog food right before my flight. And you, even if you make her cry make sure to buy some eye cream and eye masks for her. And you, you can bully him all you want but don't ever have him test you on your literature or history. It'll make him want to carve a hole in the wall. Before I leave, though, I have a gift for you, Isaac."

"Your fiancée once scored one out of twenty on her literature practice tests. Here's the gift. You'll thank me later when you try helping her study. It was a huge miracle she passed that university exam. If you ever help her study history, you might consider wanting to cushion your walls." Zach waved his hand after taking the luggage from Kyla.

The couple waited until Zach's flight took off. While holding each other's hands tightly, they watched the airplane take off.

Isaac whispered, "Let's go back?"

"Mm. I can't for back to the dorms nor my house, though." Her lips twitched when she read the time on her phone.

"Then, you can stay over and sleep with Jess. We have a lot to catch up on." He chuckled.

- Back to present -

Kyla cupped her cheeks with a sweet smile stretched across her face. "And that was how we became engaged. You see what I mean by how I had to boil, steam and fry his hard-shelled head? Sheesh."

When she looked around the room, Kyla realized Yi Wei was already dead asleep on the air mattress with her arms hugging the edges of it. At the same time, Celinda was fighting her eyes from closing. Seeing how tired everyone looked, Kyla sighed. "Should we call it a night?"

Selina giggled, "Sure. They look so tired, so let's go to bed. By the way, congratulations on devouring your egg at the end. It's such a beautiful love story even though you encountered many obstacles."

The corner of Kyla's lips curved upwards, "Thank you, but Mrs. Hui... You've also came a long way to marry your hubby too. Congratulations to you and Jason."

"Alright. Alright. Congratulations to the both of you for stuffing dog food to my face. My lovely sisters~ Shall we help these two sleepyheads to slumber first? Celinda is about to pass out from leaning against the bed. Hahaha and look at Yi Wei! She's already hugging the mattress!"

The trio shrugged as they got up from their seat and helped settle Celinda to bed. Meanwhile, Kyla spread a thin blanket to cover Yi Wei's body. After they were done settling the girls down, Jessica and Selina cleaned up the floor and tiptoed out of the room.

Releasing a silent sigh, both of them whispered. "Now, it's only us left for the night."