I Don't Want These Anymore

Manager Len quickly pushed Wan Wan out of the changing room and stood outside to make sure the couple wouldn't do anything inappropriate. This time, they stood from a distance to eavesdrop on them. Their ears wiggled, but they couldn't hear what the couple was saying to each other.

Wan Wan took this opportunity to complain to her aunt about how Selina seduced Jason in front of her. As she spoke, she didn't pay attention to the volume of her voice. Though the people inside the changing room couldn't hear her, everyone else in the store could hear her clearly.

Right before the staff tried calling Manager Len for customer assistance, a familiar figure halted the staff. She placed her index finger on her lips when she heard Jason's name coming out of Wan Wan's mouth.

"That vixen is so fucking short that her legs are like roasted duck. That dress is too fancy for someone like her who has such low status. She's only after Jason Hui for his money, yet he is so blinded by her. I don't even understand how her sheep looking hair looked good with the outfit. He must have never tried dating quality girls like me. How am I lacking in any way compared to her?"

Hearing the disgusting words floating out of Wan Wan's mouth, the customer stood aside to continue listening to their conversation.

As Wan Wan continued ranting about what she had seen in the changing room, her eyes landed on the bottle of makeup remover that she brought to work earlier. A thought rose to her mind as she said, "I got an idea. Jason is only with that vixen because he didn't see her without makeup. I'm pretty sure that is some fake skin she has on her face. No way will someone's skin look this healthy. When they come out, I'll find the right time to pour this on her face. Jason will go change soon, so he won't be standing with her. Once he sees her hideous face without makeup, he will know what's best for him."

Her plan was exposed loud and clear for everyone to hear. The customer who was waiting for Manager Len told the staff she will go up to her later. Recognizing the customer as one of their top Platinum VIPs, the staffs didn't say anything and resumed their work.

It took less than five minutes for Selina to change out of her dress. When she stepped out in an oversized hoodie with rose designs on both sleeves paired with black leggings, she handed the dress to him. He asked, "Do you still want this dress? We can look for another, or I could have a new one customized for you to wear at the party."

"Why would I not want this dress? This is a dress that you specifically ordered to have it customized just for me. It's a present from my hubby. Plus, you probably paid for it already, so it is a waste to not wear it. Plus, the dress itself is pretty. Why would these unrelated strangers affect how much I value this dress? They're unworthy." Selina gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Chuckling, Jason returned the kiss. "At the end of the day, you're accepting this gift because of me. Alright. I'll listen to whatever my wife says." He took her hand in his and proceeded to exit the changing room.

Since there were many staffs staring at them, Selina made an excuse to walk around the store. "You go change quickly. I want to look around the store. There are more staffs around, so they can't do anything to me. If they do, there are cameras and we have enough lawyers waiting for a new lawsuit."

"Alright." Jason hesitantly let her hand go. He spotted security guards patrolling, so he knew nobody would get away if something does happen.

After making sure Jason had gone into the changing room, Manager Len kept watch for Wan Wan. With a bottle of makeup remover in her hand, Wan Wan approached Selina from behind. She called out to Selina, "Miss, how may I help you?"

The moment Selina turned around, Wan Wan raised the bottle of makeup remover to pour it on her. Right before the content poured out, a figure stepped on the bench, pulled Selina away and snatched the bottle from Wan Wan's hand.

"Whoops!" The petite lady poured the entire bottle of makeup remover onto Wan Wan's face until the very last drip of remover was gone.

"Ahhhhh!!!!!My eyes!!!" Wan Wan's terrifying scream echoed throughout the store as she rubbed her eyes. Her hair was soaked and entire face became a mess. The mascara gunk fell from her eyelashes and slid down her face in trails of ink. The thick foundation was mixed into a puddle as she wiped her face with her sleeves and hand.

Seeing how haggard her appearance became, none of the staff volunteered to help. Instead, they took out their phones and recorded videos of what was happening. Some went on live stream to show their friends. Wan Wan had always bullied them using her personal identity as the manager's niece. If they weren't afraid of Manager Len's authority, they would've drowned Wan Wan in spit already. Finally, karma bit her ass!

Stunned, Selina finally snapped out of daze and looked at the woman next to her who was holding the empty bottle in her hands. "Mom? Why are you here?"

Hearing Selina call her mother, everyone turned their attention on the pair. At the same time, Jason had finished changing and felt annoyed when he encountered Manager Len the minute he pulled the curtains open. He tried ignoring her, but she deliberately blocked his path.

Afraid that something was happening to Selina outside, he threatened to sue her if she didn't get out of his way. When he ran out to look for Selina, he saw the drenched Wan Wan rubbing her face. Standing in front of her was Selina and his mother-in-law.

Seeing the angry expression on his mother-in-law's face, he knew something must have happened during the few minutes he was gone. Suddenly, he felt like his life would also be at stake.

"Jason!" Rosanna called out his name and got off the bench with Selina's help.