My Wife is the Only Exception

The golden curtains hung in generous folds on a circular rail, blocking outsiders from views of the inside.

Patiently, a female staff stood in a professional manner, waiting for Jason to finish trying on the customized suit he ordered. Upon hearing the high-heel taps to her left, the staff turned her head sideways. She greeted, "Manager Len."

Manager Len nodded in response and read the name tag hanging outside the changing room. After confirming Jason's name, she hooked her finger upwards and gestured the staff to follow her outside. Seeing the closed curtains, the staff hurriedly trailed behind the manager.

Once they reached a quiet spot where Jason could not hear their conversation, Manager Len spoke. "Lisa, you can go restock the shelves. Mister Hui is a diamond VIP at our store. I will personally take over assisting him."

Lisa gave Manager Len a dirty look before proceeding to her new task. It was not the first time the manager used her authority to distribute random tasks to the staff whenever Jason came to the store. Her main objective was clear - she wanted her niece to show up in front of Jason as much as she can.

Right after Lisa left to restock the shelves, a tall, slim woman appeared. The manager smiled, "Wan Wan, you're here. Quickly, go. Jason is changing right now. Try your best this time!"

Hearing her aunt's encouraging words, Wan Wan nodded and walked towards the changing room section. Wan Wan's face glowed from the thick layer of foundation that was a shade lighter than her actual skin tone. Though her skin was not considered bad, she hated the enlarged pores and freckles on her face. Hence, she decided to follow the beauty trends and painted her face with high coverage foundation to fit in with society standards.

Her eyeliner extended out from the corner of her eyes, curving upwards to form a wing. The mascara she used lengthened and added volume to her fake eyelashes. Her red gradient lips stretched widely when she heard that she had another opportunity to serve Jason. She was determined to get his attention this time! For the past years, Jason had physically appeared in the store for less than ten times. Each time he came, she would assist him and take fancy of his coolness.

In the previous times she had served him, she would speak until her throat went sore. However, Jason would barely express any interest in her. He would say which items he wanted to purchase and then leave without saying anything extra. Now that he came again, she was determined to melt his cold heart!

When Jason and Selina walked into the store before, Manager Len was in a monthly meeting with the superiors. The staff kept quiet when they saw Selina's presence. It was the first time he brought a girl to the store and acted intimate with someone. The staff gathered together in a small circle and decided to not tell the manager that he came with a partner. Since Manager Len loved pushing Wan Wan to woo Jason, the staff wanted to have them face reality.

"Oh my! That black suit matches you perfectly, Mister Hui!" Wan Wan couldn't help but compliment him the minute she saw Jason stepping out of the changing room.

The familiar high-pitch voice nearly pierced his ears, causing him to frown slightly. He recalled Wan Wan's voice because she was the one who assisted him and tried pairing his outfits. One of the things Jason hated about shopping was the sales associates who try making more business by shoving items to his face. As a result, his impression of Wan Wan was not good at all. Still, she was only doing her job, so he didn't complain much.

Step by step, Wan Wan's smile looked more dazzling. She walked in front of him and studied the classic dinner suit paired with black shirt and neck tie he was wearing. The charm he emitted almost made her lose her composure. "Ah, Mister Hui, your tie is slightly crooked. Let me help you."

Extending her hands to the black necktie, she felt her heart race as she imagined herself tying his tie every morning for him. 'Every successful man has a woman to support him at home! Heh, he's the same.' She thought to herself as she thought about the luxury of living with a rich handsome guy like him.

Unfortunately, her dream shattered to pieces when Jason rotated his body sideways, took out his phone and kept a fair distance from her. He said, "Sorry, I don't like people touching me."

His response placed her in an awkward position as she retracted her hands. To cover up the embarrassment she felt, she replied in a joking way. "Pardon my impulsive actions, it's a habit of mine to help customers fix clothes. Since Mister Hui doesn't like people touching you, I wonder if your future spouse would have the same treatment."

Though she tried calming down her emotions from his rejection, she couldn't stop her curiosity from running. She wondered if he would be the type to dote on his wife and ignore others. If yes, then she had her eyes on the right man.

Shortly after she said those words, Jason's lips curled up. "My wife is the only exception."

Focusing his attention solely on his phone screen, he texted Selina to see if she was done changing. A minute after his message was delivered, Selina read it and replied saying she was almost ready.

Text messages:

Selina: "I'm almost ready, but I'm feeling thirsty."

Jason: "I'll order milk tea for you. Same old?"

Selina: "Mm! Hubby is the best! Muahhh"

A soft chuckle left his mouth when he saw her message. Lifting his head up, he found Wan Wan staring in a daze. He asked, "Excuse me, how many employees are on shift right now?"

"Huh? Oh, about ten staffs including myself are working." She looked confused when she heard his question. Suddenly, her heart began pounding against her rib cage at the thought of him requesting for a different staff.

A minute later, Jason took out a one hundred dollar bill from his wallet and asked her for a favor. "Can you do me a favor and order a large Roasted Oolong milk tea with no ice, tapioca and pudding from the Boba Island Cafe in the mall? You can ask the other staff what they want and order something for yourself as well. This should be enough to cover the cost. If it isn't, then let me know and I'll pay for it. Thank you."