
The sound of metal scraping against a chalkboard pierced through Justin and Jordan's ears. Bothered by the screeching rhythms, they shifted their heads away from the source.

With thick headsets covering their ears, the couple and several guards were unaffected by the terrifying screech. When the surface of the chalkboard became ruined, the guard replaced it with plates. This time, they walked closer to the two prisoners and scraped the metal fork against the plate.

While the two of them suffered and gritted their teeth, the rock music played in the headset motivated everyone to dance along. Following the beats of the song, the guards started fastening their pace in creating tunes that'll cause brains to bleed.

As if the piercing scrapes weren't enough, the guards tossed away the bent forks and ruined plates. Another guard carried boxes of balloons and handed a sewing needle to them.

With one prick, the air inside the balloon began escaping from the balloon. Holding the balloon next to their ear, the guards forced the air to target their ears.

The gentle breezes kissed their ears, causing an irresistible itch. Their faces scrunched together, revealing their tightly clenched teeth.

From an outsider's view, the torment was pretty obvious. Still, it wasn't enough to make them speak the truth. Since their lips weren't willing to pry open and confess, the guards proceeded to their next plan.

One guard shook a bottle of hairspray while the other held onto a balloon. After the hairspray was ready, the guard sprayed it on both balloons. Using a piece of double-sided tape, the guard secured the balloons at a safe distance from Justin and Jordan's body.

A match was lit and flames engulfed the balloons. Very quickly, the balloons exploded by their ears. If their hearts were weak, the explosive sound would've given them a heart attack.

Seeing the boxes of balloons on the floor and countless tools scattered around the room, Justin's courage began to waver. Uneasiness broke through his determination to not speak the truth. Soon, his lips parted and voice shouted in high volume. Reading his lips, Eric put a stop to the tormenting. They took off their headsets and listened to what Justin had to say.

"I'll confess! I'll confess. Our big boss is-" Justin panted as his eyes wandered around the room. Suddenly, his eyes enlarged, and blood tainted his scleras. Blood dripped out of his ears and nose. Before he could rat out the mastermind behind everything, he was silenced forever.

"No! No!!!!! Justin! My son! I told you to not tell the damn truth! I told you not to have such thoughts!!! Once you have those thoughts, they'll destroy you!" Jordan exclaimed, sobbing in front of his son's corpse.

Rosanna gestured the guard to check Justin's pulse. The guard placed his fingers on Justin's neck and shook his head in response. She waved her hand and let the guard return to his post.

"How did he die so suddenly? We definitely didn't give him any drugs or poison. His death was pretty mysterious. Well? Are you going to let your son die just like that? How are you guys being controlled?" Eric studied the way Justin died in front of them. According to what Jordan had said, Eric could somewhat conclude the cause of his death.

"Hahahaha! Did you think it would be this easy to defeat our big boss? Let me tell you. Our big boss will take over the Clover family! Since Justin died, I have no point in living either. I'll give you a hint that our minds are being monitored. Once we have betrayal in our minds, this is our end." Jordan grinned evilly and let out a provocative laugh. In a matter of seconds, his head bobbed downwards and his pulse was gone.

Blood dripped out of his face just like Justin. Facing the two bloody corpses on the wall, Rosanna took a deep breath. Helplessly, she shrugged and looked at her husband. "They died just like that. What a pity."

Eric wrapped his arm around her shoulder and tried comforting her. "At least we found out that their big boss is someone other than them."

"Useless information. I'd rather know who that big shot is! There's another meaning behind this!" She pouted in displease.

"What?" He looked at her pitiful expression and pinched her cheeks softly.

"I need to restock my eye masks! Lord knows how many more sleepless nights I'll have from this stupid enemy!" Rosanna complained about the ruined plan.

Listening carefully, Eric understood the hidden meaning behind her words. He chuckled, "already ordered. It'll be delivered in two days."

"Hah! Always a step ahead of your wife, huh?" Rosanna placed her hands on her hips and lifted her head up playfully.

"If I don't step up my game, how will I woo my wife every day? Let's go home and get some rest." Eric clipped her nose between his index and middle finger lightly.

"Hubby, carry me!" She spread her arms out like a child. Seconds later, Rosanna found herself swooped up in his arms as he walked up the staircase.

"As you wish, my queen." Eric carried her in his arms protectively until they reached home.

Meanwhile, in a technology filled room where computer screens flickered with thousands of surveillance cameras, a group of five people were sitting by their work stations. Behind them, stood their boss, the leader of the team. A few minutes ago, he had given them orders to set the microchips implanted in Justin and Jordan's brain on self-destructive mode. Once the brain signals from Justin and Jordan were lost, their boss praised them for their efficiency.

"Hah! Snitches don't get stitches. They get eliminated and end up in ditches. These traitors actually thought about giving the Clovers my information? Hah, in your dreams." The middle-aged man mockingly spoke as he exited the lab.